Sheesh. I've had such crappy writers block! I know I said this chapter would be up sooner but with all the things I've been busy with and my lack of concentration….I'm sorry guys! Thank you for sticking with me and I swear now that my life is slowing down a bit, Ill be able to really start working on the story a lot more. Its gonna be a long one but I really want to do this and have enjoyed the ride. THANK YOU to all my reviewers. You guys make me so proud of my work, make me feel like I have an actual chance in writing for a career. I Love ya all, thank you for the support!
Ps. I really wanted to get this chapter up so I didn't reread it as much as I usually do. Normally its reread about 5 times, hate mistakes. But if there are any please tell me and I will fix them, I'm trying to find a beta reader so if anyone is interested send me a message.
Mugen walked with Fuu tucked under his arm, Four eyes strolled on the other side of her. He glanced down at the little woman beside him, leaning his face closer to Fuu's hair, picking up her rich soft scent of sunflowers and sunshine. He never did understand how someone could smell so amazing that it made him hard. Needing space, Mugen unwrapped his arm around her, but grabbed Fuu's hand instead, keeping her close.
They walked through the market, buying Fuu's practice fans, then off to find a good little ship down by the docks, only to find shit. It was a huge delay on Mugen's plans, unless they found a good boat soon, hiding Fuu on an island with no one else on it, wasn't going to happen. Meaning it would be easier for the Shogunate to find them. The damn government would search every inch of the main lands for their "disease". Bunch of dumb asses, wasting so much time to hunt down one woman.
After the failed attempt to get the hell outa Sawara, Mugen lead them back to Jin's room to think of some new bullshit plan. Fuu was edgy as hell, constantly fidgeting in Mugen's lap, he could only guess that she could sense his irritation, too bad the way she was acting was only fueling the feeling. Eventually the sun started to set as Fuu cuddled up to Mugen and attempt to fall asleep. Mugen knew that there was no way in hell he was going to get any rest, between the shitty events, and Fuu grinding her ass into his hips in her innocent slumber..
With one arm protectively wrapped around her little waist and the other propping up his head, Mugen glanced over to Jin, who was leaning against the wall, sharpening one of his katana. The samurai looked up from his work as if sensing Mugen's eyes on him. "I normally wouldn't care to ask, but what's bothering you Mugen?" He said. Mugen rolled his eyes, snarling out a huff and tightened his grip on his little woman. "Just trying to think of what the hell we're going to do if we cant find a ship soon, the Main Lands aren't safe for Fuu. Nothin' good comes to mind."
Jin slid his katana's back into their sheath, looking frustrated. "Yes, we are at quiet a dilemma, I myself cant think of a solution. All the hidden dojo's that I know of are no longer a great secret because of the governments lack of need for samurai. We can't keep running around any longer and it will be impossible for us to stay in one place too long as the long Shogunate wants Fuu bad enough." Mugen growled in anger. "Damn it, aren't you supposed to have all the answers! If you can't even think of a new plan then we're fucked!"
Jin glared at Mugen, a cold wave coming off of him. "I can't do everything Mugen, and I'm thinking this over all the time, putting all I can into helping her, do not guilt trip me for something I can't control." Mugen snorted in response when the room became silent again. The quiet made him feel too tight in his own skin, he needed a drink but there was no way in hell he was leaving Fuu's side from now on. Assassin's could attack at any given moment and when they did Mugen was going to kill or be killed.
"Hey, Fishface, answer somethin' for me." Jin actually huffed, looking tired for what seemed like the first time since, well, since the day they both nearly died for Fuu. "What Mugen?" Fuu shifted in his arms, turning over and snuggling her face into Mugen's chest, breathing in deeply. He looked down at her, an emotion he could only guess was love, or adoration, swelled in his empty heart. "You once said that there was no lord, no person worth dying for, but here you are fighting for Fuu."
"That wasn't a question Mugen." Jin stated irritably. Mugen looked back up at Four eyes, and rolled his eyes. "Ok, why?" Jin shifted around in his spot. "There are many reasons why I protect her. For one, I love her." At that Mugen growled.
