Guess what, Fanfiction... I'm back :). And here's my latest new idea. Hope you all like it. I'm reaching back into my roots of GaaHina so I'm thinking it'll be good. Review and I may just love you for the rest of my life ;D.

Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto xD. Sometimes I feel like I do thoughh.

Chapter 1: Without Cause

"I specifically asked for Hyuuga Neji," The Kazekage said with an air of indifference. His own voice was subtle, but the authority was evidently clear. Whether to be followed wasn't the question. More so, how much time were you given to follow exactly what he wanted was how is was to be.

Of course, I wasn't about to say anything. I was just a medical chunin. My training levels weren't anywhere close to my cousins, nor would I ever admit to them being somewhat close. So I kept my mouth relatively shut. It wasn't as if I had much I could have said anyways.

The Hokage, and my personal idol, Naruto Usumaki, stared at The Kazekage intently, his chin resting on the edge of his folded hands, elbows pressed against the dark-stained wood of his desk. It had been covered in sheets of papers, all of different orders, bills, and summons of which the Hokage was to deal with for his people. I knew how little he cared about paperwork, but unfortunately it had to be done. Now, this little debacle between him and the Kazekage was the least of his worries, of that I was sure.

Of course, as I said before, I wasn't about to state these thoughts.

"Please, I don't have much time for this, Gaara. I know she isn't exactly what you were expecting…"

"Not at all what I was expecting, actually," the red-haired male murmured, making his obvious displeasure even more clear. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel insulted or just simply precarious. It wasn't as if I wanted anything to do with the Kazekage. He seemed the cruel type, never talking or speaking much of anything. He had been, after all, a merciless killer. "Hyuuga Neji is recommended of high accord. His transcripts are incredible, and you expect me to take on a second year chunin? I am somewhat appalled at this lack of respect…"

"Gaara, please. Calm down." Naruto placed his hands on the desk now, sighing irritably. "Neji Hyuuga is very necessary among my people. I know you wished of him to be apart of your militia, and surely he would have been quite the help to your people, but as of right now I cannot let him leave for any vast amount of time."

"Please, explain," the Kazekage murmured.

"Hyuuga Hinata is much more skilled in medical chakra than her elder cousin, and her chakra control is very precise," Naruto smiled, turning his large blue eyes in my direction now. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks from the sudden recognition. "I would not count her out yet. In fact, just give her some time and I'm sure you'll find she is very much wise in her strengths. Train her in the ways of Suna and she will be even more of a use to your campaign."

"Is that so," the Kazekage turned his own eyes on me. Harsh, listless eyes that held no faith in them. It was very discomforting.

"Yes, that is so," Naruto said. "And I guarantee you will not be displeased with her. She is one of my greatest comrades and a skilled Kunoichi. Think little of her and I will think little of you, Kazekage-sama."

"Hokage-sama," The red-head muttered, bowing his head. "And you, Hyuuga-sama. You know of the campaign in which I have asked your higher-up to dispatch you towards?"

"The exchange program?" I asked. "Yes. I am aware of my tasks."

"Good," he replied before turning back towards Naruto once more. "I shall take her with me. An apprentice would more suit her stature though, I hope you realize. I will train her."

"Good," Naruto said, smiling widely. "I am glad you see things our way. Hinata, thank you for your time. You're dismissed."

I nodded, turning to leave. That had been something I was far from looking forward to, and seeing that things went well for the Hokage, it looked as if I would be leaving Konoha for a very long time. How… disheartening. I merely shrugged it off as I walked out of the office and into the hallway. Least I wasn't being treated like a child any longer seeing as I was no longer one. Yes I was small, but unworthy of the chance to show my strength? Not at all. I wasn't about to stand down to this new challenge.

As I walked out of the Hokage Tower, I turned towards the road in which lead back to the Hyuuga compound. I would be leaving shortly in the next few nights and packing definitely needed to be in order.

"Hinata-chan! Hinata-chan!" I could hear the loud voice bellowing over my shoulder as I pivoted smoothly, facing the red triangles and large canines of my first comrade. Kiba Inuzuka. His smile was wide, hands resting on his hips as the large beast of an animal trailed behind him. Akamaru never left kiba's side and, surely enough, here he was. I watched as the dog took a seat next to his master obediently, black orbs staring up at me as his tongue lapped at the air around him. I smiled, enjoying the moment.

"Kiba," I murmured, bowing my head to him. "Hello."

