Title: Poison
Summary: At first Harry thinks it's nothing more than dehydration.
Author: Mental Merc with a Mouth
Rating: M
Character: Harry Potter Draco Malfoy
Word Count: 532
Genres: Humor/Romance
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
-Prologue: Thirst-
At first Harry thinks it's nothing more than dehydration. An unending unbearable thirst, which refused to be quenched. It didn't matter how hard he tried, how much glasses of water he drank the relentless desire refused to dissipate. It clawed as his raw throat that felt as though it had been ripped open no matter how desperately he gulped down glass of water after glass of water.
He woke with this same thirst and it was slowly beginning to drive him insane. Everything around him seemed to move to slowly, and he was only slightly aware of the things that were going on around him. Ron asks him down to breakfast, but Harry only half hears him, because everything pales in comparison to this inhuman thirst.
It is a Saturday which means no lessons and it's all the same to Harry because there is no way he would have been able to focus on anything other than this thirst.
He drinks six glasses of water, and meats Hermione and Ron outside for a day in the sun. He goes back inside after half an hour when he starts to burn too quickly. He eats a small lunch only to throw it all back up again. Hermione insists he go see Madame Pomfry, Harry shrugs it off as a stomach flu and decides to sleep it off.
And he does just this after a couple more glasses of water that only offer a moment's peace to the burning.
It feels so good, to have his legs wrapped tightly around Draco's waist moaning so loudly, the blond Slytherin takes a moment to make sure Harry isn't seriously injured. He can feel Draco's tongue lapping at the place in his neck where he knows Harry's pulse to be, and then Harry can feel Draco bite into his neck. Sucking Harry deeply in time with their thrusts. And it feels so damn good.
Draco pulls away after a moment and leans forward to kiss Harry deeply. And Harry can taste his own blood in Draco's mouth and he enjoys it a lot more than he should have. Harry's teeth accidently bite down on Draco's tongue a little too hard but the kiss doesn't stop. And now it feels ten times better because Harry can taste Draco's blood too.
Harry wakes up a little later feeling hotter than the cool crisp October temperature deems necessary. He goes down the common room to watch Ginny study for her OWL's for a while.
"Ow" he hears her hiss softly, and Harry can see where she cut her thumb on a spare piece of parchment. There's a small bead of deliciously red blood forming at the tip of her index finger. Without thinking Harry reaches forward and takes the finger into his mouth, swallowing the blood down greedily. It's one of the sweetest things he's ever tasted.
The burning in his throat dissipates completely for a moment, then comes back tenfold with a vengeance. And now Harry is completely aware of the sweet blood pumping just beneath Ginny's fair skin. Ginny pulls her hand out of Harry's mouth blushing and looking around scandalized.
And Harry is still so thirsty…