"-Let me finish Mugen. I love her like she is of my own blood. For Two She is of noble blood, the daughter of a samurai, to me at least, is something precious, her sons would be samurai by birth right. That is something worth preserving, considering the samurai are dying at an alarming rate,"
Jin looked at Mugen knowingly. "It's nothing like your love for her, and believe me I know you love her, even if you can't admit it. Which is the third reason I'll protect her. You and her are my friends, even though you're a pain in the ass that gets on my last nerve on a regular basis. I don't want you to lose her. I know that if Fuu were to die the only bit of sanity you hold would shatter. That is not something I want to see you go through." Mugen laid there, shocked. Instead of responding he put his head down, nestling his face in Fuu's soft mahogany hair, breathing in that intoxicating sunflower scent.
Fuu woke up in a rush, one moment she was asleep and in the next her eyes were wide open. The noise that had woken her seemed familiar but at the same time, completely foreign. She sat up, sneaking out of the strong hold that Mugen's arm had on her. Looking over at Jin to make sure he was asleep, Fuu slipped into her geta. Going over to the shoji she looked back one last time at Mugen's snoring dark form.
The garden she walked though was eerie at night, losing its bright luster under the pale moon's light. That's when she heard the noise that had disturbed her sleep, a high pitched squeak in the tree's. Fuu looked up, only to get a furry slap in the face, she squealed in sudden fear, falling on her ass before grabbing whatever was on her face and tossing it away from her. "What in the hell-" Fuu stopped, squinting in the dark at the creature that sat upon a stone.
When the animal squeaked again Fuu giggled, getting closer to it, not believing her eyes. "Moe Moe! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in months! " In delight Fuu held out her hand to the fuzzy little friend she thought she had lost. The little flying squirrel looked at her hand for a moment, sniffed it, chirped, then started to glide away, near the docks. "No! Moe Moe, wait!"
Determined not to lose her pet for a second time, Fuu stumbled after her into the darkness and away from safety. She followed after the sound of her flying friend. When she nearly fell into the ocean, Fuu skid to a halt, flailing her arms around trying to prevent from plummeting into the icy water.
"Holy crap-!" She yelled, finally recovering her balance. She looked down the docks, at the black sea. "That was a close one…" she whispered, glancing up at the sky, the moon being covered by clouds, leaving the earth in darkness. Fear licked at Fuu's heart, as she stepped away from the edge. She turned around, seeing the shape of a large man a few feet away. Feeling even more uneasy Fuu spoke out "M-Mugen?" Reaching under the sleeve of her kimono Fuu struggled to untie the Tessen pocket and get out her fans. Pulling them out Fuu tried to open them, her hands and ankles shook, every instinct she had telling her to bolt. Damn it, Mugen didn't know she was missing. Fuu tried to listen to her gut, taking a step away.
"Don't think about moving lady, or I'll cut you." A vicious voice snarled, breaking Fuu's only bit of confidence. "W-what do y-you want with m-me?" Fuu stuttered. The monster moved closer to her, allowing Fuu to get a good look at him. What she saw made her go cold inside. A large man, dressed in similar cloths as Mugen, bald and scarred, that wasn't what scared her though. Even in the darkness around them it didn't compare to the sheer blank stare he gave her.
Blacker than the darkest black possible, they were dead, like nothing in the world mattered, not even his own life. It reminded Fuu of the first time she saw Mugen, making her believe that had they not met, the stare this man gave her now would be the same look Mugen would have embraced in the future. The walking dead man pulled out his sword, the smile he gave her had no humor.
"There are three type people in the world. Men who rule the world, greedy fat and lazy, they deserve nothing they have. Then there are men such as I, men who struggle to get everything the fat man has. Strong, cold, hard, worthy. After that there's you, weak in every possible way, having even less then both the rich and strong man." The bastard paused, looking Fuu over. "Do you know what they call you?" He asked, like he was teaching a class, running his thumb against the blade. Fuu didn't want to know what he thought, it didn't matter what he believed. To her, she had everything. "N-no, and I really don't c-care." Fuu tried to say boldly, failing horribly.
"You should care, it completes your fate." He responded, taking steps even closer. "You are what people would call a slave. That's all you are good for." Fuu's heart sank into her stomach. Slave… he intended to put her into the slave trade? She couldn't let this happen, would Mugen ever find her if this…thingtook her now? She could run, but he'd probably just catch up and kill her. Death or slavery, it was not a choice Fuu wanted to make. Either way she'd be without Mugen and that wasn't acceptable!
