She placed her hand over her swollen belly and smiled. "I'll hold and protect you always…" she whispered to her unborn child.

"Aiko. Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes Seimei-sa-" she stopped in mid sentence gasping for breath and clutching her body in agony.

"Lady Aiko!" exclaimed one of the maids, "Lord Seimei! Lord Seimei! Lady Aiko has gone into labour!"

"You! Fetch some blankets! You fetch some warm water!" ordered a tall, brunette maid, "It's ok Lady Aiko. Everything is going to be alright."

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts a lot Akiko-san… AHHH!"

"Hurry!" shouted Akiko, she desperately held onto her Lady's hand and let her Lady crush it, because she was there for Akiko when she was little, and she would return the favour by helping her through the pain and look after her child.

The two maids with warm water and blankets rushed in with the midwife. After she put down the water one of them closed the doors and the Kuchikis waited…

Two hours later there was an infant's wail from the bedroom, followed by a scream and a plead.

Seimei stood and stormed to the door, flinging it open. "I demand what's going on!"

"Oh Seimei-sama. SEIMEI-SAMA!" more tears flowed out of his wife's tired eyes as she wept.

"What ever is the matter." he said calmly as he stroked his wife's damp hair. The maids and midwife shifted on their feet.

Then the midwife spoke, "Lord Seimei… your son was born dead…" A look of horror struck the man's face as he absorbed the news.

Another howl of sorrow erupted from the Lady Aiko as she bawled into her husband's sturdy chest.

The midwife continued, "But it was twins and you have a perfectly healthy daughter." she gave a weak smile, gestured to the cradle the was set out in the room.

Lord Seimei tore himself from his wife and strode to the cradle. In he looked and saw two, big, silvery - blue eyes staring up at him.

"Lady Aiko!" shrieked Akiko as the women went limp and was lifeless. "Lady Aiko..!" Akiko had tears streaming down her face. The Lord looked and lost it.

In one swooping motion he swept up the infant and ran out the room.