"Where yah off to at this time of day?" He asked, resting his hands on his hips. His voice still sounded bellowing and full of raw enthusiasm. "Up for some ramen?"

"Sorry," I murmured. "I cannot tonight. I'm… busy."

"Oh…" he seemed disheartened by this reply. "Well, maybe tomorrow then?"

"No can do." I suddenly felt a knot form in my stomach. It would be months before I would be back here again with my comrades. Months before I would be made Jonin, as Naruto had promised. Yes, if I was to make an exchange program with Suna for three months, learning the way of their people, than I would gain another level of status which was desperately needed in my case. I was the last of my age group in which was still not Jonin level.

"I don't know if I should be insulted or not," he muttered, glancing at me with hesitant eyes. "What's up? Something wrong?"

"Not necessarily." I placed my hands behind my back, feeling a spurn of pride. "You know the exchange program I was informed of a few weeks ago? The one with Suna?"

"Yeah, the one we thought you would never get," he stated bluntly. Even if he was so blatant, I was happy that he did not fabricate things.

"Well, I was accepted and will be leaving shortly with Kazekage-sama," I smiled, wondering if the excitement was visible in my voice or not. "I'm going to be his apprentice…"

"Hinata-chan, that's amazing!" Kiba wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. One I had not been expecting, but easily accepted with just as much happiness as someone like me could display. The red tint to my cheeks further spread as he swayed me this way and that in his rib-busting hug. "I'm so proud of you! Congratulations!"

"K-Kiba-san," I muttered, feeling extremely embarrassed. I was not used to any form of touching or embracing especially of this sort of type. And he was so close to me now. So very, very close.

He let his arms slip away from me, scratching the back of his chestnut brown hair. That goofy grin of his was still spread across his cheeks as if nothing else in the world mattered. And for that, I loved him. He was my best friend.

"I can't believe it," he said, exasperated. "My little Hina-chan leaving Konoha for three months! This is so surreal."

"It's not going to be that long," I murmured, turning my eyes towards the ground. "I'll be home sooner than you know it."

"You better be, missy," he said, chuckling light-heartedly. "And ten times the shinobi, yah hear?"

"Yeah, I hear you," I smiled shyly, hands clasped in front of me weakly. "I really must be going, Kiba-san. I have quite a bit to do before I leave."

"Yes, yes," he shook his head, putting his hand on my shoulder. "But you swear you will come see me before you leave? I don't want you just running off without a proper goodbye."

"Hai," I murmured. "I shall find you. But for now, I must go."

"Kay," he let his hand fall away before he turned around, waving. "See you around Hina-chan!"

I watched him walk away, my hopes high. Kiba was one of those few people who knew exactly what to say to make things less tense, and his way of always being so optimistic was something I barely understood myself. He was perfect, some would think. Perfect. And I was very much not perfect.

I turned to walk home, a spring in my step. I would come back here one day stronger than I ever was now. I would make something of myself and I would prove to the people who believed in my like Kiba and Naruto that their belief was not in vain. I would show the world who I was even if I had to start off in a place so very far away from home.

And with the captain of depression.

I tried not to think about the stark, rigged Kazekage in which I would be spending a vast amount of my time with from now on. It wasn't as if I was scared of him nor did I wish to be anywhere else. I found myself quite lucky to be under the watchful eye of Sabaku no Gaara himself. You don't come across such luck.

He was just so stark, is all.


The morning came faster than I had wanted it too. I had visited Kiba, curious as to what the 'proper' goodbye was in which I never found out. He became awkward, shy even. His persona was not really that of the Kiba I knew and, before I knew it, the night had ended with him giving me the same listless wave. I was a bit disappointed but that was how things were.

And was my time to leave this place. I was going to be something.

I strapped the large backpack to my back, adjusting the weight this and that. It would be a long and boring journey of that I was sure seeing as I was travelling with the Kazekage after all. Anyone else would be quieted by his mere presence. I didn't mind so much though. Silence could be a good thing.

I strode into town, its streets silent and empty. The sun was peaking over the horizon slowly filling the sky with a pungent blush pink and misty cyan. It was a beautiful, cloudless day.

As I approached the edges of town, I saw Naruto standing at the gates next to the esteemed Kazekage-sama. They seemed to be chatting among themselves for Naruto's face was not that of a serious nature. In fact, his whole body language was lighthearted.

