(I don't own the Inuyasha universe or anything in it and if you think I do then you reeeeally need to watch more of it cause it would NOT be sutible fore general tv ;D)

(AN: this chapter is just a transitional one. But it has many many Miroku musings!

I am SO SO sorry it takes so long for updates. i don't have an excuse other than authors block...T.T But please accpet the updates when they come and review as you like!)

~Winter Heat~


-Miroku POV-

When I woke I was confused for a number of reasons.

I was in a strange bed.I was in a strange bed next to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.Kouga was leaning against the doorway snickeringFor some reason my head hurt and I was sniffly as though I had a cold.

I looked up dubiously at my to-be-mate, "What are you guffawing at?" I asked with a beckoning gesture. Kouga came towards me and pulled me into his arms with a kiss to my nose. "Where are we?"

"In a demon village, you and Inuyasha fell asleep when we stopped for a rest and you were sniffling and coughing so we brought you here to get you inside from the cold," Kouga explained rubbing my shoulders, I shirked them off. I didn't wanna be aroused in front of Sesshomaru or Inuyasha! Kouga nipped at my ear and I pinched him to put him at bay. Kouga smirked like a lecher, oh the irony!, and continued "By the way, Sesshomaru ain't sleeping, the puppy's got him pinned and Sesshomaru doesn't have the gall to wake him up."

"Wolf, if it weren't for my mate's friendship with you and your mate-to-be I'd skin you for that," came a dangerous snarl from the jumbled pile of limbs, fur, and silver hair. Inuyasha yawned and Miroku stifled a laugh. Inuyasha scrunched his nose and woke with an awkward stretch that had him slaying out over Sesshomaru even more.


Sesshomaru nuzzled him back into complacency and whispered something to him. Inuyasha nodded and sat up gingerly, avoiding the more precious spots of his older brother's anatomy.

I leaned back onto the bed and rubbed my forehead.

"Feelin' better monk?" Inuyasha asked with another yawn.

I shrugged, almost answering but then I sneezed loudly making Inuyasha scrunch his nose.

"Take that as a no?" Kouga asked rubbing my chest gently.

"I'm fine," I reassured him, "just…can we go a little slower this time?"

"Sure Miroku."


We set out at a rather human pace after that. I noticed Sesshomaru was annoyed by it, but he obviously noticed that Inuyasha's heat was making him tired and less apt to run. Kouga was worried about me as well so, on we walked and at a normal pace this time.

I let my mind wander as we walked.

I wondered what the North would be like, how I would fit in. Kouga had told me that they lived in an underground palace, safe from the winds and snow and close to the earth. Kouga had explained that the demons and wolves lived together and I would soon grow used to it, the wolves that is. I don't know if I would actually. Being raised as a human and by a monk after my father died had left the age old fear of predators inside me. I didn't know how I would feel. Surely that should go to the Inu brothers in front of me, or even Kouga beside me, as any of them could snap my neck without even trying. I just didn't know.

I also was VERY unsure about this pregnancy thing. I mean for heaven's sake I'm a man! I don't have those parts! Certainly not the ones for carrying cubs as Kouga called them. He said I had this gene inside me that would allow me to carry children but…I mean I certainly had never imagined it. I'd met a pregnant uke panther demon before, I even helped get him to a demonic midwife. Because I certainly couldn't just leave him on the side of the road, demon or no he was in labor. I also hadn't known that the pretty thing was a male at the time! Would I look that feminine when I was pregnant?


I looked up at Inuyasha's graceful form; Inuyasha graceful…I mean it seriously I tell you. It still astounded me how demure and submissive he became when he was in heat, it must be the hormones. He walked softer and carried himself with a more swinging gait as if he was almost female. Maybe that's how he normally walked. I noticed that while around humans, and especially Kagome and Sango, he acted rougher and more male-alpha-like than when it was just the two of us or us with Shippo.

I looked up at Kouga and sighed softly. So much had changed so very fast. Before I'd been thinking I really would live up to my vow of chastity. I was thinking that I'd never find someone to love me. And now I was going to be mated! For eternity. That meant I'd never be alone again. He…he said he'd always be there. I needed to absorb this. I wanted to just stop and talk to him for a while, about everything that would happen and how everything was going to happen. But I knew Sesshomaru was antsy to get Inuyasha home before a blizzard or something hit.

Blizzard or something…gods above. I'd be living in the chilliest place in Japan. What would it be like? I've never lived this far north. I've never been there for a prolonged amount of time. I wondered to myself, what will it be like? Will I like it or is it always cold there? I seriously doubt its always cold there. But I don't know.

I sighed again.

Inuyasha looked back at me with a questioning look.

I shook my head.

We continued on until we hit a fork in the road. One fork was heading west and the other heading north. I looked to Kouga and then to the Inu brothers.

"Here is where we part Ookami, monk," Sesshomaru stated, blasé.

"You'll receive invitations to the mating ceremony," Kouga promised. I smiled. Inuyasha glanced from Sesshomaru to Kouga before pulling me aside while the 'alphas' talked about the probable date.

"Miroku, are you ok?" Inuyasha demanded once we were far enough away.

I looked at him, "fine."

He scoffed at me and I sighed again. "There you go again! Something's bothering you monk, you always do that when yer bothered." He searched my face for a moment before whispered, "Is it this whole thing? You and Kouga?"

My eyes widened. "NO!"

"Shhh! They ain't deaf."

I sweatdropped but he was probably right. "No, nothing like that. It is just…this is so strange. It's so. So. So different! I've never known life like this. I don't dislike it. I love…being with Kouga…love him. But Inuyasha I'm a human. I've never even known it was possible for me to get pregnant or to mate with a demon and live forever. It's just so much information all at once," I said then sighed again. He gave me a one armed hug before nodding. He probably understood more than I thought he did.

He and Sesshomaru left soon after that and some pleasantries and I was starting on my way to my new life with Kouga at my side.

Oh kamis. I sound like a lovesick child!


"Miroku," He asked me. I laid back again his chest and looked up at him. We'd stopped for the night in a hunting cave of his pack's. We were actually pretty close to his home now. My legs were dead tired but we should arrive day after next.


Kouga looked me dead in the eyes, those striking wolf-like eyes caught me in a trance.

"Are you really worried about this all?"

My eyes bugged out as I snapped from my trance. I gasped "You eavesdropper!"

"So it is true! And no I am NOT!" Kouga defended. He continued after I deflated from my puffed up affronted position. "Sesshomaru told me he thought you seemed worried over something. But you know that stone wall; if it ain't about him or Inuyasha he doesn't pay it much mind."

I looked at him in the eyes, "Kouga. I'm not afraid to tell you I'm apprehensive. It's something I've never anticipated. But I want to be with you. I just can't know what to expect, and it scares me. But I trust you."

He nuzzled my face.

"I love you Hoshi. Now get some rest," Kouga told me, I reached up and kissed him before snuggling into his warmth.

It felt damn good to be protected like this. I couldn't remember a time I felt this safe and loved. Knowing Kouga would never let me get hurt or ostracized made this crazy adventure my life had started on seem a little less crazy.


Well there it goes! I hope you all liked this chapter?