My first Inuyasha fic. Please, do be kind to me!
I edited this, somewhat. No major changes though, except I changed Aurelia's name to Katsumi (because the western name didn't make sense). And thanks a lot for the all the reviews and favs!
EDIT::I'm so terribly sorry but there seems to be some kind of a mix up with Aurelia/Akiko/Katsumi's name. It's Katsumi. Sorry for uploading the uh wrong chapters. Some weird shit has happened, 'cos it's correct in the copy I have saved. Huh. Would like to thank a guest reviewer for pointing that out.
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters. Only those which you don't recognise belong to me. So there.
The Babysitter
There was a hustle and bustle in the house, and Inuyasha was wondering why. He was sitting on the rug in his room, which was on the first floor of Miroku's and Sango's house. The ground floor belonged to them, seeing as it was larger. The first floor had only one bedroom with an attached bathroom, which was the main reason why it was smaller compared to the ground floor which had two bedrooms.
Before long, he was putting his ear to the floor, trying to make out what was happening. Just then, his door opened, and Miroku came in, looking a little stressed. "Inuyasha, may I ask you a small favour?" He asked it very sweetly, which set off an alarm bells in Inuyasha's head.
"Ookaaay… what favour?"
"Ah, well, you see, Sango and I have to go out, because one of my friends had an accident and broke his leg, so we have to go to the hospital to see him, and, uh-"
"Miroku, just cut the crap and tell me the truth."
Miroku sighed audibly. "We have to attend this official party, because it's very important, a lot of prospective clients will be there or so my boss says, and the babysitter who usually comes is busy and can't make it, so I was wondering if-"
"You were wondering if I could take care of the kids."
"Yes. Pleeease?"
"Hm…well, ok."
"Thank you! You are a life saver!"
"So when will you leave?"
"Ah, there is something else you should know…"
"Like what?"
"Katsumi will be there too."
"What! That brat? No way am I going to baby-sit her."
"Oh come on Inuyasha. Please? Can't you do me this one small, teeny weeny favour?" And here Miroku used his sparkle.
Inuyasha grumbled. "Okay fine… Hey, wait a minute. How did Sesshoumaru agree to leave her here when you would be gone? That's not like him at all."
"Well, he doesn't know we're going out."
"What? He's not gonna like that. Why did you agree to it in the first place?"
"You know how it is. He looked at me and asked if I could watch her for a bit and I just said yes."
"But you shouldn't lie to him. He won't like it at all when he finds out his precious daughter was under my care, of all the people in the world."
"If anyone can do it, you can! So please, will you help me? Please, pretty please?" The sparkle made an appearance again.
Inuyasha sighed. "Ok fine, since you seem really desperate."
"I will make it up to you. I promise!"
Down stairs, Sango was frantic, trying to make some last minute arrangements. She looked very pretty in her pink dress. Inuyasha wondered how she could look so cute after taking care of her daughter, son, Miroku and the house. She looked at him and smiled "Hi there! Thank you so much for agreeing to look after them! Samira's sleeping now, so you don't have to worry about her for a while. There's cake in the fridge, and pizza in the container on the stove, so feel free to help yourself. And Sammi's milk is in the bottle next to the stove, and her food is in the container next to the milk, ok? And, all her diapers and napkins are in a bag on the side table, next to the bed. The first aid kit is in the kitchen, clearly marked. If there is an emergency, all the numbers are on a paper attached to the fridge door, ok? Feed her at about seven 'o clock, and put her to sleep at around eight. Katsu and Goku should be in bed by eight thirty. Their food is in the microwave; just warm it up before you serve it to them. We'll be back at nine-thirty. Hm? And again, thank you! We'll see you later, okay?"
All of this was spoken so quickly that it took him some time to understand it. Miroku came to him, took his hands in his and solemnly said "All the best. We'll be back before you know it. Bye now!"
