Happy holidays! There has been enough interest in this story to continue it for a while. We'll see how far we get :)

In the morning, Spirit got up and rushed out to the bathroom, going the wrong way since while he was sleeping he had forgotten that he was in a new place.

"Huh?" He stared dumbly around in the unfamiliar hallway, trying to adjust to his situation in his sleepy haze.

"Good morning, Senpai." Stein walked right past him, toward the living area, scaring the life out of him just by being there.

"Gah!" It all came back to him at that point, "Hey!"

"Hm?" Stein stopped, looking back over his shoulder.

"Don't scare me first thing in the morning! That's a new rule!"

"I merely greeted you, Senpai. Are you really so easy to frighten?"

"When I'm not awake, yes!"

"I'll keep that in mind." A tiny wicked glint shone in the boy's olive green eye before he turned and continued to walk away.

"You creepy little… Rrhhgh…" He grumbled, heading in the opposite direction to the bathroom.

As creepy as Stein was, Spirit had to head out with him again that morning to get food. They'd have to get some supplies soon.

"We're going to be late. You take too long in the bath." Stein told him.

"So? I want to look my best for the ladies." He laughed merrily. "It's my sworn duty!"

"Perhaps as part of this awesome responsibility, you should consider waking up earlier."

"I like sleeping, too. So, no. That's not gonna happen… What's with you being up at the crack of dawn, anyway?"

"I'm adjusting to the time zone difference. While it's breakfast time here it's nearly dinner time where I came from."

"Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. I guess it'll take a few days, huh?"

"Yes. It may serve me well to get time in the bath, however."

"There. Then it's all worked out, isn't it?"

"I suppose it is." He sighed.

When they arrived in their new classroom everyone hushed, watching them enter. Spirit scowled at the stares.

"Welcome to class, gentlemen." The teacher smiled.

"Thank you, sensei." Stein bowed politely.

"Everyone, I'm sure you all know Spirit Albarn. And this is Frahnken Stein, his new meister, all the way from Germany. Please make him feel at home… Gentlemen, you have a bit of catching up to do, but it's nothing you can't do, I'm sure! Please take seats over there and we'll begin." She pointed to an empty section of the second level row.

"We'll do our best." Stein nodded.

The class hummed with discussion as they took their seats.

"Today, we're going to be working on transformation. I know it's a little difficult for some of you because your wavelengths are still adjusting, so just be patient with yourselves. Weapons, let your meisters help you and trust them to support you. Meisters, give your weapons a confident wavelength. Though you've read about this in your books, I just want to remind you that this isn't easy for them to do, letting go of their familiar human form. So let's all work together… Everyone, recite the initial steps."

Spirit hurried to flip to that page in his book while Stein recited it easily without looking.

"Showoff." He whispered.

"It's called studying…" He replied coolly.

"Very good, class. Now, who would like to volunteer to be first?"

It was painful to watch the other students trying so hard and not quite getting where they needed to be. Spirit felt a little queasy as it came around to their turn. He wasn't sure he was ready to be in the spotlight, even if his ego told him to get out there and do it. He had never fully transformed before Stein had forced him into it the previous day.

In his mind's eye, he had known the shape he could take very well. That was what had brought him to this place. Recruiters for the school had been searching for new students with such abilities, and his constantly holding that image in his head had been like a beacon to them.

"Would our new classmates like to try? It might be a bit early in your partnership for it, but if you'd like to…" The teacher was attempting to be kind to them.

Stein stood up, his chair scraping back on the floor, "We'd be glad to."

"Heh?" Spirit gaped at him.

"That's great! Come on down."

"You already know how to do it." Stein looked down on him where he was clinging to his chair, "What's wrong?"

"I've never really done it before yesterday…" He admitted in a mutter so the rest of the students wouldn't overhear.

"Oh? I didn't know. Would you like to try it without my direct assistance? I know you can do it."

"You do?" Somehow that was a really comforting thing to hear at the moment.

"Of course. You're very strong, Senpai."

"Quit talkin' and get going!" One of the other kids mocked them and the class laughed.

"That's quite enough." The teacher scolded, "Are you having second thoughts? We can always wait for another day."

"That won't be necessary. Senpai…"

Spirit followed him automatically, down the steps, to the floor of the lecture hall.

"Please tell the class your form." The teacher smiled at Spirit's nervousness. In contrast, Stein was like a rock.


"Have you ever fully transformed before?"


The class murmured, impressed, surprised… but it wasn't nearly as impressive as it sounded, of course.

"And Frahnken, what is your experience as a meister?"

"I've used 10 different weapons while in Europe, collecting 10 souls."

Now there was more murmuring from the class. Spirit gulped.

"Well done, young man." The teacher clapped for him.

