She Isn't, but I Am.

Author's Note: This would take place in 3rd episode...but I'm going to stop following it soon. Sorry for the delay. I'm going to throw in a plot. It'll go somewhere, promise. For now..

Elena isn't Katherine. Her cold eyes, directed solely at him…she obviously hates him. Without reason, of course not. With reason. Still.

Katherine never looked at him with those eyes. Oh. It hurts.

Dull the senses, close it, turn it off-

Damon gulped the liquid burning down his throat in an attempt to make the world hazy, make his thoughts scattered.

Stefan always wins. Doesn't he know how lucky he is? Why does he always sulk? Stefan always gets his way..

"You're still here."

"Told you I'd stick around."

The glass made a clinking noise as he set it down on the table, the ice clashing against each other in the whisky.

"What're you playing at?" He's always so suspicious; if he wasn't so suspicious and judgmental they could probably still be brotherly.

"Nothing, just watching over my little brother."

"I don't need you to watch over me, Damon. You'll only fuck me up in the process."

Oh Stefan, you know just what to say to make a guy feel good about himself.

Damon crossed the room in a split second, reaching his brother and slamming his own hand into the wall over his sibling's shoulder.

"I never fuck things up," Damon found himself hissing, abrupt anger boiling in his veins. Stefan's gaze darkened.

"You'll wake up Zach."

Damon rolled his eyes and stepped back, sighing loudly.

"Oh right. I'll wake up Zach. Oh fucking no."

Damon rolled his eyes and walked away from Stefan back to his glass on the table. He picked it up and brought it to his lips, gulping down the rest of its contents.

Stefan. The self righteous douche.

"You won't have her."

"Sounds like a challenge."

"You can't use her."

"And you aren't?"

"She's different."

"I know." I know.

Damon turned back and his brother's defiant expression caught him almost off guard.

"She's mine."

"And you'll protect her with all your life, is it?" Damon couldn't help but mock, his expression pulling into a bitter smirk. Protect her.

What about her?

"You can't get near her. You can't control her with your mind."

Stefan didn't seem to hear him anymore. He sounded like he was almost going hysterical.

Ah. He was scared, was he now? For…his sake? No. Hers.

"Can't isn't a word a vegetarian like you can apply to a carnivore like me," Damon said lightly, putting his glass down and picking up the bottle of whisky and starting to pour.

He felt the rush of wind behind him and his reflexes, much quicker than his little brother's, kicked in.

"Stefan, dearest Stefan, stop trying to attack me from behind."

Aw. The glass was broken. He'd reacted too quickly. Damon looked down from on top of his little brother, at the surprised and pained expression on his face.

"Mm, this is a nice position. Bet you wish I was Elena, huh?" He smirked at the disgusted look on Stefan's face. Sighing dramatically, Damon looked back at the jagged edges of the bottle. Stefan must have a hard head. Granted it was bleeding now, thanks to Damon's whole smashing the bottle over it moment.

"Get the fuck off me, Damon." Stefan growled, voice cracking with some of the inevitable pain he'd be experiencing right now.

"You get the fuck off me," Damon remarked, a playful tone in his voice. Stefan snarled at him, and Damon relished the ugly expression on his little brother's face.

"Stop screwing around," Stefan growled out, eyes narrowed.

Damon leaned forward, putting his lips against his brother's ear, half smiling.

"I haven't even started, little brother."

Before Stefan could blink, Damon was up off him and back at the counter, picking up another bottle of whiskey. He heard coughing from his brother on the floor behind him, and poured two glasses of whiskey.

"I'll leave this glass here, kiddo. See you around." Throwing another look over his shoulder at his brother, who was now touching the wound on his head with creased eyebrows, Damon made his way up the stairs.

Home sweet home.

Reviews make me happy :). Started watching VD again, and feel that I'll be updating much more frequently from now on.

Also, edited a rather freudian slip on my part. "Damon leaned forward, putting his lips against his brothers, half smiling." was what it was. I laughed out loud when I caught that. I added the 'ear' part that I unintentionally left out. This will NOT be incest. Unless I get enough reviews asking for it O_O.