A/N: Hey everyone!
This is my first fanfic, so I hope everyone likes it.
I got the idea for this story when I was playing Harvest Moon Animal Parade. My character, Elana, woke up on the day of a pretty bad typhoon and found Luke at her door with a present! I found this kinda funny, so decided to right a story about it.
I think it should have about three chapters or so. So, I present to you chapter 1!
Oh, and disclaimer: I don't own Harvest Moon. Duh.
I lay awake in bed, beaming at myself. I was soooo-oh smart! This was totally going to work! Owen couldn't have come up with a better plan himself!
My smile grew wider as I thought about the events earlier this day, then wider when I though about tomorrow. I absent-mindedly picked at the band-aid covering my nose as I thought about what had happened today.
It was the perfect plan. Owen and I had gone to Horn Ranch earlier in the day to pick up some medicine for my dog, who hadn't been feeling good lately. I had been waiting outside the store (I haven't been allowed in ever since I accidentally ate one of those silkworms they sold there), when Cain came out of the barn. He was the owner of the ranch. I didn't know him too well, but I knew he was pretty nice. I also knew that he was the first one to meet her; he was the one who drove her from the far side of the island to her ranch. So, building up my courage and holding on tight to my trusty axe, I had asked him a question that had been eating away at me for a while.
"Uh, Cain? Can I talk to you for a second?" I had asked.
He had looked over at me and smiled. He had a square-shaped chin and wide shoulders. He was short and all muscle, with short brown hair. His brown eyes met my hazel ones, and he had nodded. "Sure thing, Luke!"
I had gulped. Here I go! "Uh, if the rancher, Elana, were to like a certain kind of food, what would it be?"
I remember the look of understanding that crossed over Cain's tan face, and his expression softened. "Ah, I see." He had smiled again, "Well, she told me she loved sweet foods. Does that help?"
I had felt joy rush through me and I had resisted the urge to leap into the air. "Yeah! A ton! Thanks!"
And, forgetting about Owen (he ended up being pretty mad about that later), I had ran down the hill, past Marimba Farm, over a bridge, past the beach, through Elana's ranch, over another bridge, and into Garmon Mines. I stopped, panting, clutching my axe, and looked around. The dirt road had appeared to be abandoned. I suppose the four shop owners and their families were all inside.
I loved Garmon Mines. It was a cute mini-town where my dad, Bo, Barbara, Phoebe, Julius, Mira, Ramsey, Owen, Chloe, and I all lived. I had friends here, like Owen: the blacksmith's nephew, and Bo: my dad's apprentice who lives with us. I wasn't a great friend with Julius: the jeweler's apprentice. Phoebe mostly stayed locked up in her room, working on some weird invention. And Chloe, well- Chloe (Owen's cousin) was like a little sister to us all. Life was good here. Also, it was close to Elana's house, which is always a plus.
Anyways, I had ran inside my dad's shop; the carpenter's; our home. Bo and I shared a room in the back. Our house had four rooms: the store (which is also where we build everything), a kitchen connected to the store, my dad's room branching off of the store, and our room branching off of his. I liked our house; it was small and wooden, and always smelled of sawdust and axe polish. Always good smells.
Once inside, I had ran for my room and opened a small trunk at the foot of my unmade bed. I had removed the contents, a small bag, and then practically skipped out of the room.
Next was phase two of my plan: actually buy the present. I knew what I wanted to give her. I could picture it clearly in my mind: she would open her door, see me standing there, holding out her present, and she would smile that beautiful smile, and those big brown eyes would light right up, and she would be so happy, and I would wrap my arms around her, and we would kiss each other passionately, and-
I had shaken my head to stop my mind from getting too carried away, a bad habit of mine. She hadn't even been on the island for two months yet! I needed to slow down…
I had walked to the next store over, the general store, run by Barbara. She was a nice, rather loud woman who sold just about anything. I had strolled into the large white building, holding my axe in one hand and my bag in the other. Barbara had been standing behind the desk, blond hair wrapped in a bandana, as my blue hair was (because, really, who doesn't like bandanas?), and blue eyes shining.
"Hey, Luke-ster! Whaddya need?"
Used to those kinds of nicknames after fourteen years, I had been searching the shelves behind her, seeing what she had. "Do you happen to have any honey?"
She had smiled again. "You're in luck! Just got an order in today! Fresh from Marimba Farms!" She turned around and took a large jar of golden stuff off of a shelf. "That'll be 200G!"
My face had fallen. "Oh… I only have 176…" I had been saving up for something special for months, using my allowance money (Dad doesn't really pay me for working for him, he just gives me allowance), to save up. I though for sure that would be enough.
Barbara had looked thoughtful for a second, then she smiled. "Well, how's this? Who's the honey for?"
Knowing I was a terrible liar, I had decided not to try anything. "It was going to be a gift for someone."
Her smile had grown. "As long as it's not my Phoebe, how about I make it 160G instead?"
My eyes had lit up. "Really? A 40G discount?"
"Of course!"
That was phase two. With 16G left (which could hardly get you anything on this island), I went back to my house and secretly "wrapped" (AKA tied a ribbon I had found in the trash around) the honey. By this time it was getting dark. I really, really wanted to give her the present now, but I had learned that she goes to sleep early, mostly because her work tires her out so much. Or maybe 15-year-olds just sleep more than 14-year-olds. Whatever.
So here I was now, not being able to wait until morning (I not only classified as "bandana boy" but also as the really impatient one. Go figure), a snoring 12-year-old sleeping soundly on the other side of the room.
My eyelids felt heavy and I smiled one last time. I was finally going to show her that I was the bestest axmen ever.
And I fell asleep.
A/N: Please review, guys!
I know it's not that good, so I need all the help I can get! And if you do like it, please review because I won't post the second chapter if I don't think people like the story to begin with.
Thanks to everyone who read it, and if I get a lot of reviews I'll have the second chapter up real soon!
~ blue-eyed-cow