Chapter 3

The next morning Joe and Father were finishing a cup of coffee when Vincent led Catherine unto the main chamber.

"Ah, good morning, Catherine, Vincent," Father greeted them. "Will you join us?"

"I will," Catherine replied, "but Vincent's leaving for a rendezvous with another woman."

"Indeed!" Father exclaimed in mock surprise. "And who could possibly tear him from your side?"


The smile slipped from Father's face. "Narcissa? Why are you going there?"

Vincent shrugged. "She sent for me."

"About Catherine?"

"I don't know. But I owe it to Narcissa to answer her request that I come."

Father sighed heavily.

"I've heard about her," Joe injected. "Elizabeth mentioned her. She said Narcissa is a voodoo sorceress." The last two words were full of Joe's disbelief.

"Narcissa lives in a world of her own creation," Vincent stated.

"I'd like to go with you," Joe told him.

Vincent hesitated a moment and then nodded once.

"We'll leave at once. It'll take several hours."

"Fine – I'm ready."

Vincent helped Catherine over to an easy chair.

"I'll return as quickly as I'm able," he said as he stroked her hair.

She held up her hand and he grasped it tightly in his. After a long moment, Vincent turned to Father. "Will you take Catherine back to my chamber when she tires?"

"Of course I will – if you insist on going on this useless journey," the disapproval veiled but evident in Father's voice.

As Vincent began to pull his hand from hers, Catherine squeezed it tightly. "Hurry back to me, Vincent," she pleaded softly.

Joe saw hesitation flicker through Vincent's expressive blue eyes.

"Narcissa has saved both of our lives … in the past. She would not have sent for me if she didn't believe it was important."

Catherine smiled. "I know that. I'm not asking you not to go. Just hurry."

He squeezed her hand once more and then motioned for Joe to follow him as he left the chamber.

The two men traveled down through the twists and turns that made up the tunnel world. Joe studied the bottomless cavern in amazement as Vincent guided him down the steep steps that bordered The Abyss. The steps hung off the edge of a vast cavern. It seemed to stretch to heaven. And below was only swirling wind that seemed to plunge forever into the depths, on and on without end. They entered the Chamber of the Winds and Joe gasped at the force of the mysterious subterranean gale.

Vincent smiled at Joe's reactions to his world. Catherine had often spoken to Vincent about Joe. He knew that she trusted Joe totally. He also knew that for quite some time she had wanted to tell Joe about the tunnels. She felt there was something he needed from Below.

Vincent led Joe to one side of the Chamber of the Winds. They slipped between the chamber wall and a rock slab. They were in a narrow tunnel that opened into a small chamber.

The chamber was illuminated by hundreds of candles and made to appear even smaller by the dozens of shelves that hung around the walls. An uncountable number of bottles, vials, and small boxes set on the shelves. They were filled with all kinds of herbs, roots, plants, powders and other things at which Joe could only guess. Across the room there was a work table. A woman stood with her back to them, bent over the table.

"Ah, Vincent," the old, black woman greeted them. "I saw turmoil in the waters – and knew you were here."

She turned to face them. She was dressed in a cotton shift with a bandanna tied around her head. Her eyes were glazed over with a milky film. The strange cadence of her Caribbean accent fell pleasantly on Joe's ears.

"And you are thinking of your friend," she continued, "and the water shows more turmoil. You have brought someone else with you."

"He's a friend of Catherine's."

"And in the future, you, too, will call him friend."

The two men exchanged a glance.

"Your insight may service you well," Vincent agreed.

"And now you are united in your worry for the woman."

Vincent nodded. "Catherine's been injured and is blind."

"No," Narcissa contradicted. "Not blind. She does not see."

"That is the same thing," Vincent explained.

"No. Different."

He sighed. "The same or different … she is in darkness."

"Yes … darkness she has created. Like blowing out a candle."

Vincent looked at Joe and shrugged slightly.

