Disclaimer: Not JK…

Drabble 3:

Sirius was walking along the hallways of Hogwarts, after curfew, which was usual for him. Most of the prefects knew him and they let him off without punishment. It was just Lily that he had to avoid. Even she had toned down a bit now a days and even smiled at his jokes. May be dating Prongsie has had an effect on her.

As he walked out of a tapestry, he bumped into a girl, who fell down from the impact and glared up at him through her half moon spectacles which were askew by now.

She's pretty thought Sirius as he smiled his 'charming' smile at her. The girl was in fact stunning, as was the scowl on her face.

"Wandering the halls after curfew is wrong enough without shoving down students" she snapped as she ignored the hand he offered and stood up by herself.

"I could ask you the same thing. Ravenclaw, I see. What are you doing at this time of the night?"

"What a prefect should be doing. Patrolling the halls"

"Oh! So you are a prefect. How about a hot chocolate at the kitchens?" he asked, quite sure of the response he'd get.

"No thanks. And you'd better get going before some one else comes by, Black" she said before turning in the direction she had been heading, leaving behind a stunned Sirius Black.

The next day:

"There could be hundreds of Ravenclaws who fit your description, Padfoot" James said as soon as he had finished hearing Sirius' encounter.

"But she was a prefect!"

"A Ravenclaw prefect with raven hair and…"

"Deep green eyes, yes. Do you know who she is Moony?"

"There's no one in that description, Sirius. Was she wearing a badge?"

"Uh…Now that you've asked, no"

"Then how did you conclude that she was a prefect?"

"She said she was doing….she was lying! Oh, I must find her now!" Sirius said before running out of the common room.

"Sirius finds his match" James said wisely, before lying on his bed to think about newer ways to ask Lily out.

A/n: Drabble 3 up!
