
Chapter 4: On Foreign Soil

A/N: So I am not the best about updates, and I do apologize for that. This is two apology notes in a row, way to succeed me. Anyway I am happy to present the fourth chapter, where the posse finally reach foreign soil! Enjoy I say!

Oh, admittedly, I did quote Easy A in this chapter, and if someone can find where it is, they rock.

I also want to state I hope I don't offend anyone here with my jokes, I mean them in the best intentions.

Disclaimer: Still stands! I do not own anything!

It began when the number one rule among teenagers was broken, and it was only catalyzed because of the seven hours that one boy had spent sitting in one place, a very uncomfortable place at that.

It began when Riku fell asleep.

Now as anyone who has ever slept over at a friend's house or someone who has passed out at a party knows, no one can be trusted when you are in such a vulnerable state. But to his defense, the school-required summer reading was dull, and the long section about the glory of America seen through the eyes of children got old very, very fast.

And no one can blame Sora for capitalizing on the chance to make the girl of his dreams laugh.

Thus, we enter on Sora and Kairi still listening to Kairi's IPod together, although admittedly (and Sora could not figure out why) she seemed pretty disappointed. Both were rather tired, but both knew that sleep was their enemy at this point. They would reach the mainland at night, so they'd just have to sleep when they arrived.

The two would most likely not have noticed their friends state if he hadn't of dropped his book on the lightly carpeted floor, causing a rather large bang. Both startled from their music induced coma and looked down at the floor, then back at the cause of the noise. Sora grinned widely, then turned to face the passengers to his right.

"Namine! Hey Namine!" he whispered, looking over at Namine and Roxas, the latter dozing on the former, his head rested upon her bare shoulder. She looked up from her sketch book to see her speaker.

"Yes?" she whispered, barely loud enough to hear over the roar of the plane's engines.

"Do you have a marker by any chance?"

"Somewhere," she stated, digging through her pencil case. Suddenly she found something and tossed it to him, careful not to disturb the sleeping Roxas. Kairi, who was curious to see what Sora was doing glanced over and let out a long sigh.

"Awwwww! Isn't that cute?" She cooed, watching as Namine turned a deep crimson.

"Shhh! Kairi be quiet!" Sora ordered playfully, Kairi glanced at him curiously, then to the marker in his hand. "Switch me seats!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Just switch me seats! Before he wakes up!" Sora pleaded. Kairi giggled slightly then stood up and tried to maneuver around his legs to take his seat. She fell clumsily in the seat he had occupied, but he was not fast enough and was caught with her partially on his lap. Both blinked then quickly shuffled off of one another, both happy inside that the mishap had happened, but both equally as embarrassed.

Sora shrugged off his brief moment of joy back into a mood of mischief. He uncapped the blue marker and bit his lip as he ran the marker over the face of his friend/rival. Kairi tried to peek at what he was doing, but couldn't see over Sora's shoulders and pointy hair. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, eager to see what Sora was doing.

Finally he leaned back in his seat a few minutes later with a proud look on his face. Kairi looked at him questionably, but shook her head. Typical Sora, no doubt he'd pull a prank on Riku when their stuck together for eleven hours. They both loved to prank each other, but Sora always managed to land himself in more awkward situations thanks to Riku than the other way around. Kairi had seen the best of pranks and the worst of pranks, she knew what they were both capable of.

"What'd you do?" She asked, leaning forward to see, only to have to turn away in fear of waking Riku with her peal of laughter. She looked to see Riku in what looked to be a nineteenth century costume, with a nice handlebar mustache, small pointy goatee, a monocle, and a cow lick in blue ink descending from his silver hair. Not only were these funny, but they also weren't too terribly done. Sora had really outdone himself this time. Kairi bit her tongue in an attempt to stifle laughter, then reached for her bag and grabbed her digital camera.

"Take a picture for me please!" She asked through stifled giggles, her face turning red. He smiled and took the camera. Adjusting it so that it was above the two, Sora squeezed in with his typical goofy grin and smiled up at the camera, while the unconscious Riku let a small snore pass his open lips.


The bright light shattered the sleep of Riku, and he lazily opened his eyes, but not fast enough to catch Sora quickly pulling the camera away and handing it to Kairi, who laughed.

"What's going on?" he asked, exhaustion clear in his dry voice, "What time is it?"

"I don't know, why don't you check Big Ben?" Sora asked, faking a British accent. Riku looked at him odd, causing his monocle to changed into a crescent moon shape. It took a lot of Kairi's willpower to not laugh.

"What drugs are you taking?" he asked, lazily crooking his head.

"Just hopped up on the biscuits I guess, that or too much tea," he smiled. Kairi shook her head.

"I'm sorry that joke was poorly developed," he leaned over and whispered to her. She smiled.

"You'll get 'em next time," she said, hitting his shoulder lightly.

"What in the world is going on with you two?" Riku asked, looking over to the whispering couple. "And why the hell are you sitting there?"

"Kairi and I switched seats," he stated.

"Well switch back, I can't handle the transition from a hot chick to you," he stated, popping his knuckles.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Well, you have a P where I'm looking for a V." he replied. Sora crooked his head confused.