"Why have you sent for me, Narcissa?" Vincent asked.

"To warn you! Vincent, you are in peril. You and this man who will be your friend. Be careful. Great danger will befall you … unless … Catherine lights the candle."

Narcissa turned away from Vincent and went back to her work on the table.

Vincent waited a moment. When he decided that Narcissa had finished talking, he turned to Joe. He gestured for Joe to precede him through the small tunnel entrance.

The noise from the winds made communication impossible until they had reached the edge of The Abyss. Still they continued in silence for a long while.


Vincent stopped walking and turned to face Joe.

"Do you … believe that stuff?" Joe questioned.

Vincent sighed. "Belief is a strong word. But … Narcissa has saved Catherine's life before – and mine. Her world is her own … but there is substance to it. We only need to figure out how it relates to our own."


Joe walked toward the main chamber. As he turned a corner of the tunnel, he came face to face with Vincent and Catherine. She was dressed in a flowing white gown of linen and lace.

"You look beautiful, Radcliffe!" he exclaimed.

She smiled. "I'll have to take your word for that."

Joe looked at Vincent. "You look pretty spiffy too."

Vincent cocked his head. "Spiffy?" he questioned.

Catherine and Joe laughed.

"You must excuse Vincent his classical education," Catherine teased.

"And where are you taking this young lady?" Joe questioned in mock sternness.

Vincent smiled. "As she said, you must forgive my classical education. I am taking her to a concert."

Joe looked at him with a blank expression. "You're what?"

"They're playing Chopin tonight," Catherine said.

"Now wait a minute …" Joe said holding up a hand to slow them down. "Let me get this straight. You two are going to a concert?"

"Yes," Catherine answered.

"Down here, right?"

She smiled. "No, in the Park."

"That's it!" Joe insisted. "I'm not going to horn in the whole evening, but you've got to let me see how Vincent can go to a concert in the Park!"

Vincent smiled at him, waited a moment and then nodded.

"I think … we should take him with us," Vincent told Catherine.

She smiled her answer.


Joe stood in the center of what was more of an alcove then a chamber. Multi-coloured cushions had been placed against one wall. Vincent and Catherine moved around Joe as he turned slowly, taking in yet another wonder of this strange world into which he had found himself thrust. He looked up. The ceiling held an iron grid through which he could see the night sky. Vincent sat on the pillows beside Catherine watching Joe. When the music started, Joe turned to Vincent, shaking his head.

"This is too much. I really do not believe this place!"

Catherine laughed and leaned against Vincent's large chest. His arm cradled her tenderly.

"Listen" Joe started "I don't want to interrupt your evening. I'll head back."

Vincent, who had been watching Catherine's features as she enjoyed the music, looked up at Joe.

"Wait. You may not be able to find your way," Vincent said as he rose to his feet.

"No," Joe protested, "I don't want you to leave Cathy alone. I'll be all right."

"No, Joe," Catherine argued. "I've been lost in these tunnels before … you could be missing for days."

"I will send for one of the children," Vincent told her.

Before Joe could dissent further, one of the children ran into the area.

"Vincent! Vincent! Quick!"

Vincent strode over to the child, took hold of his shoulder and leaned over to talk.

"Louis, tell me."

"Another cave-in in the Maze. Father says you have to come right away!"

"Has anyone been hurt?" Catherine demanded.

"No, we don't think so. But there's been a lot of damage done to surrounding areas. Father says that some of the other chambers could be unsafe now. He sent me to get Vincent."

"Tell Father I'll be there ... as soon as I've taken Catherine back."

"I can take Cathy back," Joe said. "I'll explain the intersections and she can navigate."

Vincent seemed to falter.

"Go, Vincent," Catherine insisted as she stood up. "I'll be fine with Joe."

Vincent looked from Joe to her and back to Joe again. He made up his mind.

"Care for her," Vincent ordered quietly.

