Tori: *sweatdrop* Talon, could you send me those addresses again???


Wahoo! Time for phase two! *excited* Let's see if I can post this whole thing in here...Yep! Alright, enjoy.

1. Name (first, middle, Confirmation if Catholic, maiden if married, AND last) and nom de plume (^o^ fancy word for pseudonym)
Kerry Ann Catherine Erlanger (a.k.a. Guardian Spirit)

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Girlfriend/ Boyfriend
*sigh* Unfortinatly, I am destined to grow up to be an smelly old spinster with 300 cats as my only companions. I mean, love is blossoming all over the world and I'm stuck here sitting at the boring beach, looking like the human equivalent of a dalmation, next to my dad who has a weird feminine-looking straw hat on.
o.O;;;; sorry

5. What do you look like? O.o
a duck

6. Favorite Band
I have two- Oasis and Two-Mix

7.Least Favorite Band
NYSNC, not that they can even be considered a band...

8. Favorite Song
"Live Forever" - Oasis

9. What's your personal motto?
don't have one, but if I did it would be, um....*thinks* i don't know, something like 'Make love, not war', ya know, hippish.

10. What kind of idiot ARE you?
a bizarre one

11. What was your favorite year of school and fondest memory from it?

favorite year of school? hmm, well, so far I'd have to say 8th grade. My favorite memory was when we went on this school trip.

12. What is your favorite word?
groovy ^_____^

13. What is your least favorite word?
don't have one. I love every word!

14. What was (is) you graduating prank?

Don't know yet, but I will have one eventually. I have 4 years to think about that.

15. What's your SINGLE favorite anime (besides Gundam Wing, because we know you love us the most)
I'd have to say Ronin Warriors.

16. Would you strike against Bandai if Duet held another sit-in on their front step oh, say… six-ish?
*plops down on the groud* HELL NO! WE WON'T GO!

17. Who is your hero?
I'm not sure really

18. Why?

19. Write me a short haiku, please.

*snorts* whatever you say....*continues on to next question*

20. Bulbasaur- animal or plant?

21. Are you a nice person?
Oh yes, very

22. Can I have your phone number?

Only Duo can have my phone number

23. Hobby/ies?
writing of course!

24. What's your theme song? (a.k.a. If you busted out on the silver screen, what'd be playing in the background?)
"Walking on Sunshine"...forget who sings it

25. Who's your best friend?
I have a few

26. What are you wearing right now?

this bright pink tye-dyed shirt and khaki shorts

27. For $50 bucks, would you take it off?
I'm getting paid to do that now? Wow!

28. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Sorry, but we don't intend to grow up)
Grow up? Ha ha ha ha ha ha

29. In three words, describe what makes someone beautiful.

three words? that's hard. there are a millon things that make people beautiful, you can't describe it in three words.

30. You were really looking foreword this chapter, only to be disappointed, weren't you?
actually, no. I love filling these things out! ^__^

31. Um… Who is you're favorite Gundam pilot?
*clutches to shield for safety* If I really had to pick, I'd have to say....Trowa.

32. What is the meaning of life?
I agree, the answer to this question is 42.

33. Chubakabra, The Stupid Crazy Monkey Cats With Weed, or The Monsignor Kennedys?
The Stupid Crazy Monkey Cats With Weed

34. What's your favorite literature genre(s)? (humor, angst, romance…)

35. Know any languages?

a little German, English, and French

36. Who is your favorite FanFiction author?
Besides Tori (hehehe), I'd have to say Jayde Star.

37. Should we stop teasing Trowa and Michelle {Princess}?

Oh no, go right ahead and continue.

38. Is Jell-O solid or liquid?
uh, neither?

39 Doesn't the song Cruel Angel's Thesis kick ass?

I've actually never heard it before.

40. Would you rather eat a Spicy Stewed Doughnut or Mochi?


41. If you had five dollars and a pool noodle, WHAT WOULD YOU DO!?

*wicked grin* Well, I'd first take the 5 dollars and buy more noodles, then I'd tie them together and go bungee jumping!

42. How many fanfictions have you published?

Three, maybe four.

43. Favorite compass direction? (North, West…)

44. Favorite ice cream flavor?

Phish Food

45. Favorite non-anime TV show?

Lizzie McGuire

46. Favorite subject at school? (Don't BS us with crap like 'recess' or 'lunch' either…)

Social Studies

47. Favorite, uhhh…ummm…Eh, heh… Pokémon?


48. Who do you want to see run for president of the U.S.A.?


49. Why?

because it would be amusing to see what she would do with the country

50. Now wasn't this disappointingly sucky?

no it wasn't, I enjoyed that.