Silent Hill 3
Disclaimer: Well... I had my doubts about writing this one. It's part 3 of my movie version Silent Hill 3. Well, think of it as Sharon from the movie, AKA CHERYL Mason dealing with Claudia now. Last time, I had someone tell me it was too game verse and not enough movie verse. I realized my mistake. So if you guys have any tips, I'll be more than open to them.
"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer."
-Denis Waitley
"One might as well try to ride two horses moving in different directions, as to try to maintain in equal force two opposing or contradictory sets of desires."
-Robert Collier
By: VampireQueenAkasha
"Is every person here a mental case?"
-Heather, Silent Hill 3 (VG)
Part Six
The church was not only a dark and foreboding shape against the gray backdrop of the sky, but it was also powerful in appearance. It looked like a giant stone monster perched on the hillside, willing to devour anything or anyone who entered.
Sharon faced the church, her hands clenched into tight fists. She walked up the stairway and the massive doors roared open before she could even try to open them on her own. It was quiet when she stepped inside and she slowly started looking around for signs of movement.
"Mom?" she called, "Dad?"
Finally, she stopped where she stood and looked up, her eyes wide with horror.
There were her parents. Her two loving parents were hanging over a massive charred hole in the church floor in two metal contraptions that resembled cages by means of thick power cables. Standing beside them over the balcony edge were two tall, humanoid monsters with filthy sacks over their heads. There were nooses around their necks and they wore a set of robes that looked like blood-soaked butcher's smocks plastered against their bruised, blistered flesh. They also wore bicep - length rubber gloves stained in blood and various other bodily fluids. They brandished menacing tonfa - like objects with long blades jutting from the handles on both hands.
"Sharon!" Rose shouted, clutching the bars of her cage.
"Sharon, why did you come here?" Chris cried, "We told you to go!"
Sharon couldn't believe what she was seeing. "M - Mom?" she protested, "Dad? I came to help you!"
Sharon looked up suddenly beyond them to where the same strange man from countless times before was sitting over on the balcony edge, swinging his feet back and forth casually. He smiled cheerfully at her and waved with one hand.
"Hiya Sharon!" he greeted, as if nothing was wrong, "You been running around a lot, huh?" She nodded her head and he laughed gently. "Does it make you feel better?" He paused and sighed, as if the concept bored him more than made him smile. " I like to run around. It's good exercise, you know. Keeps the blood flowing."
"Vincent ... "
Sharon angrily looked up as Claudia suddenly appeared at his side, a quiet and chiding smile on her face. "Now, Vincent, what did I tell you about guests?"
The man - Vincent - hopped down from his spot and hung his head in a defiant and playful way. "Sorry, Claudia, I'll be good this time!" He skipped away, like a crazy little kid delirious to the surrounding horrors that be.
Or maybe he was just insane.
"Claudia!" Sharon shouted, up at the woman, "Why did you do this? WHY? What do you want with me and my family?"
"Sharon, just run!" Chris shouted, "Forget about us! Go!"
Claudia looked at them coldly. "Keep quiet," she told them, "This is between family. You would no nothing about that!" She descended a small stairway until she reached the first floor of the church to Sharon's position.
"Family?" Sharon questioned, "What are you talking about?"
Claudia advanced and she smirked at Sharon's horrified expression. "What's wrong, Sharon?" she hissed, "Don't you see the family resemblance?" She leaned forward. "Look close. Look at me, Sharon. Look at your dearest older sister!"
"WHAT?" Sharon gasped, her eyes widening.
Needless to say, Rose and Chris were just as stunned.
"Sister?" Sharon said, softly, tears prickling the corners of her eyes, as if her heart knew what her brain did not and could not process all at once, "I - I don't have a sister. I never even had a sister. You're lying! YOU'RE LYING!"
"Half sister," Claudia continued, turning her back to pace around the gaping hole that seemed to enter the very bowels of hell with its fiery glow and belching smoke, "We share the same mother, but our fathers are entirely different. You see, when I was 5 years old, I was sent away to live with my father far from Silent Hill before the fires claimed it. Mother considered this to be for the better for my future." She laughed and there was bitterness there. "I didn't realize until later that it was because she didn't want me."
A young Claudia Wolf was standing at the street side with a much younger Leonard Wolf, holding his hand as they waited for the bus. She had that same perpetual darkness in her eyes the way that Alessa once had as a child.
"I spent my entire life learning my father's ways, the ways of God, the ways of what we must always be, but I also learned much more than mere goodness and petty lies. Although my father's intentions were pure, his methods were somewhat ... more firm than need be. But it was through that which I learned I too had a gift the way you did."