Joe nodded and Vincent was gone. Joe went over to Catherine.

"Do you want to stay awhile?" he asked.

She smiled. "I know you don't like this music. And I don't particularly want to stay without Vincent."

They walked slowly through the tunnels. Joe was telling Catherine his impressions of Vincent's world.

"I'm beginning to understand what you were saying about this not being a scam. It took awhile, but now that I've seen some of these tunnels and chambers, I know how this phenomenon came about."

Catherine smiled at him. "How?"

"It's this place! That's what makes them think they can create a fantasy society a utopia. The physical location of this world makes you believe in miracles."

Joe took Catherine back to Vincent's chamber.

"It's still early," Joe said. "Would you like me to stay? Do you want to do something?"

"Vincent's been rereading read Great Expectations to me. Would you want to read a chapter or two for me?"


"He read it to me when we first met."

Joe sat down close to her. "Cathy, I like to think of myself as your friend."

"You are my friend," she assured him. "One of my best friends."

"I've known for a long time now that you've had secrets in your life. But I never dreamt of … anything like this."

She smiled. "I hope you're beginning to understand why I had to keep it secret … even from you."

"I think I'm beginning to see, but …" he paused. "There are still questions I have – things I don't understand. Especially …" he broke off suddenly, unsure how to continue.

"Especially about me … and Vincent?" she asked softly.

He smiled. "Yeah. He told me how he found you Above. And I can see how you would become important to him. But why do you … I mean …" he stopped.

She took a deep breath as she thought a moment.

"Did he tell you," she started, "that for ten days, while my entire face was bandaged, including my eyes, that he stayed by my side; that he fed me; that he held my hand when I was frightened; that he talked to me; that he read to me; that he comforted me?

"Did he tell you that when I was well enough to go back Above, and I begged him to tell me that my ruined face was a nightmare, that he made me face my fears and the reality of my situation; that he forced me to go back Above and rebuild my life?

"Did he tell you that he showed me where to look inside myself to find the strength to do whatever I believed needed to be done?

"Did he tell you that he made me realize that to reach out to other people with help and to accept the help they offered was the way people should live together?

"Did he tell you that he taught me to love?"

She tilted her face toward Joe. The flickering candlelight reflected off the tears that filled her eyes. He looked into their green depths, watching the dancing sparks. A single tear overflowed and ran delicately down her cheek.

"Is it any wonder … that I fell in love with him? Or that I find the fact that he loves me … to be … a miracle?" she whispered.


Joe wandered through the main chamber, searching the myriad nooks and crannies for Father. A middle aged woman with long dark hair entered the chamber.

"Here he is," she called back into the tunnel.

Joe turned to face her as she walked over to him.

"We haven't met yet, Mr. Maxwell. My name is Sarah."

"Hi, Sarah ... And I'm Joe." He gestured around the chamber. "Where is everybody?"

"Working in the lower tunnels."

Mary came into the chamber with Catherine.

"I'm afraid we forgot about you this morning," Mary greeted him. "There's just so much to get organized."


Catherine walked toward him, holding out her hand. He took it and helped her to a chair.

"There's been a disaster," Catherine told him. "It was almost morning before Vincent returned from the Maze."

"What's happened?" Joe asked.

"No one's completely sure," Sarah said.

"Father believes it could have been a minor earthquake," Mary informed him.

"An earthquake! In New York?"

Catherine shrugged. "All we know for sure is that a large section of the Maze has collapsed. The repercussion from the collapse has caused damage to several other areas."

"Fortunately," Mary inserted, "not in any of the living quarters."

"But there's a lot of damage to the Great Hall," Sarah told him. "Mary and I are going to fix some lunch and take down there."

"That's where everyone is," Catherine explained

"I'd be glad to help you carry the stuff," Joe volunteered.

"But what about Catherine?" Sarah asked.

Joe shrugged. "Can't she come with us?"

