Ok for those of you that have already read my first chapter, I have redone like half of it. The more I read what I wrote the more mistakes in the characters personality I saw, which I don't want to change because that's what I love about them. This version of my story I believe is better than the first one.. I am also considering making the next chapter into Fuu's intake of her current situation. Tell me what you think!^.^

Mugen smiled as he headed towards the small town ahead of him. He needed food, and sake pronto. The villagers gave him a quick glance, putting their heads down when Mugen would make eye contact. 'What the hell are all these dumb asses looking at?' He thought to himself.

Mugen instantly started looking for a bar, a small one that was dimly lit from the inside with orange ornaments stood on the far side of the town. Rowdy men, tripping over their own two feet, lazily strolled from out of the place, laughing their asses off. 'Perfect' Thought Mugen.

Inside it looked like an average bar; Dark with plenty of gambling. It smelled of sake and cooking food. Mugen's stomach growled in anticipation, turning into tight knots. He clenched his gut, sitting in a corner of the building. Why the fuck was no one serving him yet? Go figure that the place he chose would have shitty ass service.

Mugen felt someone walk up to him, "Bout fucking time" He grunted. The scent of sunflowers intruded the atmosphere of the bar with its loveliness. A small feminine voice whispered "M-Mugen?" Gods that voice sounded familiar. In confusion Mugen looked up, wondering why in the hell she knew his name. His mouth went slack, eyes grew large with disbelief. Mugen tried to talk but for some reason his tongue wouldn't fucking obey him. "Fuu..." What was she doing here? Oh, he thought as he glanced at the tray in her hand. shit, he hadn't seen her in nearly four years. Why in the hell did she have to pop up now? She didn't look the same.

Well she did...just an older a lot hotter version of Fuu. Irritation built up in Mugen, not believing that he had just considered Fuu attractive. Her dark hair had grown, wrapped up in a bun, its loose ends flowing down nearly to the middle of her back. Her lips were dark and full, but that wasn't the only thing that had filled out. Her cup size had bounced up at least a size and a half. Mugen eye balled those with a slight smile that immediately left as he remembered who he was thinking about. Sporting a dark blue kimono she seemed to have grown up.

Hell the only thing that appeared the same were her deep childish doe eyes which where filled with tears as she dropped the empty tray to the ground. "Mugen!" She fell to the floor in front of him, embracing him into a hug. "I cant believe its you!" She cried, her shoulders shaking. Mugen looked down to her, tears clung into her long dark lashes. Not knowing exactly what to do he briefly hugged Fuu, feeling her hot body squeeze up against him before he pulled away.

Behind her an older man yelled. Fuu looked over her shoulder looking nervous as hell. Glancing back at Mugen she said "Hey my shift is actually ending in an hour. We'll talk then." She picked the tray she had back from off of the floor. "For now is there anything I can get you?" She smiled brightly, tucking a strand of silky hair behind her ear. Mugen stared at her dark colored lips as he spoke "I want..."

Fuu's smile widened. "How bout some sake and dumplings?" He could only nod at her as Fuu started walking away. Within minutes she came back with a crap load of dumplings and a large bottle of sake. She set them down in front of him, leaning in closer to his ear so that she could whisper "I know you probably didn't plan to actually pay for this,so its on me. Here's your hundred dumplings I owe you. The sake is thanks for everything else." Fuu cupped his chin, rubbing his scruff. "Enjoy the dinner."

Mugen couldn't believe how...seductive that had been. What was wrong with him? His body was actually reacting to her, leaning towards where ever she was in the room. 'Fucking ridiculous' Thought Mugen as he stuffed his face with another line of dumplings. He looked over to the sake, weird, by this time it would normally have been half gone, now it sat there untouched. Mugen just didn't feel like drinking, which was crazy because that was his favorite activity besides killing and sex. Mugen had never not drank.

Even though he wouldn't admit it, Mugen was having a better time watching Fuu serve people. Well...try to anyway, no matter how hot her body had gotten she was still the biggest klutz he ever met. It wasn't long before trouble started though. Fuu had walked over to a new table, four guys just starting to take their seats. "What can I get you" She said in her high pitched voice.