Inuyasha saw them off at the door, waving good bye till the car turned a corner. 'What the hell am I gonna do with those kids? As long as the baby's asleep, I'll be ok. So all I have to do is pray that she stays asleep till it's time for her dinner…' Samira was a very cute kid, with her father's black hair and warm brown eyes. She was only one and a half years old. She was alright as long as she was sleeping or playing with her dolls or getting cuddled by her parents. But when she began to cry, generally all hell broke loose. She had an annoyingly loud, high pitched, typical baby voice, and her crying was more like a wailing siren. It took a lot of effort to stop her once she had started.
Goku on the other hand, was a very quiet kid. He took after his mother. He was helpful, and loved his family. Inuyasha had watched him a lot when his parents were busy. For an eight year old, he was remarkably mature. He didn't expect any problems from him.
But Katsumi, she was a whole different ball game. Being Sesshoumaru's daughter, it wasn't very surprising that she was a brat. She threw tantrums, pulled pranks on unsuspecting people, was always vanishing from her house, was perpetually stealing sweets behind her mother's back, and wanted things which were impossible to get (she once asked for a cloud for Christmas) and blew her top off when she didn't get what she wanted. All in all, she was the naughtiest, most annoying kid he had ever known. Granted she looked very adorable, but that was no excuse for being a child from hell. Sesshoumaru, the personification of stateliness and Katsumi, the wild child. What an irony that was. Both her parents were very refined and always poised. One had to wonder where she got her mischievous genes from.
Since Sammi was sleeping, and Katsu and Goku were in Goku's room playing with some puzzles, he didn't think that he was going to be put under any stress any time soon. So he went back inside, to the kitchen, where the fridge was. Opening it he found half a cake, and it was his favourite chocolate flavour, no less. Licking his lips, he took it out, set it on the counter and went knife hunting.
He was sitting in front of the TV, watching the football match he had been waiting for for days, cheering every time his team stole the ball. They were about to score again when-
That was Samira, letting the world know that she was awake and was hungry or needed a change or something. "And the headache has begun." Inuyasha muttered to himself, annoyed that he couldn't watch the match anymore. He got up and went to the nursery, which had been peaceful just a few minutes back. Now it was like someone had set off an air raid siren. "Boy, how does Sango manage you?" he asked, picking her up and taking her to the kitchen. "Are you hungry? Do you want milk? Baby food? Will you please keep quiet? Please?" He was pleading with her; his eardrums couldn't handle much more of the aural assault. Setting her down on the counter, he went to take the bottle of milk, which was missing from where Sango said it would be next to the stove. "Damnit! Where is it?" After looking everywhere, uttering curses all the while, he finally found it in the drawer where he had found the knife earlier. He remembered absently moving things around in his search for the knife.
He felt stupid.
"Uncle Inu! Why is Samira crying? What did you do to her?" that was Katsumi, her shoulder length silver hair held up by two pony tails on either side of her head.
"I didn't do anything"
"Exactly what I mean. Babies need to be taken care of. You shouldn't just forget about them as you watch some stupid football game!"
"You talk too much for a seven year old, Katsumi."
"When will mum and dad be back, Inuyasha?" Goku asked, scratching his elbow as he entered the kitchen. He had been asked to forget calling him 'uncle' Inu.
"At around nine-thirty. Why do you ask?"
"I just wanted to know."
"Ok, why don't you guys go to the living room? I'll be back in a few minutes."
He took the bottle, and placed it next to the stove. Gently lifting the still crying kid, and slightly rocking her, he put the nipple of the feeding bottle in her mouth. The horrible wailing died down and was replaced by a soft contented mewl.
Sighing with relief, Inuyasha carried the baby back to the living room, trying to salvage what he could from the match.
Sadly, he couldn't.
Samira started crying again. This was a little better than the air raid siren, but was still annoying. It was especially annoying because the bottle was still half full. She threw the bottle down, the top came off, and the milk spilt everywhere. "Damnit! What the hell! Why me! Aargh!" He groaned as he put her down on the sofa.
"Uncle Inu! You broke her bottle! And you cursed!" Katsumi looked shocked.
"I'm sorry my lady, I will not do it again."