She would jump off the docks, Fuu looked over her shoulder preparing to leap. "I wouldn't try that, the tide is coming in at a fast rate and would have no trouble pounding you against the dock walls to death. That is if you didn't drown under the waves first" He said, as if reading her mind. He was right, the speed of the enlarging waves would kill her.
Her only chance was to fight, even though she didn't know how, and he would likely murder her, it was better to be dead without Mugen then alive with this beast. Fuu unfolded her fans taking an awkward battle stance.
The man laughed with true humor this time. "Shit, you're gutsy, but stupid." He was almost within arms reach now, getting ready to seize her. At this, Fuu's eye sight became blurry with tears, No! She. Would. Not. Cry. Now! Gathering up the strength Mugen had taught her, knowing he'd want her to fight, to survive.
"FUCK YOU!" Fuu roared, swinging her bladed fan at the mans throat only to have her wrist grabbed and twisted, spinning her around so that Fuu's arm was pinned between her shoulder blades . The bastard pulled her to him, her back against his chest. A cold blade against her jugular.
"That wasn't hard." The man snorted, applying pressure by pulling Fuu's arm upward, making it feel like it was going to break her shoulder, completely pop out of place. Fuu tried to muffle a scream when she heard another set of foot steps. "MUGEN?" She screamed in hope that he had finally come. "Mugen..?" The monster repeated his name with recognition. "Relax Daichi, babe. Fuu isn't going to call out for Mugen-though I'm surprised he's stuck with her this long-will you Fuu?" Said a voice, so familiar, a voice Fuu had sworn if she ever heard again she'd silence it permanently. She looked to the sound that made her see red.
"Koza!" She hissed. The woman who stood before her looked much like the teenager that had nearly ended Mugens life but had grown into someone who appeared to be an even worse manipulator, backstabber. She was being followed by six others, like they were her pets. Now Fuu understood, she was in the hands of a pirate, and not the pirate she wanted so desperately. "Hello Fuu, its good to see you again." Koza mocked. The Daichi bastard spoke up. "You know this woman Koza?" The bitch laughed. "Not really, she was just some little girl who followed Mugen around, or wait he was "protecting" her until they got to Nagasaki. I have to admit it amazed me that he had even done that much. If he's here with her now though, it would be a fucking miracle." Koza explained doubtfully.
"Yeah well, she said his name like she expected him to show up. If that's the case, we better leave before he realizes his bitch is missing. Did you leave at least two guys to guard the ship?" Daichi said. Koza laughed "What, scared of that bastard? She isn't his bitch, Fuu doesn't have the body type he likes, so there's no need to rush. And no, I didnt feel like we needed to leave anyone behind."
The men behind her all laughed in agreement, the sound making Fuu want to scream. Koza acknowledged her again. "So tell me Fuu, is Mugen here in Sawara, and if he is, why is he still with you?" Fuu snarled "What's it to you? Its not like you actually care about anyone but yourself!" Koza's eyes suddenly became cold. "Why, Fuu what do you mean by that?"
Fuu laughed angrily "I know you betrayed him and let Mukuro try to kill him once Mugen denied your advances. It didn't matter who you hurt as long as you got rid of your "brother", as long as you weren't alone! Once you thought he was dead you got with that Shiren guy who Mugen slaughtered in front of your very eyes, leaving you to beg him to end your life! You cant even take care of yourself, you're dependent on anyone you can mooch off of, you weak bitch!" Fuu shrieked, not carring if she would die for offending Koza.
The ice that swelled in the pirate womans eyes didn't even frighten Fuu. She never had truly hated someone until Koza had come along, filling Fuu's heart with a grey darkness. "I'm going to kill you now Fuu, and after that I'm going to find Mugen, fuck him then kill him while he's asleep." Koza hissed, trying to hurt Fuu mentally, as far as she could guess.
"Believe me Koza he wont touch your whore ass, he loves me, told me so-" Fuu lied, realizing that he never had said it himself. It didn't matter though, he was a man of action, not words, she had to believe he loved her at least a little, even if he couldn't say it outloud. "-and he'll have no trouble killing you this time along with everyone with you. It'll be just another bloody mess left behind for some poor soul to clean up! You know you cant take him on!" Fuu didn't know where this cold nature was coming from, but she fed off it, liking how her words lit a rage in Koza, bleeding through her facial expressions.