Mary looked thoughtful. "I suppose she could … we'll have to use the back entrance anyway."

"We can't take Catherine!" Sarah exclaimed. "What on earth would Vincent say?"

"Still," Mary gently insisted, "I think it'd be quite safe for her, if she feels up to it."

"I would like to go," Catherine told them. "It'd give me a chance to spend a little time with Vincent today."

"Father won't like it," Sarah insisted.

"Father will get over it," Mary told her.

Joe watched the two women. Both were in their 50's. Sarah's dark hair and eyes were a total contrast to Mary's soft gray hair and pale hazel eyes. Sarah was a plain woman compared to Mary's good looks. Joe marveled that two women who were so totally opposite in all ways – looks, personality, and temperament – could both be so obviously smitten with the same man.

Joe had watched both of them around Father. He was sure that if Father realized their attention or gave the slightest encouragement to either one or both, Father's peaceful life of areclusive scholar would be shattered forever.

He suddenly realized that all three women were looking at him.

"Well, Joe?" Catherine demanded.

"I'm … sorry. I was thinking about something else for a minute."

"Don't you think it'd be all right for me to go to the Great Hall?" Catherine asked.

"Yeah … sure." He turned to Sarah and Mary. "You ladies get lunch ready and the four of us'll take it to everyone."


Vincent suddenly let go of the table he was helping to lift. Mouse, who had been helping on Vincent's end had a stricken look flash across his face and then he dropped the end of the heavy banquet table.


Duncan and Zach, who had been labouring with the opposite end, looked up as the table suddenly quit moving.

"Not my fault!" Mouse insisted. "Vincent not helping."

Vincent half turned to the trio.

"I'm sorry. I suddenly felt Catherine … very close."

"Badder than bad," Mouse informed him. "Too dangerous for Catherine. Shouldn't be here."

"I agree," Vincent assured him.

Vincent looked up and saw Mary, Sarah, Catherine and Joe descending the staircase that led from the back entrance of the Great Hall.

"Catherine!" Vincent crossed the Hall quickly to meet Catherine at the bottom of the stairs.

"We brought your lunch," she greeted him.

"But … You shouldn't be here! It's far too dangerous!" he insisted. "You could trip over debris."

Sarah shot everyone an 'I told you so' look and continued into the Hall. Mary silently moved around Vincent, leaving Joe to deal with the angry looks Vincent had been giving all of them.

"Hey," Joe started brashly, "the ladies needed help. Catherine wanted to come. I didn't see any reason why she shouldn't."

Catherine smiled knowing that Vincent was not use to having anyone stand up to him in this brazen manner. But she decided it should go no further. She held out to Vincent the basket she carried.

"Will you help me?" she asked.

Vincent put his arm around her as he took the basket from her grasp. Joe grinned that showed he clearly enjoyed the way she wrapped Vincent around her little finger. He followed them to a table that was quickly being turned into a buffet.

After they had eaten, Catherine sat on the steps so she would be out of the way as the men returned to work. Mary and Sarah had gathered up the remains of the luncheon and started back to the Inner Circle.

Vincent was showing Joe around the Great Hall. They had stopped in front of the l4 foot, heavy, wooden doors that formed the formal entrance to the Hall.

"Are these doors ever used?" Joe asked.

"Yes, usually they are. But the passage beyond follows the Abyss. When the doors are open, a strong wind blows through this chamber.

"What's this place normally used for?"

"Great celebrations … like Winterfest. But, occasionally, we use it for some other reason."

The two men turned to survey the Hall. Several of the ceiling beams had fallen. One had caught one of the tapestries and pulled it from the wall. Another had badly damaged one of the large banquet tables. Still a third had shattered two chairs.

"It could have been much worse," Vincent told him.

Joe nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right."

The two men started back toward Catherine.

"Vincent, will you be much longer?"