The pig sitting closest to her smiled. "Why aren't you fine as hell" He stated. Anger flowed through Mugen like fire. He had a crappy feeling about where this was going. Fuu shuffled back an inch "Is there something I can get you?" The other men behind him laughed and not even Mugen could deny the accidental double meaning of her words. The poor girl just had no clue. "Well..." The bastard started "You can start by coming over and let us play with you" He said as he grabbed Fuu's ass, squeezing.

The anger that Mugen had been holding boiled over into hot rage. She started to struggle but the guy pulled at her wrist. "No! Let go of me!" She pulled harder, looking pissed. That was all Mugen needed. He was up and across the room in less then a second, pulling out his sword. He took a stoke to the mans arm, cutting it completely off, blood splattering everywhere. Mugen grabbed Fuu, pulling her behind him, still holding onto her hand. The man screamed in pain as he looked at the damage. Two out of three of the men stood up, already drawing their swords. "Who the hell do you think you are you punk bitch!" One yelled. Hm?

Mugen smiled "Someone you don't stand a chance at." "Why you-" The guy was cut off "Stop it Kazuhiro!" Said the old bastard, who was still in his seat. The other guy looked down to him "But father I can take this guy!" This made the man laugh "You have no idea, no concept on how wrong you are. The man in front of you is lethal, much like a wild animal." The dumb asses stared at Mugen in angry disbelief. One of them still crying in pain, blood dripping onto the floor.

The old guy looked at Mugen with cold eyes. "Why do you rudely interrupt us? Is that woman yours, perhaps having some importance to you?" Mugen growled, looking back at Fuu "Hell no!" He responded noticing how Fuu's face fell. "You're just fucking getting on my nerves, the only reason I pulled the girl behind me is because she was in my way!"

The cold eyes that stared at him weren't convinced. "Really? Then why do you insist on holding her hand?" Mugen looked down to see his hand entwined with Fuu's, shit he was caught. He let go of it roughly. "I didn't realize that I was." Wow, what a shitty response. The bastard's son whined "Father are you a coward? Your just going to let some nut job come over here, insult us, and do nothing?" The father looked up "It is wise to do nothing, for I value my own life and yours more than I value revenging his." He said glancing over to the still screaming man.

Mugen turned to walk away as he remembered something. "Oh yeah..." He looked at the man who had lost his arm "You know the last time I cut a guys arm off and let him live he became a serious pain in my ass."

Mugen pointed his sword towards the dude, looking at their leader "I'm gonna have to kill him now." The armless man started to shake, reaching for his own sword, realizing that not his master or anyone else, was going to save him. The feeling of pure fear and anguish swept throught the room off of him; Mugen felt nothing. Their leader looked down, "Do what you must, I will not fight you." His men stared at him with a 'Have you lost you fucking mind' Sorta look. Mugen only smiled wickedly, slicing the guys throat open, his eyes rolling back, more blood splattering across the floor as a limp body made a thud. Mugen turned to look at Fuu, ah hell what now? She was pale and clammy, looking like she was ready to faint or throw up. What, it wasn't like he hadn't killed in front of her before. He grabbed her and started to run out of the bar, grabbing the sake for where ever they went next.

Mugen was running full speed, pulling Fuu along with him. She was struggling to keep up with his pace. Was she dawdling on purpose to irritate him or was she just that annoyingly slow? "Come on girlie we need to get out of town before we can slow down, just in case those losers back there decide that they want to get revenge for their friend." Fuu smiled as she ran behind him, her hand still placed tightly in his. "Why are you so worried about it? It was only three guys, couldn't you take them blind folded?"

Was she mocking him, what was with the sarcasm in her voice? "Hells ya I could but your annoying worthless ass has bad luck when it comes to getting in the way, and its not like I like saving you all the damn time." Fuu face became stern, almost angry. Odd, in the old days she would have screamed at him, hit him. This Fuu only stopped in her tracks.

"Yo bitch, what are you doing? We gotta go!" Mugen looked back, finding Fuu's fist clenched and her body stiff. "If I'm so worthless then why did you save me back there?" A sneaky smirk twitched onto the sides of her lips, she knew she had gotten him. Mugen felt his face heat up. "I didn't, I told you, the only reason I stepped in was because they were pissing me off!"

Fuu started to laugh "Ya right! I've known you long enough to tell in the reason why you pull that sword out. You were protecting me!" Mugen cursed "No I wasn't now come on, or go back, I don't care either way!" The smile on Fuu's face spread "You're giving me an option to come with you? Well then, A little bit farther south in the woods is an abandoned hut that we can sleep in tonight."

