Chapter 2: The Betrayer

At the word Blood-Binder everyone in a hooded black robe looked at me. The group all exchanged glances with each other then nodded in unison. The blade pressed on my neck. It felt cold to the touch. Xane and Willow also got blades pressed to their necks. We were all dragged to our feet. The robed person pressed their body to mine and held me in a tight unhumanly grip. My arms could not move. Looking at Willow I saw her thrash. Black magic coming from every place she could summon it.

On the way there the floor turned into brick. The air started too smell musty. The robed people dragged us about two blocks then stopped in an alley clearing. All the robed people lined up and concentrated on one wall. The wall started to blur. They started to drag me into the wall. On passing the wall the air became cold. Once past the wall the temperature heated up.

Each of us got blindfolded and restrained with soft silver ropes. I could hear Xane and Willow hit the ground then I was thrown down on the floor. Whispers started all around us. People entered and exited the room fast and swiftly. The sound of Willow and Xane sitting up and pushing themselves together made me follow. All three of us sat there back to back. Willow brushed her hand over my wrists where I was restrained. I felt the magic she use flow though my ropes but the ropes did not undo themselves.

My face was slapped and I heard Willow get slapped also. One of them took off our blindfolds. I noticed that each of them had taken off their hoods and was staring at me with eyes of wonder. The one that had taken my blindfold off looked into my eyes. "No unraveling your bondage." His face was pale and he had blood shot eyes. His voice flowed over me when he talked. I noticed he had fangs extending out of his gums but withdrew them to look like he was human when he stopped talking.

Five of the taller ones walked in front of me. The second tallest but most muscular removed his robe. He handed it to the one next to him. The man had deep blue eyes and wore only black jeans. Muscles covered his chest and I wondered what he had planned for us. "You claim to be the last and final Blood-Binder but the last one we have on record is Princess Midna of the twilight and she has been missing for almost a full year now." He starred deep into me.

I heard that she was missing for almost and year and had to speak. "If she's been gone for almost a year-"I stopped myself. "What year is it?" My question seemed to have caught him off guard.

His eyes didn't leave mine. "Its 2011. About a year since Jadin chose the last council master." He started to glare. "If you are the last Blood-Binder then you understand how much power Blood-Binders have?" I shook my head. He looked annoyed. "Do you understand why the councils master is always a Blood-Binder?" I shook my head again. "Blood-Binders can control almost all breeds of vampires with their words." He moved away from me about a foot. "But there are some breeds of vampire that a Blood-Binder cannot control. Like the Blood-Rat." I was wondering why he was explaining this to me. "Right now we are going to test to see if you're really a Blood-Binder." He smiled and nodded at the one to his left. The person he nodded to removed his robe revealing his muscular body. He advanced to Xane and Willow. "If you can't command him to stop from killing you friends, they will die and you next."

The vampire picked up Xane and Willow each in one hand by the collar of their shirts. Willow thrashed again trying to resist him but her black magic just bounced off of him. "Stop." I breathed. He squeezed their necks and they stopped breathing. Panic and fear for my friends ran through me until I felt my vampiric influence telling me to do something. I laid on my back and jumped to my feet. My face was serious. He positioned himself to throw them into a wall. "If you hurt them in the slightest way you are to kill yourself!" He released them. Both hit a wall and I heard something in Xane crack. He leaned forward trying to resist my order but instead ran to a wall and started pounding his face into a wall. Blood gushed from his head and face. Someone from behind me through a fireball at him. Even on fire he was determined to pound his face into the wall. The fire designated his skin and bones were burning to the surface. Still pounding his face into the wall his arms started to turn to dust. He finally stopped and turned to dust completely.

The vampire who started this test came to my side. "So you are the last Blood-Binder. You see how powerful you are?" I gave him a look of anger.

"Go help them!" I pointed at Willow and Xane lying almost dead on the ground. "I know you herd Xanes bones crack. Go help him or you won't be living much longer!" He nodded and leaned onto one side. Four vampires took Willow and Xane from the floor and carried them into a room with white walls. I followed into the room closely. Willow and Xane were placed on the floor. Tree vampire left and one leaned close to Xane. He stripped off Xanes shirt. His upper back and his shoulders were turning black. His collar bone was broken and pushed into his body. Right then I noticed that he was not breathing. "What's happening to him?"

The vampire looking over his body looked at me. "He's fading fast." His hands hovered over his chest. "But I'll save him!" Looking back at Xane he hovered over his broken collar bone. His hand flexed and the collar bone snapped back into place with a quick snap. Xane gasped and opened his eyes. The vampire ignored Xanes pain and wrapped him up in white bandage. Willow woke up in that moment and shot black magic at the vampire hanging over Xanes body.

I placed my hands on her shoulders. "Its fine, he fixing Xanes broken bones." She starred at him with panic on her face. Xane got fixed up fast and we were on our way to the council room. I wanted to meet the council and find a way to bring Midna back to life fast but when there I learned that some of the main council were out looking for Midna for the last year. I had them send a message to have them return as fast as possible. A message returned saying that the council would meet the next day.

We were given room but only Xane and Willow could be together I had to be in the council master's room. I tried to have Xane and Willow come with me but humans could not enter the room nor could any vampire but the co-council master.

I had a restless night but finally gained sleep. I didn't dream but later that night I was woken up by sound next to my bed. "Who's there?" Soft laughter came from someone next to me.

"Have you forgotten me already?" His face came into the small light inside the room. It was the vampire who had started my test. "I'm Glane." I didn't speak. "I spent a whole year in power over the vampire council and you show up and they stopped listening to me." His face came closer to me. "I like being in power and I just found a way to keep it." A little fear ran though me.

"Get out!" I felt the power of command in my voice but he stayed there. Why are my powers not working? I asked myself.

"It won't work." His hand glided over his eyes then lifted away. A glamour that made his eyes blue wore off and turned blood shot red. "You can't control a Blood-Rat."

I focused on his eyes. "What did you come here to do?" He removed a hand from his pocket. The hand had green light covering it.

"I'm going to reach inside of you and take what I want." It went without saying that he wanted the Blood-Binder power from me. His hand pushed into my chest with a flash of green light. I felt the pain as his hand tried to suck out the Blood-Binder power. But nothing left me all that I could feel his hand digging into my body.

The fused shadows that kept me alive pulsated very fast. Glane stopped moving. He started to catch fire from where his hand was. His skin burned fast and his bones started to show. He was screaming in pain. His body turned to dust in a flash of firey light. Where he once was I saw the form of a woman.
