Disclaimer: I don't own Bones or any of the characters... Just playing in Hart's backyard!

Booth approached her as she was standing on the balcony, staring at the ocean. As soon as he was standing close enough, he wrapped his arms around her and quickly pulled her closer, cradling her body to his. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, mumbling softly, knowing she would be able to hear him, "Penny for your thoughts?"

She snuggled closer to him, humming quietly, feeling relaxed and at peace. "Just enjoying the view..." She sighed softly as she turned around in his embrace. "I woke up when the sun rose. You were still asleep, so I decided to allow you a few more hours of sleep before we have to go home."

Booth smiled at her, as she turned around, facing him. "We aren't going home yet, Bones," He glanced at his watch, "We aren't leaving for another 4 and a half hours." He tightened his embrace around her as he kissed her cheek again, trailing his lips closer to hers.

His sweet, soft, lazy kisses made her lean in to him even more. When their lips finally met, she immediately allowed him entrance, without him having to ask for it.

Booth kept his kiss light, yet sensual as he relished the feeling of holding her body so close to his. After having kissed her, the way he had been dreaming about for years now, and had only been allowed for hours, he spoke up, "Tell me again, why did we wait so long before we did this?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered huskily against his lips, "Does it matter anymore?"

His smile widened, "No, no, it doesn't. Not anymore," he responded, by holding her close, walking her back into the bedroom, to continue showing her exactly WHAT she had missed.

The end!

A special thanks to lilalo264888!

Without you babe, this wouldn't have been written!

Let me know what you think! XD