"A P? A P-" Sora repeated until he realized what Riku meant. Kairi, meanwhile, was sitting blushing in her seat and giggling. "Really man?" Sora cried.

"Yes really, switch!" He ordered. Kairi smiled and stood up again.

"Sora, come on," she urged. Sora slid over onto his seat and Kairi plopped down between the two. Glancing at Riku's face once more, she repressed the laughter that was sparked from it.

Nine hours in…

"My butt seriously hurts…" Riku moaned, rubbing said injury while he read the book that had previously put him to sleep.

"I thought you people across the pond called it a fanny?" Sora teased.

"Pardon?" he asked, wondering why Sora was shooting these crappy jokes that didn't make much sense, but Kairi laughed her butt off at. He glanced over to see Kairi with a paperback novel and Sora looking through the in flight magazine. He sat with his tray table down and his head resting upon his arm, a pose he often struck whilst in school.

"So, has anyone else noticed that the East Land flag looks like the Pepsi logo?" he wondered aloud. Kairi put her book down and looked into the magazine he was so enthralled with to see a full page advert for an East Land airline. She looked down and giggled a bit.

"Oh my god, it totally does!" She snickered. Suddenly the two looked up when the row diagonally in front of them awkwardly cleared their throat, only to see to East Landers glaring bullets into the two. They both awkwardly smiled and leaned back in their seats.

The two sat in silence for about three minutes, then suddenly:

"I love East Land"

Kairi glanced over to Sora to see a corny smile on his lips. She giggled, then broke out in full out laughter. The two East Landers turned back once more and just shook their heads.

"Nice save!" She whispered. Sora shrugged his shoulders.

"At least I did something, your majesty!" He teased, flicking her shoulder. She faked punched him, which resulted with him grabbing her wrists. Sora smiled as he had her pinned, while Kairi fought in vain, a similar smile on her own face.

"Jesus Christ, there is so much sexual tension between you two!" a feminine voice cried out above Sora. They both glanced up to see Selphie with a sly grin on her face.


"Tension?" the two asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, you know," Selphie said, glancing up to the blank movie screen, "like in Dear John!"

"I am nothing like that John character!" Sora protested, watching as Selphie shook her head.

"Why wouldn't you want to be? He's so dreamy! Am I right Kairi?" She asked, watching as Kairi shifted in her seat. Sora quickly glanced back at her, curious to see if Kairi shared the sentiment.

"I didn't watch it Selphie," she said, pushing her two pointer fingers together. She crooked her head.

"Awww you should of! It was so cute!" She cooed. Kairi smiled and sighed.

"You would think that Selphie," Kairi stated.

"So anyway Kairi, I have a Cosmopolitan if you want to read it," She said, disappearing with a moment, then returning with a pink magazine in her hands. Kairi looked down to her novel, already almost done, then nodded. She took it in her hands and read the front cover, promising new sex poses, fat burning workouts, and ways to make your guy scream. She cringed then opened the page, succumbing to the guilty pleasure. Sora, meanwhile, grew interested when he saw the pictures advertising the newest style of lingerie to hit the Victoria's Secret circuit. Kairi, catching a glance, quickly turned the page, despite the interesting article that she had been reading on the opposite page.

Sora sighed and returned to his own seat. He twiddled his thumbs then glanced at his watch. Only two more hours…

The moment finally came, when the xylophone ding rang throughout the cabin of the plane.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are making our descent."

A loud cheer rang out from the exhausted students, each and every one bouncing in their seat, with the exception of Roxas and Namine, because Roxas had yet to wake up.

"Oh my god we're finally here!" Kairi cried, clinging onto Sora's jacket sleeve and bouncing in her seat. Sora smiled and bounced with her.

And then after a few moments of anticipation, the wheels finally touched the foreign soil.

And they were finally there.

"This place is amazing!" Kairi and Namine cried out in sync as they glanced upon the nighttime cityscape as they waited for their bus to the hotel. Tall buildings rose from the ground with bright, florescent lights decorating the floors. Advertisements played on large T.V. screens built into the buildings, and the smell of the sea was almost absent, something foreign to the island teens. The city bustled with the noise of citizens commuting to and fro, each and every one speaking the Mainland language as fast as their lips could go. Cars rushed about, each with drivers more impatient than the next. Above them the sky was littered with lights of sky scrapers, and no stars could be seen.

Each and every student stood with their jaws dropped and their eyes drinking in all the sights and sounds. A general aura of amazement passed over them as they each took deep breaths quickly converted to gasps of awe. Kairi and Namine stood with arms linked and both girls turned to each other and squealed. All they had ever dreamed had just come true.

"Boys and girls listen!" Quistis order, standing on top of her suitcase to see all of her students, "I know it's overwhelming but we must stick together, okay. When we reach the hotel, I want each of you to take a seat in the lobby, where we will give you your room assignments, alright?"

"Yes sensei!" they all replied, using the Mainland term for teacher. The students then retreated to their private conversations about how awesome this place was.