Vincent turned to answer Father's question. As he did so, his keen ears detected a strange sound – like wood being ripped. Before he could perceive the source of the sound, Catherine's cry pierced the Hall.

"Vincent! Look out!"

He turned to stare at her in amazement.

Joe looked first at Catherine and then Vincent. Behind Vincent, Joe saw one of the massive main doors tear away from its frame. Instinct told him that Vincent was so totally engrossed with Catherine that he did not perceive the danger. Joe lowered a shoulder and dove at Vincent in a flying tackle. The surprised Vincent was carried inches beyond the door as it fell with an incredible crash. In the blink of an eye, wind gusted into the chamber instantly extinguishing over half of the candles. The workers were left in a darkened wind tunnel.

Joe rolled off of Vincent and the two men sat up. He looked to see if Vincent was hurt. Vincent and Catherine were staring across the Hall at other. Catherine had risen to her feet. It took Joe a moment to realize that she was indeed looking into Vincent's eyes.

Catherine smiled brilliantly and ran across the floor. She threw herself at Vincent who, still on the floor, caught her and hugged her tightly to him. She tossed her head back and laughed with delight. He loosened his arms so she could pull away enough that they could look at each other's face. Tenderly her hands cupped his face. Her eyes were bright with the rapture that filled her heart. He smiled at her and tightened his arms to pull her close again.

After a long moment, she again pulled away from him. She smiled up at the men who had gathered around them. She reached out and touched their hands.

"Mouse. Pascal. Zach. William." She rose to her feet as she turned around to acknowledge them all.

Her eyes met older, wiser eyes. He smiled at her and held his arms open to her. She ran to him and they hugged each other almost as joyously as she and Vincent had embraced.


He took her face in his hands, much as she had done to Vincent.

"Are your eyes all right? Is everything clear?"

She nodded. "I think so."

"Any pain?"

She shook her head. "No, I feel fine."

Vincent came to stand behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders.

"Well, now," Father began, his voice choked with emotion, "we need to seal that opening or we'll never be able to get this work finished."

The men followed Father to the entranceway to continue their repair work. Mouse walked in front of Catherine on his way to the doorway. He stopped and stared at her.

"See Mouse?"

She smiled and patted his cheek. "Yes, Mouse, I can see you."

He grinned broadly and went over to the other men.

Catherine turned slowly to face Joe who had risen to his feet. A smile spread across his face.

"Radcliffe? You okay?"

She returned his smile and nodded happily. "I'm fine, Joe."

"Come here!" he exclaimed as he grabbed her in his arms. They clung to each other for a moment and then he released her. He held her at arms length and looked her in the eye.

"You scared me to death! Are you really all right?"

"I'm great, Joe … really."

Joe and Vincent looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

"Joe," Catherine broke into his thoughts, "you're hurt!"

"No," he protested as he looked where she was pointing.

"You are," Vincent asserted.

Where Joe had been shot, a trickle of blood now appeared on his shirt


Catherine and Vincent stood in the hospital chamber. Joe sat with his legs dangling over the table edge while Father removed the bandage from his arm.

"Yes … yes … you've pulled one of the stitches out, and broke the scab," Father grumbled. "But I don't believe there's anything serious. I'm not going to replace the stitch. I will re-bandage your arm and wait a couple of days. I think I should be able to remove the rest of the stitches then." He shook an index finger at Joe. "But you are a very lucky young man. You could've done serious damage to that wound."

"Yeah, well," Joe joked, "if he," he cocked his head toward Vincent, "weighed about fifteen more pounds, it would be a moot point. You'd be scraping us both up off the floor."

Vincent took a couple of steps toward the table. "I … owe you my life," he said simply.

Joe shook his head. "No, we're even – at least on that score."

Vincent slowly nodded in understanding.


Joe and Rebecca sat beside the Mirror Pool. They watched the stars as they were reflected through a chink in the top of the cavern. They sat in silence for a long time. Finally, he turned to her and smiled.

