A/N: Disclaimer-I do not own Bleach or any of it's characters as much as I would like to though XD

Fumiko ran through the street with several other kids. The man from the vegetable wagon was yelling after them with curses and other such bad words.
Fumiko turned around, jogging backwards, and put her tongue out at the man and turned back to running with a cheeky grin on her face.

They got to the road in which their home was on the other side, and were ready to run across it before their path was blocked by guards with the Kuchiki emblem on their uniform. The young boys and girls looked around, looking for a noble or their transport.

"There it is!" shouted Fumiko. She pointed at the elaborately decorated cows and the carriage that they pulled along. The other kids immediately followed her finger and they all rushed to try and get closer to the nobles.

"Ah! Some authority!" came a relieved voice from behind the gaggle of children. Fumiko jumped and cast her gaze over her shoulder. The vegetable man was there.

"Shit! Run guys!" she exclaimed and they scattered.

"Get them! They're thieves!" screamed the man.

A hand exited the window of the carriage and signalled an allowance for the guards to go and get them. The guards heeded the order and broke into a shunpo. The children darted everywhere and each group of three children had one guard.

There was the small time of chasing before the guards all returned with armfuls of squirming children, "Shouta-nii!" shouted Fumiko and other children towards the shack they called home. A young man who looked about 17 years old emerged from the building and saw the kids.

"Hey what are you doing?" he barked over at the guards and the smug looking vegetable man. Shouta marched over to them with a scathing glare on his face.

As Shouta approached the carriage door opened and a couple of noble men exited it. "What is all the commotion out here?" asked a composed man who was evidentially the elder of the two. The man behind him then brushed past him and examined the children.

"So this was the type of group Rukia and Renji lived in." observed Byakuya as his eyes probed the confused children, "You can let them go now."

The guards let go of them and they all flocked over to Shouta, "Well what was the point of that?" questioned a peeved looking Fumiko standing in front of Byakuya with a scowl on her delicate features.

Byakuya took in her black hair and grey eyes and seemed to be contemplating. He turned briskly to the older man, "Uncle, what does she look like?" The man looked surprised at this query but none the less he went to inspect the girl.

"By my ancestors, she looks like a…a…" he finished the sentence with a gesture at himself and Byakuya.

Byakuya nodded, "That's what I thought. Girl, what is your name?"

Fumiko frowned, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked you."

"Ok then, what is the significance of knowing my name?"

Now it was Byakuya's turn to frown, "Does the significance matter?"

"It does to me."

"Just tell me you name."



"Still won't."

"Fine. Lets go home Uncle."

Byakuya and Seimei got back inside the carriage and it started off again with the guards following nearby.

Seimei gazed out the window at the shack, that shack looks familiar…I can't put my finger on it. Oh well, it is insignificant.

A/N: Ok Guys tell me what you think! I managed to get a bit more in this chapter as the other two where quite short…well I hope you enjoyed =]