When the bus arrived all the students packed together in the small space with their luggage (ever single person's was packed full) taking up more space than the actual student. The awkwardly cramped space was miserable, but luckily for Sora he had a reason that it was a little more comfortable. Kairi stood, her body pressed against his, flexing away from a sick Mainland woman who was sniffling wildly that was standing right next to her. Her hair was so close that he could smell it, and the perfume she was wearing filled his nostrils.

Unfortunately, the person standing behind him, also pressing up against him, was a smelly jock known as Wakka. He smelt of sweat and unwashed clothes (which seemed true in the manner he dressed), which also lingered around Sora. So with each breath of Kairi he took in, he took in another smell of Wakka. Good surpassed the bad, but just barely.

The bus ride seemed to last forever, and while Sora enjoyed Kairi, the Wakka was filling the air faster than he could stand. When it finally stopped, Sora watched as Wakka slowly filed away, while Kairi waited for him to go. Finally when she walked forward, she found her shirt caught on Sora's own. She pulled then was ricocheted back into Sora. She looked up, shortly before awkwardly fumbling with his shirt.

"Um, you two?" A deep masculine voice asked, Kairi glanced up from their predicament to see one of the teachers looking at her. The male one, Squall, she thought was his name. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to stop, if Quistis caught you, you'd be dead." He said, glancing down to Kairi's hand on Sora's chest, trying to fix their shirts. Rinoa, the other teacher walked by then laughed.

"Relax Squall, their stuck together," she stated, then walked over and pushed the two shirts together before she pulled them apart, quickly separating the two. Kairi almost sprinted out of the bus, not even stopping to thank the teachers. Kairi was so embarrassed she could have died!

She rushed inside the lobby and took a seat next to Selphie and Namine, both who noticed that she was rather flustered.

"What's wrong Kairi? Was the bus that bad?" Selphie asked. Namine pressed her hand on her shoulder, then looked around.

"Where's your bag?" She asked. Kairi turned pale.

"Oh no! I must have left it on the bus!" She cried, rising from her seat just in time to see through the window the bus rushing off to pick up more guests. She groaned then slumped back down in her seat.

"I just lost all my clothes for the two weeks…." She mumbled. Her head rested heavily on her hands, while Namine and Selphie pat her back.

"No you didn't," Sora said, walking towards the trio with two bags. He slung Kairi's duffel bag toward her with a smile. "You just rushed out with your normal forgetful way!" He teased. Kairi glanced up at him and smiled. She then rose from her seat and hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Sora!" She said, right before she pulled away. Just as she did, she realized something. She was snagged again.

"Oh come on!" She cried, once again fiddling with their shirts.

"Whoa you two, get a room!" a boy they recognized as Seifer yelled from across the room. Kairi blushed again, Sora joining her. Just as she tried again, Quistis walked into the room. She quickly pulled Sora down with her to sit, causing him to land on Namine, who let out a squeak.

"Sorry," he whispered.

"Alright, listen up! I will read your assigned roommate, but first some rules. Number one, no trading roommates, we have picked these as a result of compatibility issue, we selected your roommate with a purpose. Second, after ten o'clock you must be in your room, no exceptions! And third, and possibly most important, no boys are to go to the girl rooms, and vice versa, understand?" She explained, each of the students nodded and gulped, figuring the punishment for breaking those rules would be worse than anything in the layers of hell.

"Alright, first we have three together, Wakka, Seifer, and Pence." She read, tossing Seifer the key. The three boys looked at each other and groaned.

"No complaining! Next, three girls together, Paine, Olette, and Yuna." The three girls also looked to each other and shrugged, this time Yuna receiving the key.

"We have Selphie and Rikku," Quistis read, handing Rikku the key. There was groaning again, but this time it wasn't from the two roomies, rather it was from the rest of the group. Putting the two loudest girls together was not going to end well.

"Tidus and Hayner."

No complaints.

"Namine and Kairi." The two girls gave an audible yes and tried to hug one another, rather awkward when Sora was attached.

"Sora and Riku?" Quistis read, but doubted it's sincerity. She knew her students, and she felt this might end poorly. But it was too late, Riku snatched the key and gave Sora a high five, also awkward because of an attached Kairi.

"And last but not least, Axel and Roxas." Quistis said, handing Axel the key. Roxas turned two shades pale, not unnoticed by Sora.

"What's wrong?" he asked, Roxas shook his head.

"Not Axel! Not Axel!" He cried. But before anything else could be said, Axel slung his arm over Roxas's shoulder and led him down the hallway towards the room.

"Come on roomie," Axel said. Sora watched them go with doubt, did he detect flirtation in Axel's voice?

"Alright boys and girls, time for bed, I look forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow for our bus tour of the city, okay?" Quistis asked. They all agreed, and with that they went to bed.

A/N: Whew! That was the longest chapter I think I have ever written. Eleven pages! At least I'm done, though by now I'm pretty tired.

So if anyone is curious, and I doubt it, but there is a flag in this world that looks like the Pepsi icon, thus why I included it. I did the same thing Sora did.

I want to write more, but I am exhausted right now and I'm sure no one really cares much about this anyway so please R&R!

See ya next chapter!