Me: Omg Drew your popular :O

Drew: No duh -.-

Me: .

Drew: What

Me: Nvm your not my type

Drew: Huh

Me: Nothing, wheres May

Drew: Shes at home

Me: How did you know where she was o.o


Me:...please enjoy i dont own anything .

May was surrounded the instant she stepped into the high school parking lot. Everyone was there, the whole crowd she didn't seen since late June, plus four or five hangers-on who hoped to gain popularity by association. One by one she accepted the welcoming hugs for her own group.

Brianna had grown at least an inch and was slinkier and more like a Vogue model than ever. She greeted May coolly and stepped back again with her blue eyes ( Is that right? does she have blue eyes...i hope so xD) narrowed like a bunny. ( sorry i just had to write that xD)

Misty hadn't grown at all, and her curly red head barley came up to May's chin as she flung her arms around May. 'Wait a minute-curls?' Thought May. She pushed the smaller girl back.

"Misty! What did you do to your hair?"

"Do you like it? I think it makes me look taller." Misty fluffed up already fluffy bangs and smiled, her green eyes sparkling with excitement, her little heart shaped face alight.

May moved on. "Dawn. You haven't changed at all."

This hug was equally warm on both sides. 'She had missed Dawn more than anyone,' May thought, looking at the tall girl. Dawn never wore any makeup; but then, with perfect olive skin and heavy black lashes, she didn't need any. Right now she had one elegant eyebrow raised as she studied May.

"Well your hair is two shades lighter from the sun...But where's your tan? I thought you were living up on the French Riviera."

"You know I never tan." May help up her hands for her own inspection. The skin was flawless, like porcelain, but almost as fair and translucent as Misty.

"Just a minute; that reminds me," Misty interjected, snatching one of May's hand. "Guess what I learned from my cousin this summer?" Before anyone could speak, she informed them on triumphantly: "Palm reading!"

There were groans, and some laughter.

"Laugh while you can," Said Misty, not at all disturbed. " My cousin told me I'm psychic. Now let me see..."

She peered into May's palm.

"Hurry up or we're going to be late," said May a bit impatiently.

"All right, all right. Now, this is your life line-or is it your heart line?" In the crowds, someone snickered.

"Quiet, I'm reaching into the void. I see...I see..." All at once, Misty's face went blank, as if she were startled. Her green eyes widened, but she no longer seemed to be staring at May's hand. It was as if she were looking through it-at something frightening.

"You will meet a tall, dark stranger," Dawn murmured from behind her. There was a flurry of giggles.

"Dark, yes, and a stranger...but not tall.' Misty's voice hushed and faraway.

"Although," she continued after a moment, looking puzzled, "he was tall, once." Her wide green eyes lifted to May's in bewilderment. "But that's impossible...isn't it?" She dropped May's hand, almost flinging it away. " I dont want to see any more."

"Okay, shows over. Let's go," May told the others vaguely irritated. She always felt psychic tricks were just that-tricks. So why was she annoyed? Just because that morning she'd almost freaked out herself...

The girls started toward the school building, but the roar of the finely tuned motor stopped them all in their tracks.

"Well now," Brianna said, staring. " Quite a car."

"Quite a Porsche," Dawn corrected dryly. The sleek black 911 Turbo purred through the parking lot, searing for space, moving as lazily as a panther stalking prey.

When the car came to a stop, the door opened, and they glimpsed the driver.

"Oh, my God,' Brianna whispered.

"You can say that again," breathed Misty.

From where she stood, May could see he had a lean, flat- muscled body. Faded jeans he probably had to peel off at night, tight T-shirt, and a leather jacket of unusual cut. His hair was straight- and green.

He wasn't tall, though. Just average height.

May let out her breath.

Who is that masked man?" said Dawn. And the remark was apt-dark sunglasses completely covered the boy's eyes, shielding his face like a mask.

"That masked stranger," Someone else said, and a babble of voices rose up.

"Do you see that jacket? That's Italian, as in Roma."

"How would you know? You've never been farther than Rome, New York, in your life!"

"Uh-Oh. May's got that look again. The hunting look."

"Short-Dark-and-Handsome had better be careful."

"He isnt short; hes perfect!" (Going to bed XD, ill be back after i wake up :D, ZZZZZ)

(13 hrs later...i' awake now xD)

Through the chatter, Brianna's voice suddenly rang out. " Oh, come on, May. You've already got Matt. What more do you want? What can you do with that you can't do with one?"

"The same thing-only longer," drawled Dawn, and was walking toward and the group dissolved into laughter.

The boy had locked his car and was walking towards the school. Casually, May stared after him, the other girls right behind her in a close-knit pack. For an instant, annoyance bubbled up inside her. Couldn't she go anywhere without a parade on her heels? But Dawn caught her eye, and she smiled in spite of herself.

"Noblesse oblige," Dawn said solfty.


"If you're going to be queen of the school, you have to put up with the consequences."

May frowned at this as they entered the building. A long corridor stretched before them, and a figure in jeans and a leather jacket was dissapearing into the office doorway up ahead. May slowed her pace as she walked up to the office, finally stopping to glance thoughtfully at the messages on the cork bulletin board by the door. There was a large window here, though which the entire office was visible

Me: Was that a cliffhanger?

Drew: I'm not sure, i dont read contestshipping stories

Me: Yes you do .

Drew: Noo...

Me: Yes...

May: Hey whats going on?

Me: MAY WHERE WERE YOU, did Drew rape you again?

May and Drew: WHAT!

Me: ._. please review