~Notes from Minagi~

Hey all! My story was deleted, so I had to reload it…damn. .

Well, anyway, just a review, if you see something that looks totally out of place (example: God only knows what she's thinking. Man I wish I did. He wanted to ask her…yeah, I think you get it), the person is thinking! When I originally typed this, it was in Italics, so it looked so much better. Also, when the scene changes suddenly (like when it changes from Ryoko's room at night to by the lake at sunset…this mostly applies to the first three or four chapters, not including this one), just keep in mind, the original draft looked better. They're two different points in time, not the same…if you can understand that. I think you'll start to get it once you start to read.

On a further note, I think I should explain when this story takes place. It takes place after the OVA series, and from the episode where Nagi comes along in the TV series (No Need for Arch Rivals) on. So, in other words, Kiyone is in existence, Ryoko is a resurrected demon/demon summoner, and Tsunami and Sasami are one in the same. Oh yeah! Zero and Ryoko are assimilated. I think you can take it from there.

This IS a Tenchi and Ryoko story, and it has come to my attention that I may have strayed from that relationship POV for a chapter or two. Actually, if you look hard enough, I don't really stray from it, it's there, just…not as…for lack of better terms…OBVIOUS as people think it should be.

All characters (except Kyoko, Haruki, and any other character whom I happen to make up along the way) belong to Pioneer and AIC. Don't sue me for making this. I really have nothing to lose, considering I'm dead broke ninety-five percent of the time.

Oh, yes, one last thing. To all flamers, you can post what you like, bitch all you want, send me hate mail and death threats, ect. Etc., but you know, what I will say in response? Unless you have a good strong backup, my reply will be "I don't give a crap." I know I say that in my review listing, but not everyone reads the review listings, so I figured I could say it here.

I think I've bothered you enough with a pre-story author's rant (damn, that was longer than I intended it to be), so I'll shut up (for now) and let you get on with the story. Any questions, comments, suggestions, praise, hatemail, bomb threats, ways to hack into my best friend's PC, Etc. Etc. blah blah blah, send them to [email protected].

Oh, yeah! PLEASE REVIEW!!!! I love hearing from you guys! I won't trash any of you, don't worry!
