AN: Hey! Thank you very much for clicking on the tab to this story :). Now I hope that you continue reading. So, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own the 39 Clues. End of story. Need I say more? No? Good. Also, I do not own the movie 'Letters to Juliet' which inspired me. Nor do I own Romeo and Juliet.

Chapter One: Dreams

I was standing on a balcony, and he was on the ground below. Looking up at me, with his gorgeous amber eyes, he smiled and asked, in a rich creamy voice, "Coming down, love?"

"Yes," I said, my voice loud and clear, which was a little weird, because normally I would stutter. Fate was being nice, I supposed.

I danced down the winding stairway, my silky dress flowing around me. The weird thing was, I didn't remember myself picking out this outfit earlier in the morning...

"I'm waiting," Ian's voice chimed, making me forget all about my voice and my outfit. All I cared about that he was down on the lawn, waiting for me.

When I saw him, I started running. I couldn't wait to hold him anymore. To be in his arms... Alas, I was head over heels.

As I got closer, my feet went even faster, and the ground was flying underneath me. I was almost there, when... BOOM. I fell to the ground.

"Amy!" Dan yelled. "Wake up!"

"What?" Amy asked groggily. She sat up and looked around. "Why am I on the floor?"

Dan smirked, like he knew something she didn't. "You were rolling around on your bed, and then, just now, you fell out. Also, the whole time, you were mumbling, 'Ian, Ian.' Oh, and something about white dresses."

"Oh." Amy smacked herself internally. It had all been a dream! The balcony, the princess-lik dress, the confident voice, and... Ian Kabra. Amy understood now. She understood what her unconscious mind hadn't been able to process.

Amy's dream had been a fairy tale. Merely that. Ian was far, far away in London. So far away from Boston, where Amy and Dan were being held in social services. Yes. After the clue hunt had ended, and the Kabras had won, they had gotten caught. The Cahills let their guard down for one moment, and the next thing they knew, they were in the clutches of Aunt Beatrice.

She wished the dream had been real.

The truth was, Amy was head over heels. She had fallen for the Cobra in Korea, and had never truly gotten over him. And now, that Ian wasn't trying to kill her, the feeling was only intensified.

"Amy," Dan said. Amy didn't listen. His voice sounded far away. Amy had been zoning a lot of things out lately, with her newly awakened passion.

Dan, being the impatient boy he was, started snapping his fingers in front of Amy's face. "Amy! Amy!" He tried to get her attention.

Looking up in surprise, she asked, "What?"

Dan rolled his eyes. "Out of dream land?" he mumbled. "Are you coming to get breakfast? I heard the slop they serve is gonna be warm today."

Both of the Cahills hated the food at the orphanage they were in. It was usually mushy, and smelled like a professional athlete's gym locker. Half the time, it wasn't even cooked, it was straight from the cardboard box it came in. Like the frozen corn they were eating last night. Yummy... not.

It was all Beatrice's fault. (They refused to call her 'Aunt' anymore.) She, being the horrible monster she was, put them in the lowest class, dumpiest, most bug infested, and overall nasty place she could find. Technically, it wasn't even a true orphanage yet, because Dan and Amy were the only ones there. The owner was a rotten snitch who only made the place because he hadn't gone to college and couldn't got a job.

"O-okay. Lets go get some food."

The siblings raced down the stairs, so they wouldn't be accused of being late, when their guardian, Mr. Kinley, (who absolutely hated his job) stopped them.

"I have some great news!" Mr. Kinley exclaimed. "I have found you two families! They are going to adopt you. Isn't that exciting?" A large, false smile plastered the man's face.

Exciting? No! They were going to be at a strangers house, and do activities with a strange family, and it wouldn't even matter if they didn't like them. Amy and Dan had no choice.

Even if the food here was crummy, and the place was a complete piece of garbage, at least it was familiar. Plus, they were the only kids there. If Amy and Dan went to a different family, they would probably already have kids, and that would be completely awkward.

"Yeah, great," Dan commented sarcastically.

"Don't be sarcastic with me, boy," the guardian warned.

"Where's our house?" Amy asked, being the practical one, as always. Dan, as funny as he was, didn't always ask questions that were very important or even relevant to the situation. One time the Cahills were in Malaysia, and while asking a hot dog vender for a hot dog, he asked why the people in the country had funny accents. After that, the hot dog vender didn't like them much.

"Houses," Mr. Kinley corrected.

"Houses?" Dan blurted. "As in we're going to be separated?"

"Well, yes, that's the general idea."

"No! No way! Amy and I are together for life. We're a package deal!" Dan blurted out, with an incredulous look on his face.

"Too bad, you don't have a choice. And, you're both leaving tonight, at six. It's already seven in the morning, so I'd get packing if I were you." Mr. Kinley smiled, but his eyes were cold, which gave his overall look an evil quality.

Amy was practically in tears. First, that dream, which had broken her heart, and now this? She had horrible luck. Even now, she missed Dan. His math skills, his quirky comments, and his "ninja" moves.

"Wh-where are our h-houses?" Amy tripped over her words.

"Dan, your house is in Maine, by the Atlantic ocean. I hope you enjoy seafood," Mr. Kinley paused for a second to give him another smug half smile, as if it made him cool or something, and then continued, "And Amy, your house is in London. Too bad you'll stick out like a sore thumb without a British accent!" Then, Mr. Kinley started laughing at his own non-existent sense of humor.

Without meaning to, Amy took in a small gasp. That's where Ian was! She couldn't face him. She couldn't. Amy loved him, but also she hated him for winning. Dan and her had never stood a chance. Not when the Kabras had money, connections, and the entire Lucian branch backing them up.

What if... what if the Kabras were her foster family? No, Amy reasoned with herself, They wouldn't do that. They aren't nice enough.

Still, even in a big city, there was a huge chance of seeing them. And if Amy saw Ian... she didn't know what would happen. Her emotions would be completely out of control, though.

"Hurry along! You need your bags packed! Not that it will take you long," The annoying old man said, mocking them about their lack of personal belongings. "Especially you, Amy. Don't want to forget anything when you're going overseas!"

Mr. Kinley stopped for a moment, and then, as Amy and Dan walked up the stairs, he said, "Best of luck! Hope you don't get airsick!" again, in that horribly irritating superior voice.

AN: So, like it? Hate it? Review and tell me! Just click the little button below... :).