A/N: Okay, I hope ya'll like it and I get at least one reader because I thought of this idea and got TOTALLY excited LOLOL and yeah, read and enjoy and don't forget to review after xD

Summary: Rose and Lissa are on the run again, this time from Strigoi Christian and Dimitiri but this time with a new friend. What happens when they stumble into Fell's church and into Stefan and Damon's lives, things will change forever in their little town, Hope you give it a chance.

Disclaimer: I Own nothing except my thoughts and Asiman, Vampire Academy belongs to L.J smith and Vampire Academy belongs to Richelle mead, their both wonderful authors and I'm glad they thought of these characters!

Rose POV:

It's strange how a moment of heaven could turn into an eternity of hell in a blink of an eye. It felt like only moments ago I was wrapped up in the cabin with Dimitiri, now he was strigoi and he was going to come after me. And it felt like only moments ago Christian was comforting Liss in the church attic but Dimitiri got him and turned him, Christian was coming for Lissa and we knew it. So Lissa and I did what we- well me- knew best to do to keep her safe, we packed our things, I stocked a couple stakes, we got a loan from Adrian and fled St. Vladimir's Academy for the second time in less than two years. On the way we ran into a new friend, her name was Asiman and she and I had something in common. She too was a dhampir on the run from her strigoi forced boyfriend, she was something special too Lissa and I had never met anyone as brave as her. She was a dhampir, yes but dropped out of an academy in Romania but not to become a blood whore but to live a peaceful life with her Dhampir boyfriend. But one terrible night, they were ambushed and he was turned; she had the scars that resembled Tasha Ozera's running down her arm and neck. I felt sympathy for the girl, she was barely seventeen but had faced so much and as bad as they were they made her as strong as she was now. She was stronger than I and I respected her, but she was as kind as Lissa. She was also as pretty as us, she had choppy dark brown hair that she sometime spiked for fun, pale sky blue eyes, full pink lips, my curvy and feminine figure, a five foot eight height, muscles in her arms from stake practice, and a bronze tan from hiding in the sun. We were sprinting through Oakley woods in Fell church, Asiman clutching one of Lissa's wrist and me clutching her other as we dragged her through the forest. With all of our heightened senses we could have sworn seeing Christian, Dimitiri, and Adam (Asiman's ex) and ran for our lives.

"Rose! What if it wasn't them!" Asiman yelled as we flew through the forest at a Strigoi worthy pace.

"Well what if it was?" I challenged "Do you guys really want to take the chance of stopping and them catching us? I don't!"

Asiman nodded and to my surprise we sped up until we were racing through the forest at the speed of light. Lissa never complained or slowed down once until we tumbled over a log none of us saw. Our screams vibrated through the forest in echoes until the three of us crashed into a tree together laughing a bit. We stood and I winced, that fucking hurt!

"Wow Rose" Asiman grinned "Your not looking too pretty"

I smiled and glanced down at my scraped body and felt my twig and leaf infested hair, Lissa giggled looking similar but more angel like. Asiman brushed the twigs and leafs off of herself and glanced at her cuts on her arms and giggled softly.

"Ah, the beauty of real women" We all laughed until we heard two men arguing not too far away, about a few paces away.

"...You always were selfish. Your one fault. Not willing to share anything, are you?" said a seductive and alluring voice. Asiman, Lissa, and I exchanged dreamy glances.

"Who is that?" Lissa waved herself, we all giggled again and stepped forward toward the voice. There was a break in the trees showing the clearing and the men, and what we saw left us stunned and mesmerized.

They were beautiful and I've never used that word for men before so this was strange, they both had fine black hair, pale skin, and the features of a roman coin. Except the taller one had oak green eyes, and curlier hair and visibly he was fuming. The other one had an arrogant smile and black eyes as he leaned casually against a tree trunk. The smirk reminded me of Christian or Adrian and I could tell it reminded Lissa too as sorrow floated in her jade eyes but it was soon replaced by a crushing gaze.

"But fortunately the lovely Elena is more generous." That silky voice continued, it was the one with black eyes " Didn't she tell you about our little liaisons? Why, the first time we met she almost gave herself to me on the spot"

"That's a lie!" The taller one growled, he had a just as beautiful voice as his looks. Lissa, Asiman exchanged gazes.

"What do we do?" Lissa mouthed to us, we were in charge of her so we would decide something, I looked at Asiman and she looked as conflicted as I felt.

"Oh, no, dear brother. I never lie about anything important. Or do I mean unimportant? Anyway, your beauteous damsel nearly swooned into my arms-" I didn't get to listen the rest as Asiman pulled Lissa and I away to another spot where we could speak of plans.

"Rose, What should we do?" Lissa asked. "Do we talk to them?"

I sighed "Guys, I don't know. I'm just trying to keep us away from Dimitiri, Christian, and Adam that's all and if worst comes to worse and they find us well Asiman and I will be ready. We'll practice here"

Asiman nodded looking serious and alert "Were both pretty good now, but with more practice we could probably be as good as you proclaimed Dimitiri was maybe even Arthur Schoenberg legendary"

I smiled feeling a little bit cheerier "Maybe. But I still don't want to chance the guys finding us, so do we settle in a big city or a small town" I glanced around.

Asiman sighed and sat on the log "You know its wierd" she laughed harshly "I feel like Adam and Me were finally ready to go on with out lifes and then this happens, I bet it was like that for you guys huh?"

Lissa nodded then shook her head "I feel sort of sorry for Christian, I mean he's what everybody expected him to be"

I patted her shoulder and sat beside Asiman and ran my hands through my thick hair and in what could have been seen in a human's eyes as one motion, Asiman and I were on ur feet stakes out and Lissa pushed behind us as a twig snapped.

A/N: Did you like it? DId you hate it? Got any questions? Review and tell me and if I get at least hmmm... 3 reviews then I'll update so Alert, Favorite, and Review and I won't go insane xD