"You're very comfortable to be with," he commented. "Quiet when you need to be quiet. Easy to talk to," he smiled. "Just nice to be around."

"Thank you," she responded quietly.

"Tell me something."

"If I can."

"What is it about Below? Why do you stay here?"

She sighed and then smiled. "You don't want to know much."

He laughed.

"I guess," she continued, "it's the people."

"Why are they so special?"

"The love we have for one another. That's a big part of it. But there's more than that. We're like any large group of people. I'm closer to some than to others. I loved some more than I love others.

He shrugged. "Then what is it?"

She sighed again. "I guess, a big part of it is … I know from one day to the next, everyone I come in contact with … is someone who … believes in the same things I believe in. I know that they feel that every individual should be encouraged to become the best he can be … not what someone else thinks he should be … what he wants to be. I know I could ask anyone of them for help if I needed it … in fact, they'd probably offer help before I had to ask. And I know that everyone I deal with is someone I trust."

"What about me? I'm not a member of your world. How did you know you can trust me?"

"Because Catherine said that you were someone who could be trusted. And because she would never allow anyone to harm Vincent's world. And you wouldn't have been able to move around the community if you weren't trusted."

There was another long period of silence, then Joe again broke the peace.

"I'm going to miss you … a lot, I think."

He leaned towards her. Tenderly, softly their lips met, like a teenager's first kiss.


Joe entered the main chamber the next morning expecting to have a quiet breakfast with Father. This had become his habit most mornings and he had come to look forward to their early morning chats. He hurried into the chamber and then stopped short. There were several people gathered around the large round table.

"… and we'll be ready to perform tomorrow night," Samantha was saying.

"But we wanted to give a concert," one of the young boys inserted.

"William's planning a special dinner," Mary stated.

Father nodded. "Well, then … instead of having a dinner … or a concert … or a drama … we will have … a gala."

"By tomorrow night!" Mary exclaimed. "We'll never get it all organized in time.

Father patted her hand. "Just a small one."

"What's the occasion?" Joe asked as he joined them.

"Catherine's sight coming back!" Samantha told him.

"You will find," Father greeted Joe, "we enjoy out little entertainments. We cannot pass up the good news of Catherine's sight returning – and the sadder news of your departure."

Joe sat down, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Departure?" he repeated softly.

"You'll be able to leave after I remove the remaining stitches this afternoon," Father assured him.

"But you will stay through tomorrow night, won't you?" Mary pleaded. "We'll be so disappointed if you insist on leaving today."

Joe smiled at her. "I'll stay … sure."


William had prepared a wonderful meal. Makeshift banquet tables had been set up in the main chamber. The children's chamber music ensemble played while everyone else ate dinner. After the meal, Samantha's drama group performed a one act play. Then the men removed the tables and musicians began to play for dancing.

Joe watched Catherine and Vincent as they moved through the crowd. They did not touch each other, but watching them as they strolled, one had the impression that they were bound together. They moved almost as one.

Vincent and Catherine had talked to nearly everyone who was in the chamber. They stood on the edge of the dance floor watching the couples. Vincent looked beyond and nodded his head in that direction.

"Joe does not appear to be enjoying himself tonight," he commented.

Catherine looked in the direction Vincent had indicated. Joe was in a chair against the wall in a secluded section of the chamber. She tapped Vincent's arm and motioned in the opposite direction.

"Nor does Rebecca."

Vincent looked at Catherine, a question plainly in his eyes. She smiled and nodded slightly.

"I think so," she said.

"Should we … talk to them?" he asked.

"Yes. I'll talk to Joe. You take Rebecca."

Catherine crossed the room and sat down beside Joe.

"You don't look very happy," she started the conversation.

Joe looked at her evenly. "I guess I'm not."

She could see a variety of emotions play across his face as he watched the dancers. Finally he turned back to her.

"Cathy … how can you go back?"

She sighed. "It is hard," she admitted.