Mugen rolled his eyes "Whatever girlie"

The place was a dump, broken pots, a thrown over table that looked like termites hadn't been too kind to it lied in the middle of a dingy floor. "Its filthy" Mugen groaned, not that it mattered he was used to dirty. Fuu came out from behind him being optimistic as ever "It's not so bad, though it sucks that I didn't get to grab my sleeping mat before we took off." Mugen turned to the door "I'm gonna go get some fire wood, pick this place up a bit." At that he left.

Mugen walked around picking up various piece of wood. Shit, he thought. What was he going to do with Fuu? Its not like he could actually take her ass with him. The last time he had been with her, it had all been about finding the smelly Samurai. Fuu wouldn't make it in his type of world, and now she would be living in it if she stayed. The thought of it made Mugen queasy. He didnt want the burden and that was all Fuu was to him. Mugen needed freedom not a companion.

He could always take her back to the town, but no that wouldn't work. Those bastards were still there. Fuu could get in all sorts of trouble if she bumped into them again. Which in that small of a town, and her shitty luck, was likely. At least with him she was safe for awhile. He could ditch her at the next village they run into, no one would know her there. "Yeah" Mugen said allowed. "Ugh, I need a drink."

When he returned the hut actually looked, well sorta decent. The table was now gone, the broken pots completely removed. Fuu sat up against the wall, dusting her hands off. "That didn't take long." She said, smiling. Mugens only response was to grunt and start the fire before it got much colder. Within minutes the hut was filled with warmth and light.

Mugen reached into his pack for the sake, now was a good time to get drunk... Fuu looked at the bottle. "You never drank that? What, where you saving it or something?" Mugen popped the top between his teeth, spit it out, and took a swig, the sake tasted hot and sweet. He looked up at her, the glow of the fire illuminating off her perfect pale skin. He really wished he would stop noticing shit like that. "Something like that." He said taking another swig before handing it to Fuu. To his surprise she took it and drank deeply, like she had become accustomed to it. She looked at the bottle before taking another swig then handing it back to Mugen. He took it taking an even bigger pull on the sake. It sure as hell didn't take long for him to start to feel a buzz, this shit was strong, not like the watered down crap he had gotten used to.

"So Fuu, why are you here?" He said passing her the bottle again. She took it. "Well most of the time I've been traveling, mainly alone but once and awhile I'll run into somebody that wants a companion. I wanted to see the all of Japan, after all I don't have a family to really go back to." Fuu looked down before taking another swig then passing it back. Mugen could tell that she was already tipsy. She looked back up at him interest catching her eye. "And what about you Mugen?"

He smiled "Well I went to sea for about a year, stole some shit, drank, partied, you know, what I'm always doing" Fuu looked away. Had something he said bother her? 'Eh who cares' He thought, taking another drink. His thoughts were slowing down as full affect as the drink took over. Now if there were only a hot woman to grope. He glanced over to Fuu, dismissing the thought. She looked back at him looking like she was struggling to ask him something. "Have...have you run into Jin at all."

Oh of course she would ask about her favorite person. Why did that bother him? Fishface. Mugen smirked at the memory of how he got that name. Then looked at Fuu seriously. "Nope I haven't seen him since the day we split." She looked down. "I had always hoped that one day I would meet with one of you guys again...I had even stayed on the main roads so that there would be a chance that I might run into you or Jin. Its been really lonely without you two around."

Mugen frowned. She had been waiting for them? It was pretty much what she just said. He actually didn't know what to say. When he didn't respond Fuu glanced up at him. "I mean for me it was anyway, I'm sure for you and Jin it was probably a relief... but anyway I'm gonna sleep now." Fuu said laying down, resting her head on her arms.

Mugen shifted to where he was laying on his back placing his hands behind his head. He just watched the stars through the holes in the roof. Mugen looked back on the three and a half years he had spent away from Fuu. Sure he had done a lot of partying, sleeping around and gambling but once the night was up the silence would start to get to him. He would wake up early in the morning expecting to see Jin resting up against the wall, and Fuu half sprawled out on her bed mat. Then realizing that they weren't there anymore Mugen would go out to find some other way to block out the frustration. They had become the only thing he could consider real friends.

