Hey guys/girls/general readers! I just wanted to let you know that YES! I WILL BE CONTINUING THIS! Also... I'M ALIIIIIIIIIVE! Be happy! Celebrate! I will try to get this next chapter in to you in the next week or so! Yes, I actually have a goal to FINISH THIS PIECE OF AWESOME now! Yay!

Wait for me, my loves (even though you've been waiting for, like, how many years already?). I will surely come through with this story! I promise! If you give up hope, I will definitely scream or something dramatic like that.

Also! I am still considering rewriting the story, but not until I am done this version of it - at least that's my decision for now. I admit that my writing style has changed a bit since we've last met, but I will try to replicate this story's style as much as I can. I love you all! I miss you!

**EDIT: ok, scratch that. Scratch all of it. I feel that if I am unable to read through it, I can't continue it. I will be starting again from scratch - this will include a more developed plot and characters, as well as a perfectly in-character Izaya (by which I mean, I will try). I will start on that this week, and the first chapter will be up on Friday.