"I don't think I can do it."

"Joe, you have to."

"Why? Why can't I decide to stay Below?"

"Because … you and I … we belong Above. That's our world."

"Is it?" he demanded. "I don't know about you, but what I found here is what I've been fighting for all my life. Why should I go back and beat my head against a wall when I can have it all Below?"

"Because you can't have it. Joe, this isn't a place to live for people like us. For us it's a sanctuary. It's a place to come when we can't take our world anymore. But like any retreat, once it's done its job, we have to return to our own world – the world needs us."


She sighed. "Joe, what is the one thing our world needs more than anything else?"

"I don't know. I guess … a recognition of actual individual worth."

"And why is it you don't want to leave?"

"I guess … because … Cathy, this place is like a dream! The way the people act … what they think … how they treat each other. It's everything I've always wanted my world to be."

"That's why we have to go back. We have to take that dream Above and we have to share it – with everyone we come in contact with. And we have to know that, if we ever need it, this world is here, waiting for us, to help us re-center ourselves."

"But I'm afraid that if I leave … it will disappear."

She shook her head. "No. There are a lot of Helpers who work very hard to make sure that this world survives. They're up there, helping to spread the dream, until … maybe … one day … the two worlds can merge."

"Do you really think that's possible?"

"I have to. It may be the only hope Vincent and I ever have of being truly together."

He looked at her and blinked several times. "I … I forgot! Being with him, you forget that he's … really a captive here."

"I know," she agreed sadly.

"What if … I mean if I … wanted to see someone … someone who lives Below …"

She smiled. "Rebecca isn't a captive. She can come Above if she wants."

"Could I … I'd like to become a Helper."

Vincent walked up to them and stood beside Catherine. She looked up at him.

"Joe's asked about becoming a Helper."

Vincent nodded. "The Council has already discussed that possibility. We'd be happy to instruct you in our rules and what would be required of you if you became a Helper." He told Joe, then smiled at Catherine, "Of course, it's difficult for someone to become a Helper when he has badly disappointed a member of the community."

"Wha … Who?" Joe demanded.

Pretending to ignore Joe, Vincent continued talking to Catherine. "Do you know, it appears that Joe has been … occupying a great deal oftime ofone ofour members? And yet tonight, she has been left … sitting alone … with no one to dance with her."

Joe chuckled as he realized he was being teased. "Yeah? Well, you have to remember this community is still fairly new to me. I'm not sure what all of the rules are. I was just following your example, pal. I hadn't noticed you dancing with Cathy either."

Catherine laughed with delight. "I believe he has you."

Vincent cocked his head. "Touché," he said with a slight smile.

Vincent caught the eye of one of the musicians and gave a small nod. He held his hand down to Catherine.


She put her hand in his. As he led her onto the dance floor, the lively tune the musicians had been playing came to an end. They started a beautiful, lilting waltz. Vincent took Catherine in his arms, and they began to glide among the other dancers.

Joe walked over to where Rebecca sat. He held out his hand to her.

"I'm afraid I've been wrapped up in my own feelings tonight and have neglected you. Will you give me a chance to make it up to you? Will you dance with me?"

She smiled prettily. "I'd love to dance with you."

Joe took Rebecca onto the dance floor and they joined the waltzing couples.

"I'm sorry if I've upset you tonight," he told her. "I'm afraid I'm having a hard time … dealing with having to leave tomorrow. I … I don't want to go."

She looked up at him through her lashes but made no reply.

"I've asked Vincent if I could become a Helper."

"Really?" She smiled. "I'm glad."

"Does that mean that I can see you again?" he asked.

Her smile broadened. "It means you'd better."


Vincent and Catherine stood on the mezzanine, watching the people who were still in the main chamber, below them. Some members of the community had already left for the evening. Many were still talking and dancing and enjoying themselves.

"Joe and Rebecca seem to be enjoying themselves now," Catherine commented.

