He could deal with sad girls.

He could deal with mad girls.

He would deal with happy girls naturally, with a signature grin.

He could also deal with now and then strange girls.

But what couldn't he do?

Kukai jumped as a sob sliced through his eardrums. He twitched visibly as he felt her trembling beside him with her loud crying. The boy didn't reach out a hand, he didn't offer any words of reassurance, nor did he try and give them a hug. Mild profanity and confusion was what would only grace his mind as to what the hell he was supposed to do. His neon green eyes lit up suddenly.

"Daichi-" He whirled, only to be met with no chara and empty air. It was a strange spot to find a crying girl, sure as heck surprised him. Behind the school right by a set of dumpsters that smelled like something his mother would smack his mouth if he said aloud. Kukai hesitantly looked at the sobbing girl beside him.

Why had he chosen to sit by the curled up ball of blonde? Because it was someone he cared about. He didn't think anything when he had come across the one person that he hadn't expected to see that day.

Nothing came to mind when he spotted the girl sitting by herself crying her eyes out. Mostly because he hadn't thought it possible for her to cry. She was stubborn, strong and determined to crush anyone who dared step in her way.

So what couldn't he deal with?

A crying Utau. Kukai put a thumb to his teeth, biting it lightly in thought. His mind whirled as she cried, trying to decide on which thing would be the less idiotic to say. Of all days to have his Chara be off with the other's and not have the guy help him out with some advice. Though, it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Knowing Daichi, he most likely would have been speechless as well. Kukai looked briefly above Utau's head and around her shoulders. Iru and Eru were gone also.

His heart seized up in panic at being all alone with her. A guy could only handle so much. The thought brought something to mind he'd rather not say.

But it led to a solution.

"Utau…" He spoke softly. Her head popped up from her knees that she was holding tightly to her chest.

And the sight almost made him forget to breathe. Both purple orbs held that of pain, raw and unmasked pain that had him seizing to grasp for something that would make it go away. Her eyes were heavily red-rimmed as if she were crying awhile before he had even arrived, blond locks messy and looking so naturally beautiful around her face he couldn't help but stare. Utau's lips opened slightly as if to say his own name but he stopped it with the only thing he could.

The solution, how to make Utau Hoshina stop crying:

Kiss her.

:P, erggg, that must be the shortest and fastest thing I've ever written for fanfiction! I hope it wasn't too horrible, it was qucikly written. Any thoughts? I want to know how I did on the pairing Kutau, I've been writing a few lately, hopefully it's okay. REVIEWS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! :)