"Daichi, you can kill her now." Koza demanded. "No, we can sell her!." Daichi protested. "Forget it, she's useless, not even slavery would suit her." Koza hissed. "Wouldn't you want her to suffer rather then get out the easy way by death, babe?" The monster asked. Koza thought for a moment. "You're right, take her to the ship, we'll work her until she's an old used up hag." Turning around, she signaled her men to follow her back to the pirate ship.
"Fuck that shit, no you aint!" Mugen yelled from behind Daichi, sword resting on his shoulder, beside him Jin strolled, katana in hand. Together they looked like a black death, the glares on their face told the world that they were going to massacre, columbine. Daichi let go of Fuu, shoving her into Koza's waiting arms, pulling out a tanto and pushing it against Fuus neck. Come on, how many times was she going to be in this position?
"Mugen! Thank Gods, you found me!" Fuu gasped, attempting to struggle, the blade slicing into her skin. "Shut it Fuu, Im pissed at you right now, and stop moving, that tanto is cutting into your neck!" Mugen chanced a glare at Koza, wrath illuminating off his scruffy face, then he looked back to Fuu, his expression softening as he spoke.
"Don't worry girlie, I'll get you out of this." Fuu felt the knife cut deeper into her throat when he said that, making her wince in pain, blood ran down her neck. "No Mugen, you're not, you take the tiniest step towards me and I'll carve a picture into her pale, pretty neck." Koza growled. "Sonofabitch Koza, I spared your life the last time you did somethin' like this, I aint gonna be so nice this time!" Mugen threatened.
Koza laughed bitterly "Don't kid yourself, we both know you only kept me alive to make me suffer, not out of the kindness of your heart. I had to struggle, do things no person should have to go through to survive! All because of you! My life has been a living hell because you exsist! I will not go back to that, this time its me that's gonna make you suffer!" She screamed, making Mugen growl "And how do you plan on doing that woman? Everyone in this damn world suffers, not a single person doesn't live in hell!" This made Koza cackle a shrilly laugh.
"Fuu wasn't lying, the fact that you're here with her now, and the tender look you gave her, I can tell it in your eyes! This girl has made you soft, weak! For some stupid reason you're in lovewith Fuu!" Koza truly looked sickened. "You could have had me! Someone who has known you almost all your life, someone who understands the blackness in your heart! But you chose this insignificant girl who will never get you!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, that's just gross, aint it Jin." Mugen said mockingly. For the first time Jin spoke. "Truly repulsive, Koza I refused to kill you as an opponent the first time we met, but if you intend to hurt Fuu any further, I'm afraid we both have no choice but to end your pathetic life this night." At that the wind picked up from the coming on storm, swaying in their hair in a dramatic affect, making the two men appear like Gods. In this moment of fear and anxiety, they were beautiful to Fuu, Yin and Yang.
"Who really is this man Koza?" One of her followers asked. "No one of importance my friend." She responded "Enough talk!" Daichi started. "Koza, what do we do? You and I both know he'll kill us!" The pirate shuttered, maybe he did care more about his own life than Fuu had first thought, the coward. "Mugen, we'll give the woman back to you, if you spare us, let us leave." Koza hissed at his request. "Daichi, you wuss, don't make deals with him! I'd rather die now then negotiate with him!"
"You hear that Daichi, her pride is more important that you and your crew's life." Mugen pointed out. "Shut up dumb ass, we would willingly die at Koza's side!" One of her men spoke up, the others mumbled and nodded in agreement. "Fine then, you all can die at her feet. Jin…" Mugen stated. The two of them took their battle stances. Daichi stepped back, ready to make a run for it, clearly not willing to die for Koza. "You've gone too far this time Koza, you signed your own death warrant by spilling Fuu's innocent blood." Jin threatened
Koza whistled, assembling the men to surround her. "Fuck you Jin!" She screamed. Everything from there appeared to be in slow motion to Fuu. The pirates drew their weapons, Koza raised her arm, prepairing to stab Fuu in the stomach, Mugen and Jin ran into action, cutting through the small sea of defense like a sapphire and ruby blur. Fuu tried to get out of the pirate bitch's hold but it was becoming too late. Fuu could see the flash of the blade swinging down to end her life. Fuu, deciding she was going to die, looked to Mugen, never taking her eyes off of him, wanting him to be the last thing she saw, as he swung his sword, slicing upward on the last mans body.