"I would like to mention that not only is Spirit Senpai a very strong weapon, he has the rare ability to partially transform. Quite remarkable and certainly useful in combat." He nodded.

Spirit smiled, "That's right! I can do that!" He hadn't thought about it in terms of it being rare or useful, just in terms of failing to fully transform.

"That's correct, indeed. I didn't know this about you, Spirit. You must be very proud!"

"Yeah." He nodded, trying hard to compose himself.

Stein could see this wasn't going well. His weapon was a bundle of nerves from being put on the spot, but at the same time he was eager to perform, to outshine his classmates that had mocked him for not having a meister.

"Senpai… Are you ready?"

"Sure… Give me a hand, okay?"

"Just a little, this time. You won't need much help."

Spirit nodded, feeling suddenly calmer as he looked into Stein's face. Nothing in the world probably scared this kid… His body relaxed from the energy that reached out to him and his reached back instinctively. The two energies just craved each other, drawn together like magnets.

"It's all right. You can let go."

He heard Stein even though he wasn't speaking and it just happened—transformation, but more gently this time. Not forced but asked for. He felt himself held in confident hands once more, relieved of the weight of his human form. The class hummed loudly until the teacher hushed them.

"Very nicely done. You two must mesh extremely well for such a smooth transition to happen."

"I have the ability to match wavelengths and so I have in this case, too… As you can see, his shape is simple yet extremely refined and effective. Nothing more than it needs to be. I've begun to study scythe combat techniques and I look forward to working with him."

The continued praise was soothing to Spirit. He felt a lot less embarrassed and a lot more proud of showing himself. Stein's hand relaxed, coaxing him to return to his human shape, which he did with a little regret. It felt good to be a weapon at last.

"Sensei, I think we would like to join an advanced class, if we could. I'd like to start working on combat as soon as possible."

"I'd tend to agree given the ease of Spirit-kun's transformation with you, so I'll see what I can do. Be considerate of your weapon, he doesn't have as much experience as you do."

"I will, of course." He nodded.

When excused, Spirit followed him back to their seating area. He could hardly concentrate on the rest of the class. His every atom was buzzing. It made him feel anxious. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and his foot slid over the floor, pressing against Stein's, searching for contact and some relief.

"S… Sorry…" He whispered when Stein glanced his way.

"It's all right." Stein shifted and hooked his lower leg around Spirit's, increasing the contact, "Better?"

He nodded weakly, "Thanks." It really did make him feel better, but the buzzing was still there, aching to make him shift shape again.

They walked toward the supply store very quietly after class, gathering things to tote back to their home. Again, people were looking at them. News of Spirit's easy transformation had spread like wildfire.

"I've really become a spectacle…" He frowned as he helped put their supplies away, "It's not his fault. He's bearing it just as much as I am. He's just more used to it. Shit, I'm used to being the cool kid in school."

There was a knock at their door. Spirit cringed, thinking that there were just going to be more gawkers coming to visit. Instead it was a teaching assistant with an envelope for Stein.

"Yeah, I'll give it to him. Thanks."

"Hey, good job on the transformation. I heard all about it."

"You did, huh?" He said sarcastically.

"Yeah, everyone's talking about it. Wish it had been that easy for me. Took me five months with my meister."

Spirit blinked, his attitude shifting at that news, "Wow… Seriously?"

"It was really rough. Don't worry about people talking. They're just jealous."

"Thanks, man. I was beginning to feel like a freak around here."

"Nah. Just lucky. See ya, Albarn."

"See ya." He closed the door with a smile. Even if he was far behind his classmates in some ways, he was ahead in others. "Hey…" He announced himself as returned to the kitchen, "you've got something from academics." He handed over the envelope to the flat-expressioned kid who opened it and read, "What is it? Huh?"

"Results of my academic evaluation. A final class list."

He had a peek over Stein's shoulder, impressed by the higher level science and math classes he was now enrolled in.

"Wow… You're gonna have a tough time catching up since we're already so far into the semester."

"I'll manage. This should be a lot of review, actually." He folded it and placed it on the table.

"Sid told me you had a Masters degree already."

"He did?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised you have to go to any classes, even if they are advanced ones. What's with that?"

"I don't have a Masters." He looked toward Spirit again.

"You don't?"


"They also said you were working on a couple doctorates…"

"I think there was a miscommunication. I intend fully to complete such an education, and I am well ahead of my years in doing so, but I have not achieved that level yet."

"Oh… I guess other people can believe rumors, too."


Spirit leaned on the counter, "So… uh… What's it like for you? As a meister to have a connection with a weapon?"

"Each one is different depending upon my interest level and their own energy level."

"Yeah, but… What does it feel like?"

He shrugged, "I don't know how to explain. Can you explain how you feel?"