The Kazekage-sama was much more tense than that. His face was blank, lips moving quickly. His hands would sometimes jump up to make swift hand gestures but mostly he was tense in on himself. As a leader should be, I thought.

I came closer, wondering if I should be intruding, but it was already twenty to seven. I was to be there at least quarter to. Sighing heavily, I walked towards the conversation.

"Oi, Hinata-chan!" Naruto yelled, waving his arm up as he realized my slow approach. I buckled in on myself, half frightened by his knowledge of my being there, and half amused at the easy going way he greeted me. It was as if we were children again. Oh, how much I had loved him those days.

"Naruto-san," I murmured, bowing my head to him. "Kazekage-sama."

"Hyuuga-sama," he replied.

"Always the formal types," Naruto shook his head, exasperated. "I'm sure you two will become at least a little more informal on the journey home?"

"I'm not making any promises," Kazekage-sama stated, his arms crossing his chest impishly.

"Don't worry too much about him, Hina-chan," Naruto chuckled. "Give him and few and he'll crack. He's way more social than he lets people believe."

"Humph," was the only response in which the red-head gave. His eyes just turned away from me as if not wishing to keep sight of me for more than a short period of time. I guess that's how things were going to be then… But I wasn't going to let it get me down. If he wasn't going to accept me, then I would easily stand tall and do what I could to be the best I could be for myself.

"Well I guess this would be it," Naruto bowed. "Goodbye you two and, please Gaara, try not to make the girl want to come home already."

"Like I said, not making any promises," he stated. "Now, Hyuuga-sama, lets go."

"Wait," I stated, following after him as he strode away with long, graceful steps. So easy for him to walk quickly with such long legs. If I hadn't been way shorter than him, I'm sure keeping up would be much easier. "Jeez, wait a second, would you?"

He seemed surprised by this statement, slowing his pace down to a mere gentle walk. I caught up by then, resting my hands on my hips.

"So this is it?" I asked.

"As in?" He replied smoothly.

"As in the amount of people you're bringing back with you to Suna," I stated. "I was sort of hoping maybe there would be a few more people."

"Nope," he shrugged, picking up pace again. "No need. You are the only connection I need to Konoha. After you, there will be another apprentice, I'm sure, but for now all I need is one. This means you are the representative for all of your village. Of course, I thought you already knew of this."

I turned my eyes back towards Naruto who was now quite far off in the distance. He had not informed me much of anything except that I was being considered for an exchange program.

"And what does this whole 'representative' situation entail?" I asked.

"You train with me," he stated. "You will be near me everyday for the next three months. If I train, you train. If I speak with the counsel of elders, you will also be among us and will have your chance to put in input. Of course, that's if your input is of any use. You are going to Suna to learn everything and anything about the life of those who live in the desert."

I was kind of surprised at this. Had I heard of it before, I'm sure I would have been more excited than I had been the night prior. This exchange was something much grander than I had thought it would be.

"So I am to learn from the Kazekage himself," I murmured, staring down at my feet.

"And learn you will, as your Hokage promised me," Kazekage-sama muttered. "But first, there is one thing I am very adamant on, especially if you are to be around me for the next three months."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"Call me Gaara," he stated. "None of this 'Kazekage-sama' business."

I was sort of surprised at that. I was sure that the formality would be seen as a good thing in his eyes. It wasn't as if he looked like the type to strive for nicknames or anything of the sort, so to call him straight up by his first name seemed sort of superfluous.

"Gaara," I murmured. "I guess I could get used to that. And you'll call me Hinata-san?"

"I'll call you whatever you wish me to," he stated, still not looking at me. His face was expressionless, but his words were strangely… human. Far from what I expected for the Kazekage-sama. "Whether that be Hyuuga-sama, or Hina-chan as Naruto seems to take a liking to calling you."

"Hinata," I said, feeling the colour rise to my cheeks. "If I am to call you Gaara, than it would only be fair that you were to call me Hinata, ne?"

"It would seem that that would be fair," He spoke.

For the first time, I wondered what the colour of his eyes looked like. The way the sun must sparkle in them if he stood in just the right angle. There was something about Gaara that I didn't understand. Something I had never had the chance to understand till now, and surely I would take the chance to find it.

There was something oddly strange about Gaara, but I was sure it couldn't have been anything bad. In fact, if anything, I bet it was something very good.

I had no idea how right I was.

And that was the first chapter. Tell me what you guys think and hope you enjoyed it! Peacee!

~ Sabaku-Kazekage