Though he hated to admit it, Mugen had actually missed Fuu like hell. Her annoying bullshit had been something to laugh at. Jin had been someone to relate to though they were opposites in more than one way. Yup Fuu was back in the picture, for awhile at least and Mugen had a feeling that once they separated it was gonna hurt like a bitch.

It was still dark out, Mugen was dreaming of a beautiful body being held up against him, warm and soft he groaned, pulling himself tighter. Beautiful lips parted as he kissed his way down her neck. Tangling his hands in her dark hair he took the in the scent of sunflowers. A loud scream interrupted Mugens paradise, making him jump straight out of his skin. He instinctively pulled out his sword, searching for any danger when Fuu screamed again. "Yo, what the fuck bi-" He stopped putting his sword back. She was crying, and just not a few tears but sobbing, shaking, kicking her arms and legs as if desperately trying to escape from someones grasp.

Mugen jumped up, sitting on top of her and took a hold on her hands pulling them over her head. She wouldn't stop screaming, it bothered Mugen as he looked down at her red face. He couldn't take the tears, he had to make those tears go away. "FUU! FUU, DAMN IT WAKE UP" He yelled. Fuu only shook her head from side to side shrieking "PLEASE DONT TAKE HIM, I CANT STAND IT, STOP STOP! MUGEN!" He froze, 'Shes having a nightmare about me?' He thought. Not knowing what else to do to wake up Fuu he slapped her, not hard but enough to get her away from where ever she had just been.

Her blood shot brown eyes flew open looking confused on where she was. It seemed that Fuu didn't care that Mugen was on top of her holding her down. Relief washed over Fuu's face as she stared back at him. "M-Mugen." She started to cry again. Mugen got off of her in one move and had her crying form resting against his chest the second. She pulled on his obi, her tears soaking the shirt. "Your alive, your alive, your alive." Fuu whispered over and over. Mugens emotions where all out of whack. On one side he wondered why he was holding on to her like a lover, when normally he'd be pushing Fuu away. The other felt...special that she was crying for him. He couldn't deny that he liked the way her soft body molded into his.

"Fuu." He whispered in a tone he rarely used that was meant only for her. "What happened Fuu, what happened in your nightmare?" She looked up at him, for a moment it seemed like her eyes had focused on his lips. Then tears still spilled down to her cheeks. "Those guys, those guys who had nearly killed you before, who had torn you up so horribly, they came back from hell and you couldn't kill them, no matter what you tried, they wouldn't die! They were torturing you in front of me. They told me that I was looking at my very near future." Mugen fought to bite back a growl. Bile rising in his throat.

He had protected her for so long that the thought of somebody getting close to her sorta pissed him off. No one was going to hurt her. He faked a smirk. "So you where afraid of what they were going to do to you huh? You big sissy" He teased placing his chin on top of her head and whispered "I don't blame you." She shook her head "I wasn't afraid of them, I falling apart because of what they where doing to you. I begged them to leave you alone and just finish me off like they were supposed to but they wouldn't listen."

Mugen stared dumbfounded. He had never found somebody who would actually feel pain and sorrow if he died, or would give their life so that he could live." He had done it for her but it just seemed like that was his purpose, to keep this annoying teenager alive. No had ever...Mugen took her chin, tilting her face up to meet his, wiping away the tears. Gods she was beautiful, inside and out. From her caring spirit to her delicious looking body. Suddenly he didn't care that he was going to leave her soon and he shouldnt feel this way, or even the fact that she wanted Jin more, even though the bastard had always left him to take care of Fuu. He didn't care that she would probably hit him. Mugen's lips crashed into her soft ones. He put all the care in the world into kissing Fuu. He wanted to express how much she cared actually mattered to him.

Shock ran his mind blank. Fuu started kissing him back, her small lips puckering into his oh so lightly. The feel of it was enough to leave him panting. 'Gods she kisses so softly, just like a virgin girl' He mentally smirked. Then it came to mind that she might….not be. Slowly he pulled away. The look on her face was dazzling. Her cheeks flushed to a delicious pink, her eyes dark and completely sexy. Fuu was biting her bottom lip.