"Are you being sarcastic, uncle Inu? Because I can totally tell, you know?"
Muttering under his breath, he took the bottle and put it in the kitchen sink. He didn't know if it could be fixed because he hadn't even bothered to look at it closely.
He made his way back to the living room where the tot was wailing loudly.
"Uncle Inu, I think she didn't like her milk!" Katsumi commented, as if she was someone whose comments were not meant to be ignored.
"Don't be stupid, that's her most favourite thing in the world." Goku retorted.
"Well, then I think she doesn't like uncle Inu."
"Hm… maybe you're right about that..."
"Guys, please, don't make this harder for me! Do you have any idea how to stop her crying?"
"Try giving her baby food, Inuyasha"
"Do you think that will work?"
"He's her brother, he knows her better than you do, so you should listen to him without raising unnecessary questions, uncle Inu"
Inuyasha glared at her, but nevertheless went into the kitchen to get the container of baby food.
When he came back, he was met with two kids staring at Samira and laughing quietly.
"What are you talking about?"
Katsumi turned to him with her large baby blue eyes twinkling innocently "Nothing, uncle Inu. Goku was just telling me that it's a Herculean task to get her to eat that muck and only Sango has been successful so far! "
"All the best Inuyasha! You can do it" Goku encouraged him brightly.
Inuyasha swallowed. He spooned out some of the gooey stuff and bent to the crying tot. "Say aaaah baby!" But she just wouldn't. He waited till she opened her mouth and put the spoon in. She spat it out at him. "Yuck! Damnit!" he exclaimed as he wiped the yucky thing off his face.
"EEW! Gross! Thank god I'm not in uncle's place!"
"See, I told you this would happen. Isn't it funny?" Goku laughed.
'Mature kid my foot.' Inuyasha grumbled inwardly.
"Oh come on uncle, don't look so sad!" Katsumi wiped at a bit of the glop dripping off his chin with her handkerchief.
"Why don't we try to make her laugh? Then maybe she will agree to eat a little something and then you can put her to sleep!"
That sounded like a great idea, so he abandoned the container on the table and instead set about trying to make her laugh. He made all sorts of funny faces, tickled her, and even tried playing peek-a-boo! Nothing worked. Even the kids helped, but Samira was in no mood to close her mouth.
And at this point, he was all but insane.
That was a very, very wrong thing to do.
Samira stopped, and scrunched up her face, new tears beginning to form in her eyes. She sucked in a deep breath, making soft whimpering noises.
Inuyasha panicked. "Oh no, not that, please…no …please don't!"
"Run for it!"
She opened her mouth wide, exploding in the loudest, shrillest, most agonizing cry he had ever heard in his life.
"Uncle Inu! Make it stop!" Katsumi wailed.
"I'm gonna die!"
Inuyasha thought his eardrums were going to tear and he would bleed to his death.
His patience had finally snapped. So, he decided he had to do what had to be done.
He began searching for the sitter's number.
"Um, hello? Is this Yuka?"
"Yes! And who are you?"
"My name's Inuyasha, I'm a family friend of Miroku's. You're the one who usually babysits Samira right?"
"Yeah that's me. But I thought I already told them I couldn't make it today?"
"Yes I know. I'm taking care of her for them. But I have never taken care of kids before and she's driving me crazy! On top of that I have 2 other kids to take care of. Please help me, or I'll go insane! Please? I don't have anyone else's number!" He sounded really desperate, and the girl felt sorry for him.
"Ok, how about I ask a few friends of mine? I'll let you know if no one's free. Is that ok?"
"Yes, that would be great! Thank you."
"Uncle Inu, may I ask you something?"
"Are all babies as noisy as Samira is?"
"I don't think so. Well, at least I hope they aren't…"
"I think something's burning, I smell something weird."
"Me too!"
"Damn!" and it was a wild dash to the kitchen.
"Uncle Inu! You cursed again!"
So, how was it? Is it even barely funny? Please let me know. Feel free to tell me what you think.
Reviews welcomed and appreciated!