Blood sprayed into the air, covering the two men she loved so dearly, in a glorious end. Mugen glanced over to Fuu, his pupils shrinking as true fear, anguish, and rage masked his face. She saw him scream something she didn't hear, her ears were ringing too loud, sad she wanted to hear his voice once last time. The knife was going to make contact when Fuu heard Koza gasp. In pain? The tanto stopped and was dropped, creating a relieving clinking sound. The tight hard grip she had of Fuu loosened, the completely released, why?
Fuu shuttered, running into Mugens shaking, waiting arms, not caring that she would be covered in blood, her kimono stained. Mugen tightened his grip, completely wrapping his whole body around her, picking her up and snuggled his face into her hair and neck, breathing in deeply. Once he set her back down they looked to Koza, she seemed to be dead but was somehow still breathing. Jin walked up to her, bending down and pulled out something from her neck that looked like a poison dart. He raised it to his face, examining the tiny arrow.
"It's just a paralyzer…" Said an unknown voice. Mugen pulled Fuu behind him, Jin hissed, stepping back beside Mugen, hiding her from view. "Its alright, I have no intent on hurting any of you, though I wonder if I even could. That was a very impressive display, you both are very talented." Fuu peaked out from behind Mugen to see a handsome young man dressed in an uwangi and hakama, similar to what Jin wore, his only being completely black. With brown eyes and dark hair that was pulled up in a bun, he seemed to be samurai.
Other than the fact that he didn't carry swords, instead he held in his hand a long staff. Jin never let down his guard. "Who are you? And what do you want?" The man stopped in front of the fallen Koza. "Questions first, introductions later? Rude, but I can respect that Samurai." He said, Jin hissed at that. "My name is Takeo, I heard you talking in the tea shop, then saw you in the black market shop-"
Fuu gasped, so he was the presence in the other room earlier! "-I have my own reasons but I also want to, whats the right word…rebel against the Shogunate. I understand that you are to train this woman, I wanted to offer my assistance." Mugen snorted "Yeah? With what? That stick? What a fucking joke! I already don't like Jin here training her. No, Im going to be the only one to teach Fuu, don't need your help so screw off!" Takeo didn't seem offended, just mearly taken aback. "So you would rather her only know your fighting style, restricting her in a battle? Seems awfully selfish of you, vagabond. Besides I have a means of fighting, Id just rather show them to you when we are in a more private setting, and that was not meant as a threat." The stranger stated, making Mugen growl. "Mugen, stop it." Jin comanded. "Kiss my ass Fishface!"
Jin ignored him. "We cant really trust anyone, if you were listening in today you can understand that." Takeo sighed. "I do understand that, but I truly wish to help, I don't know how to get you to trust me, your just going to have to." Mugen laughed. "I aint gotta do shit. Give me one good reason not to take you on right now!" Fuu stepped out from behind Mugen, giving Takeo a long look. "Jin, Mugen, I think we should trust him, come on he just saved my life." Mugen snorted. "Give me a break, I would have killed Koza before she could have hurt you!" Fuu turned to him, stroking his cheek. "Mugen, I know you worry for me, along with you Jin, but I'm calling the shots this time, and I say we let this man help. No discussion about it. If he proves to be untrustworthy then you guys can kill him. I owe this man now."
"Fuck thi-" Mugen started, Fuu gave him a hard look, stopping his words. "Thank you Miss, I'll gladly prove over time that I am worthy of your faith." Takeo bowed. Mugen just glared before grabbing Fuu by the arm, pulling her into his arms again. "I'm going to talk to Fuu, alone now!"
Jin sighed glancing over at Takeo. "If Fuu says she owes you and wished you to join us then I cant protest, but don't give me a reason to kill you. Now, lets give them some privacy. Those pirates must have had a ship full of supplies that we can use to leave." At that they left to search for the boat. Once they were out of sight Mugen started. "I don't know why you feel like you owe that jack ass, I would have saved you." Fuu smirked up at him. "That reminds me, why were you pissed at me?" She said, worried.