Then it just dawned on him, that look on her face…was love. She believed that she was in love with him. Shit! No! Fuck, this complicated things so damn much, and he had just kissed her. Damn it all to hell! "What's wrong?" Fuu whispered. "Did I do it wrong? I know I'm not as good as the women you're used to…" Mugen focused back on her, sitting in his lap. "No, you lock lips just fine girlie." He stood up frowning. "Ugh, but I of all people shouldn't know that." Turning around he heard Fuu stand up. "And whys that?" Mugen sighed "Because anyone with eyes can tell how completely wrong that is. There's no way this-" He motioned his hand between them "-can ever happen."

Fuu's face fell but her stance told him that she was going to fight with him. Her big brown eyes full of frustrated tears and determination. "It doesn't matter to me how you are! Mugen I know you, okay! You're a dangerous dirty cheating lying jerk with a short fuse and huge temper. I know you commit crimes and whore around, for gods sake I was only there those few years we were together! But even though I know this, I still…" Fuu paused looking at him straight in the eyes fear creeping up in her features. She swallowed hard. "I love you, Mugen. I always have…it just took me awhile to figure that out."

Mugen ran his fingers through his hair, pulling on it. Damn it she was making this hard. He looked up at her form, she stood tall, stubborn. A rush of old and new emotions lit up in his gut, hot like fire. Fuck she was sexy when she fought with him. Mugen had always liked making her pissed though back then he couldnt understand why, now it was clear.

"Fuu, I'm a pirate!" He said. Fuu smiled blushing, glancing at the floor. "Yeah…I kinda like that, I mean with anybody else it would scare me." She looked back up, that new heated look blazing in her eyes again. "But you, it fits so well. It just makes me want more."

'Oh shit' Thought Mugen. All the fire in his gut headed south, giving him a massive hard on. He wasn't used to her being so fucking sexy. It was ridiculous, stupid, when had Fuu become seductive? He had to crush this now!

"I've killed so many people, I don't even know!" Mugen growled, frustrated out of his mind. Fuu just rolled her eyes. "Yeah I know that, and so have men who go to war but they're not judged."

"Yeah! For a completely different reason, Fuu!" She looked away. "Alright that's true, but that doesn't change how I feel about you." Damn it he couldn't let her do this. Fuu's life would be ruined if she stayed with him. But fuck, if she thought that she loved him, it would take everything Mugen had not to push her up against the wall and strip her of that lovely blue kimono. Gods, he had to show her that she really didn't love him. He had to make her hate him, because he didnt feel actual love for her.

Why did she have to be so damn willing? Mugen gave her the coldest look he could muster, Fuu only stood her ground. "Just shut up Fuu, you don't know what your talking about. I'm not noble or good like Fishface is, I'm NOT" Then he quickly added "And I dont want you!" At that moment Fuu's fiery expression turned into rage. In an instant she was in his face, fierce angry tears filled up her dark eyes. "NO, YOU SHUT UP MUGEN. YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT! HOW COULD YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL? YOU NEVER EVEN TOOK THE TIME TO GET TO KNOW ME!" Fuu shoved him in his chest. "BUT I WATCHED YOU, FOR SO LONG I OBSERVED, TRYING SO HARD TO LEARN EVERYTHING, ANYTHING, ABOUT YOU! IF YOU DIDNT WANT ME YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER KISSED ME LIKE THAT, SO DONT LIE TO ME, DAMN IT!" She yelled, her warm sweet breath sweeping across Mugen's face. Gods she was so close, and her anger was only fueling his desire to fuck her, make her his to control, and no one else's. Every time she shoved him her fingertips left burning traces all over his skin, through his obi. He was losing control of himself and the situation. "FUU-!"

Mugen was cut off by soft firm lips molding roughly against his and then he heard her moan against his mouth. "I thought I told you to shut up." Then her tongue forced its way into his mouth and at that Mugen was done, finish, over with. He had lost the battle with Fuu, the sweet, honey taste of her proving to be too much, Mugen desperately pulled her closer into his body, wrapping his arms tightly around her small waist. One hand finding its way to her hair. Tangling in its soft locks. Mugen moaned as Fuu pushed him backwards against a hard surface. Letting her be in control was different, he never let women pull those kind of stunts. But Fuu, it was too hot to stop.