"Yes," Vincent agreed.

"Do you think he can really become a Helper?"

"I believe he'll make an excellent Helper. Who knows … there may come a time … when he will take your place Above … and you will come Below."

She looked at him, her soul's yearning was expressed in her eyes. He took hold of her hand, and without another word he escorted back to his own chamber. As they entered the chamber, she turned to him and started to speak. He held up a hand for silence. He took his large chair and carried it out into the tunnel. She watched from the chamber as he turned the chair on its side and laid it across the tunnel. He straightened and returned to her.

She smiled. "What are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Trying for a little bit of privacy. Perhaps this will be enough of a hint for anyone who comes looking for us."

She laughed and put her arms around his neck allowing him to hug her tightly.

"And what do you think we need privacy for?" she asked.

He looked deeply into her eyes. "Tonight it isn't need. Tonight I simply … want you … all to myself."

Her eyes misted over. "Just when I think I know you … just when I think I know how romantic you can be … you still surprise me."


Vincent reached out and touched something on the tunnel wall. The steel shield door slid open to reveal a grill. Catherine pushed on it and it swung open on silent hinges. The two of them and Joe walked through the opening.

"This will lead you out into Central Park," Catherine told Joe.

"Me? Aren't you coming?"

She shook her head. "Not now. I've decided to stay Below this weekend, but I'll be back in the office Monday morning."

"Monday morning?" Joe said the two words as if he had never heard them before. He blinked several times, as if waking up from a deep sleep. "What day is this? How long have we been down here, Radcliffe?"

"Two weeks. It's Saturday morning."

"Two weeks? How will we ever explain just … dropping out of sight for …"

"One of our Helpers has been in touch with your people," Vincent interrupted. "He's a doctor. He told them that you and Catherine had been brought to his sanitarium, that you had been injured in the shootout and that he cared for you both. You could not leave, nor could you have visitors. He told them that if you were not sequestered as the other patients were it would cause problems. That way, he was able to keep your true whereabouts quiet."

Joe shook his head in amazement. "I really don't believe you people." He hugged Catherine. "I'll see you on Monday." He turned to face Vincent. "I truly don't know what to say to you." He grinned. "Hell, I truly don't know if I even believe that you really exist."

Vincent chuckled.

"I'd like to think that Narcissa was right," Joe continued. He held out his right hand. "I'd like to think that someday you'll call me friend."

Vincent took Joe's hand in his. "I'd like to think I can call you that now."

The two men shook hands. Joe took a step back and Vincent placed his arm around Catherine. Joe looked at them.

"These last two weeks have been the most amazing days of my life. I hope the three of us can spend time together again. Goodbye, Vincent." He grinned broadly and gave her a slight bow. "Catherine."

She smiled tenderly. "That's the first time you've ever called me Catherine."

Joe shrugged. "Better late than never. I think that's how I'll think of you from now on – when I think of you here Below."

He started out through the tunnel as she and Vincent waved goodbye to him.


Catherine was greeted by coworkers as she made her way to her desk Monday morning. She was removing her jacket as Joe hurried from Moreno's office to his own.

"Radcliffe!" he called as he moved past her cubicle.

She hurried into his office, closing the door behind her as she entered. On Joe's desk was a huge stack of file folders.

"I don't think anyone did any work the whole time we were gone!" he exploded. "Moreno expects me to have these cases cleaned up by the end of the week." He grabbed a large number of them from the top and handed them to her. "Here – get started."

She gave him a look of mock horror as she took them. "Welcome back to work!" she teased as she started to open the door.


"Huh?" She turned back toward him.

"Was it real?" Joe asked, puzzlement on his face.

"How do you feel – deep inside?"

He thought a moment. Gradually a contented smiled spread across his face and lit his eyes. He nodded

"Yeah," he said slowly.

She returned his smile.

"Yeah," she agreed as she closed the door on her way out.

The End