Mugen snorted "Aint it obvious? You ran off! Its not safe and what you did was stupid and….when I saw that she was going to stab you, what I saw in your eyes only pissed me off more. You were prepared to die, you gave up! What the fuck happened to always fighting like I taught you?" Fuu gasped at his words. "How-?" "Ive seen that look on every person face I've ever killed Fuu. You accepting death isn't right. Don't you ever give up like that again! Or I'll make you suffer myself" He added seductively. Fuu giggled in response. "One more thing! I don't ever remember saying that I loved you, you little liar!"
Fuu could feel the hurt rush into her face before Mugen smiled, pulling her upwards, tangling his hand in her hair and kissing her deeply, his tongue intertwining with hers. She loved the taste of him, fresh, like the ocean air. Fuu sighed into the kiss making him moan, his fingers tightening into her clothes, his free hand grinding her hips into his before he pulled away.
"Fuck girlie, you really do drive me insane, you know that?" Fuu laughed as she heard Jin and Takeo return, Jin clearing is thoat to announce their arival. "We found the ship, between the four of us, we should be able to navigate it, its really not that big." Takeo said as if he was trying to stear the incident into a different direction. Jin spoke up "Fuu we need to know, why did you run off tonight?" Fuu gasped remembering her pet. "Oh darn it! It was Moe Moe, I saw her, and after losing her once I ran after her. She's probably long gone by now though." Fuu sighed sadly. Mugen groaned. "You mean that little rat thing you used to have? So your telling me that you risked your own life to get that stupid thing back? You have got to be kidding me!"
"Moe Moe is not stupid, Mugen!" Fuu protested. Jin interrupted "Fuu, I understand that you weren't thinking about getting into trouble but you cant be so foolish, these times are too dangerous for you." Fuu looked down, ashamed, Jin was right, she had put all of their lives in danger, mainly her own. "I'm sorry Jin, I'll be more careful from now on."
"So, now that we've got that all straightened out, what are we going to do with this woman? Fuu do you wish to kill her yourself or have one of us do it?" Takeo asked. Damn Fuu had forgotten all about the pirate woman. Mugen butted in. "I'm gonna deal with that, she's gonna say hey to my sword!" Fuu looked up at him in shock. "No wait! Ive got a much better idea for her!" She said coldly
Koza was left stripped naked, all but her wrappings, and tied up, in front of a brothel with a note that read "New whore for hire!" written in Mugens sloppy, childlike handwriting. Koza started to get enough bodily function back to actually scream behind the cloth that covered her mouth. Fuu laughed out a snort as they walked away, she was starting to adopt Mugens harsh personalily. Mugen joined in, his laughter was so rare, that it shocked and delighted Fuu out of her giggles before rejoicing with even more laughter. Jin actually smirked as Takeo looked at them like they were nuts. "So Takeo." Fuu started "That paralyzer gonna have any side effects?" Takeo smirked. "Other than nausea and a headache, not really, blowfish venom doesn't leave many deadly or long lasting affects in very small doses."
Fuu's eyes widened. "Blow fish? Wow, I thought that was deadly to humans." Takeo grinned. "Like I said, small doses." Fuu laughed looking ahead, one arm wrapped snuggly around Mugen's waist, his tucked across her shoulders, as usual. She noticed how he looked down at her swollen cut neck, it was just a small flesh wound but he still grimaced. "That hurt too bad girlie?" He asked showing concern. "Only a little, I'm more upset about the blood on my new kimono!" Fuu complained. "That's what you get for hugging a blood covered man, shoulda thought of that first." Fuu blushed "I didn't really think about it at the time, I just wanted to be close to you…" Jin looked at her "Don't worry about it Fuu, I have a special soap that will get the stains right out. That is how I get my cloths clean after battle." Fuu smiled, he always had some sort of soap. "Doesn't surprise me, thank you Jin."
"I also have some medicine to put on that cut if it makes you too uncomfortable." Takeo offered, making Mugen grunt. "Brown noser, just know, you wont be the one putting it on her." Takeo grunted back "Overprotective isn't he?" Jin only hmmmed. Fuu laughed, they were showing their truest colors to the new commer. "Don't worry about it Takeo you'll get used to it!" She said with a smile. Mugen frowned at her sudden softness to the prick, feeling a bit jealous.