Pulling on his neck to get him closer Fuu ran her hand up his shirt, soft warm fingertips tracing up his abs and side, making him shiver. Finally her hands rested against one of his many scars, this one being large and jutted out. Fuu gasped into his mouth before pulling away. Her hand still on his scar. "I remember that…" She looked up at him. "you got that scar, protecting me; on the island." Fuu glanced back down, her eyes getting tragically soft. "He had cut you so deep, it had taken days for the infection to leave." She whispered. Then her hand ran up a little higher and to the right. Mugen knew what she was searching for. Fingertips found the round, less noticeable scar from where that bullet had gone through him.

Fuu whimpered, resting her head againts him, making Mugen nervous, he could only see the top of her head, hell what could be wrong with her now? Next thing he new she had her arms wrapped around his body, her hands pulling on the back of his haori "Thank you Mugen, I never thanked you for coming for me…"Fuu pushed her face into his chest, breathing in deeply. What was she doing?

"Aw come on now girlie, don't get all mushy on me!" He said pushing her off of him. Mugen pulled her face up, her eyes were red, her hair messy, which was all his doing. At that he smirked. All in all she looked exhausted. "Come on brat, its late." Fuu grinned for a second as if happy at what he called her, then it disappeared behind a frown. "Yeah, okay…" She went over to her previous spot and laid on her side in a ball.

Mugen walked over to the dim fire, deciding that it had become too pitiful to keep the small hut warm. He threw some longs over what was left of the flames. The wood caught and within seconds a good size fire was heating up the room. Mugen sat down a few feet away from Fuu, sipping on the sake. He couldn't sleep after what had just happened.

Gods she had made this situation into something much deeper and a lot more fucked up. It was going to be hard to leave her behind at this rate. The trouble was that they had a history. Sure, not a sexual one until now but they had practically lived together for a good two years. And for some gods forsaken reason he had always taken care of her in the shittiest situations. Mugen even remembered the first time someone had endangered her because of him. When that bitch whore told him that the bastard, who had his arm cut of by him, had her, Mugen ran as fast as his poisoned body would let him.

Or the second time when Fuu had been put into that brothel. He had even left the town by a good mile by the time he ran back to get her dumb little ass, not able to stand the idea of what kinda things would be done to her in there. For some reason Mugen just wasn't able to walk away from her. How had he done it last time? Shit!

Mugen looked over to Fuu, she had stretched out, but was awake, with that frown still displayed across her face. He grimaced "Yo..!" She looked up at him, a surprised look in her eyes. "What?" She asked sarcastically. "What's wrong with you?" He grunted. Fuu sat up. "I cant sleep, I'm afraid if I dream again it wont be any different then last time." She glanced at him as if she expected him to make fun of her. "I know its stupid but sometimes my dreams seem so real…" Mugen rolled his eyes and pulled her to him, laying down on the hard floor. He rested Fuu into the crook of his arm. Her own wrapping itself around his chest. On impulse Mugen kissed her, sucking on her candy tasting bottom lip, before realizing what he had done and let go. Gods why did he keep contradicting himself? Mugen wanted her gone so why was he still holding on to her? Whatever, he was too tired to argue with himself about it "Night girlie."

Mugen woke up late. The sun light shining through the holes of the hut. He stretched thinking that he had a pretty great sleap for being on a hard floor before remembering Fuu, who's kimono had ridden high up her thigh and her leg snaked around his. Mugen's eyes widened, staring at her soft skin. Damn, she had nice legs, long and smooth. Fuu suddenly squeezed closer to him, her breast and little body rubbed against his side. Mugen groaned, she was making his morning wood so much worse. Shit he had to get some space between them now! He pulled himself out of her hold, not caring if she woke up or not. She did; sitting up suddenly, Fuu rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. "What's wrong? You didn't have to just flop me hard on the floor like that!" She yawned angrily, standing up, her kimono going back to its original shape. "Nothing, we just have to get going." Mugen answered, rejusting the crotch of his shorts while his back was turned.

"Where to?" She asked. 'Damn' Thought Mugen, where was the closest town to this place? " Sawara, it's a merchant town along the Ono River, and ocean." "...Why?"

He looked back at her "Cuz I've got business there." He lied. "Now you can go back to that town if you want but your likely run into those ass holes again." Mugen bluffed, knowing she would come with him. Fuu laughed nervously "I think I'll just go with you." Then she smiled, lighting up her face. "It will be like old times, well almost, because Jin isn't here." Mugen just frowned. "Whatever girlie lets go."

So i will be getting on my next chapter. might make it fuus point of view, or i might not. ill just surprise you guys!