"Uh huh. It's like this last time… It feels really personal. A huge relief, too. I feel like all the boundaries that usually separate people kinda drop away. I can hear you in my head. I can get a sense of what you're feeling… to a point, at least."

Stein nodded, "It's a connection. A deep connection."

"Yeah, that's it. When it breaks off, it feels really… I don't know… Like I want it back."

"It's completely understandable. You are an emotional creature. I can tell this from your wavelength." He turned and started to walk away.

"Hey, wait a minute!" He gave chase.

"Why?" Stein stopped in the hallway, not turning to face him.

"Because! I want to know if you feel that way, too!"

"I… don't feel. Emotions are only an impediment. A waste of time and energy."

"Wh… What? Everyone feels. Everyone has emotions."

"Not everyone does. Don't assume things. Excuse me."

Stein walked away, leaving Spirit feeling stunned and empty. He had wanted to share that feeling, to have it acknowledged… but not this. What had happened to the kid to make him this way? Spirit couldn't imagine.

"What the hell?"

The next day Spirit got up earlier and showered to be in plenty of time for class. He had been sleeping restlessly, still upset by his discussion with Stein the day before… and how he'd just disappeared into his room afterward.

Spirit had done a bit of reading up on soul connections on his own during the time that had passed. It definitely was different for everyone, from what he had read, but there was always an emotional aspect to it. Maybe Stein didn't want to admit it, maybe that was how he'd been raised, but it was sure that there was some sort of emotional response from him. Spirit was positive he'd felt it during their connection.

"You're up early." Stein noted, voice and expression both quite flat as usual.

"Yeah. Let's go."

"What about making breakfast?"

"You didn't eat yet?"

"No. I'm trying to adjust to the time difference so I thought I would wait for you before starting to cook."

"Never mind cooking, there's no time. We'll eat fast on the way."

"On the way to what? We don't have a shared class until 10am."

"Just hurry up, already." He growled.

Stein followed him along in his usual quiet manner, the both of them ignoring the curious stares over their shared breakfast. After a good meal at the dining hall, Spirit dragged him off to a sparring studio.

"What are we doing here?"

"You said you wanted to put us in advanced classes. You said you'd been studying scythe combat techniques. Well, I've never even been swung around before. So if you wanna do that, then you better start teaching me in our spare time."

"Oh? You're ready for that?"

"I don't know. How will I know until I try? So let's go. Start teaching me, Mr. Know-it-all." He dropped his book bag on the floor.

"All right." He nodded, joining Spirit in the middle of the room. "I'll go slowly with you."

"Good. I'm ready."

"Then, transform." He held out a hand and Spirit jumped to comply, excited to feel that way again, to feel that connection between them, the interweaving of their souls, "When we are working together I will be depending on you to watch my back, to watch from angles I cannot see. Always be aware of our surroundings as much as possible so that I can concentrate on our primary opponent."

"Yeah. I understand."

"It will be a little dizzying at first, but you'll learn to calm and rise above it." He hefted Spirit easily. "I'm going to begin a short bo staff exercise. I'm accustomed to using a staff but this shouldn't be too much different… It will allow you to start to become used to being in motion."

"What should I do?"

"Concentrate on our connection. Just that."

"Right. Go!"

Stein began the exercise, Spirit trying hard to cling to their connection while in motion, but it sure wasn't easy. The kid was swinging him around like crazy, at least from his perspective. He ended up falling out of form and rolling across the floor.

"Ow…" He sat up, shaking his head.

"Very well done."

"Huh? That sucked! I hardly did it!"

"No, that was very good especially for a first attempt. Don't give up, Senpai. Come."


He got up and ran back to Stein, jumping into form again. Time and time again, he fell out of form, but each time he was lasting longer and the exercises were becoming harder. Finally Stein stopped, panting and leaning against a wall.

"Hey, are you all right?" Spirit worried.

"I'm fine. Just tired. It's been a while since I was able to do this so seriously. You've done very well. Thank you."

Stein's forehead pressed against the flat of his blade and Spirit shivered from the feeling of affection that washed over him along with the contact. This kid definitely had emotions in him, even if they were well concealed, or rather, well controlled. He shifted back to his human form, pressing his forehead to Stein's.

"I'm going to make you proud. I'm going to be the best weapon you've ever had. You'll see. I may not be experienced, but I'm gonna give it my all. Definitely."

"I know you will. That's the kind of person you are, Senpai." He composed himself quickly, "Let's go. We have class."

"Yeah. Hurry up, Kouhei." He laughed, patting Stein on the head, "Shorty."

"I'll grow taller than you, Senpai."

"Uh huh. Don't bet on it, shrimp."

He slung an arm around the boy's neck, towing him off to their class playfully, even if Stein didn't seem like the playful sort.

Thus ends Chapter 2 - Let me know if you want to read more!