The sun was rising when they got to the ship again, Mugen practically drooled over the dark red painted boat, looking like he wanted to make love to it, constantly looking over the sails and expensive rope, declaring that he'd kill anyone, other than Fuu, that touched the stearing wheel, admiring the dark wood. Fuu laughed on the inside not really knowing a lot about ships herself. She could only guess they hit the jackpot or "pot jack" as Mugen once called it. When she came back up from the cabin of the ship Fuu gasped at what was sitting on the nose of the boat. "Moe Moe!" She said in delight, the little flying squirrel gliding into her waiting arms, ready for a hug.
Takeo came up to her and Moe Moe, scratching the squirrel's head, the animal welcomed the touch. "So she's what this fuss was all about? Cute creature." Fuu grinned at him, deciding that he was okay, if Moe Moe liked him. "Oh no you don't!" Mugen started to protest. "Its bad enough luck to have women on a ship, we aint allowing that stupid animal on my ship!" Fuu got in Mugens face. "Since when do you of all people believe in luck? I'd consider a pretty woman on your ship the only luck you've got! And I don't care what you say, Moe Moe was smart enough to get on this ship, its like she knew what we needed and helped! She's coming with us!" Mugen growled "That rat didn't help us get the ship and whoever said you were pretty!"
Fuu huffed in disbelief, pushing Mugen out of her way as Moe Moe hid herself in Fuu's still stained kimono. Fuu slammed the door to the sleeping cabins behind her. Mugen snarled going over to the bucket of water, took off his obi and haori, washing the drying blood off his body, and out of his hair with Jins soap. "Did you ask if you could use one of my good soaps to wash your filthy body?" Jin protested in disgust. "Does it look like I care?" Mugen mocked angrily. Jin sighed "You should go talk to her, you know calling Fuu ugly really hurts coming from you."
"I never said she was ugly!" Mugen pointed out. "But that's how she took it Mugen." Jin responded. Mugen huffed, letting his clothes soak. "Fine I'll go talk to the little pain in my ass." Mugen shook his head like a dog, water flying everywhere as his usually unruly, gravity defying hair stuck to his face. Fuu was sitting on one of the sleeping mats, silently petting her rat when Mugen went in. She looked up at him, only to glare. "What do you want Mugen?" She asked angrily. Mugen grunted as he sat behind her. "Nothing, I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean what I said back there, hell you know I think you're the hottest thing under the sun." He said, wrapping his tattooed arms around her waiste from behind. She blushed when she turned her head to look at him, with his hard shirtless chest so warm and inviting and his beautiful hair clinging to his face it was making her hot, wondering how someone so…magnificently gorgeous could want her.
He made her feel plain, ordinary. " you think that I'm…beautiful?" There was a difference between being "hot" and being beautiful. She looked up into his silver grey eyes, so close to his face, scared of his answer. Mugen looked shell shocked, flushed. Like he didn't know how to answer her question. Oh, hell his face had darkened as he gulped, seeming scared of the sudden intimacy. Fuu wanted to laugh at the new shyness, something Mugen had never expressed in all the years she had known him. He had always been so..blunt. But she didn't want to embarrass him and ruin the moment so she just waited. She could feel her cheeks heat up as he stared and finally he sharply inhaled like he was struggling to breathe.
"Y-yeah, I mean sure, I…." Mugen stutterd huskily before sighing, closing his eyes as if frustrated with himself. "I know you're beautiful, the most beautiful woman I've…" Mugen opened his eyes, and for the tiniest moment they were beyond tender, like butter, and they melted her as he leaned in, kissing her so deaply, gently, it was even softer than their first kiss, so much more emotion was put into his kiss, like he was trying to tell her something he couldn't say. Fuu believed she understood, she knew that even if he never said it for all their lives, he loved her, loved Fuu like he never had anyone in his entire life. She knew it and it was okay that he couldn't say it, she was the first kind of love he had ever experienced and it being such a deep and confusing emotion, he didn't get it, couldn't control or express it well. That is what he was trying to tell her, and Fuu recieved the message.
Awwwww! Mugens slowly showing a soft side, Fuu is learning patience and how to better understand. Sooo cute! I almost cried while I was writing it! Lol I know I'm such a wimp! Guess it's a girl thing.