Claudia, now 17 years old was kneeling at a church altar, hands clasped together in prayer. She cast those mature, dark eyes toward the statue of the Virgin Mary and her brow flickered once in concentration.
From the eyes of the statue, dark red blood began to seep and various priests raced wildly to identify the source and the reasoning. Claudia just sat there, smiling calmly with pleasure at the sight and chaos around her.
"It started with simple experimentation, of course. I needed to see how far my mind could go."
Two teenage boys were walking alongside Claudia as she strolled down the street with a thick book cradled to her chest. They were sneering and taunting her, calling her cruel things and mocking her religion. Claudia didn't seem affected by this, however. She just calmly stared at the ground as she walked.
"Evildoers were the easiest. There was nothing to pity."
Through the darkness of her mind, Claudia could hear screams and cries of her tormented victims. The wailing sounds of those who dared to trifle with her. The pleading and the begging did nothing to sway her will.
Claudia smiled at her audience, pleased with their expressions of disgust and anger. Sharon however, took these memories with a grain of salt. Claudia was just a maniac and a crazy woman hellbent on making everyone's life just as miserable.
"So you're getting revenge then?" Sharon spat, "On me? Why? Because you think our mother loved one better than the other?"
Claudia laughed softly and turned to face her and she looked stunned by Sharon's words. "No ... Of course not!" she said, gently, "I am not that kind of woman, Sharon. Revenge is petty childsplay compared to what I have planned." She gestured to the cages above and the two monsters advanced toward Rose and Chris with their blades snicking from side to side, like a butcher preparing to slice fresh meat in two. Rose and Chris backed as far as the cages would allow, shouting out and kicking at the monsters.
"No!" Sharon shouted, "Don't!"
"Why?" Claudia asked, surprised, "They are not your real parents, they are fakes and false faces. They' have spent the last 17 years lying to you, filling your head with petty happiness and cruel delusions. How cruel they are ... "
"I don't care!" Sharon nearly screamed, "They're family to me and I love them! You can't do this!"
Claudia's brow furrowed and she glanced up at the two meat sacks hanging there in their traps. She seemed confused almost by Sharon's desire to stay with them instead of with blood family. Had their false joys truly corrupted her?
"Sharon, will you come with me?" she asked, softly, "We are sisters, you and I. True family does not abandon one another."
Sharon looked up at her desperate parents, read the pain and horror in their eyes before she looked back at Claudia. "If I let you have me, will you promise to let them go? Free them both and free Cybil Bennett."
Claudia smiled. "It shall be done."
"Sharon, don't do this!" Chris shouted, tugging helplessly on the bars, "We've lived our lives! You don't have to do this!"
The creatures poised at their cages hooked their blades into the bars and dragged them from their swinging positions to the floor. They were dragged to the sanctuary where Claudia stood, their bodies jarred from the rough impacts of the stairs.
"Let her go!" Rose cried, holding on for dear life, "You can't have my daughter!"
Claudia glared down at her. "She is not your daughter." She turned to face Sharon with a sweet smile. "And now, she will forever remain here in purgatory with me in my own little paradise with the rest of us."
Sharon's eyes widened as Claudia turned to her family. "What?" she cried, "You said you'd-"
Claudia chuckled softly. "Forgive me," she said, "But they cannot be allowed to live and interfere with your rebirth. It was Darkness and hatred that created this hell and you, and it will be Darkness and hatred that will return you to who you really are."
Outside of the church, the clouds began to darken menacingly, signaling the beginning of the shift to the Otherworld. Claudia smiled at Sharon as the shadows blanketed the entire church. Once the darkness had cloaked the entire church and blacked out all sights and sounds, all that could be heard were the sounds of her breathing and grinding metallic sounds.
Just then, a low crumbling sound echoed all around her and Sharon knew that the paint and concrete were peeling away. She could feel the wretched dampness of the disgusting tar beneath her feet blended in with the industrial metal plates. Small candles suspending from the walls flared with bright flames and cast a glow throughout the church, revealing the nightmarish Otherworld. Fleshy-red walls, rot-like covering on the windows and dripping blood from oozing sores on the walls. The air was becoming so hot, that it was almost unbearable, and she could practically taste the parched flavor on the tip of her tongue. Beads of sweat trickled down the back of her neck and a hot shudder ran through her frame.
The Otherworld was different for Chris and Rose as well. It wasn't just a nightmarish metal world, but a living breathing entity all on its own.
"Oh my God ... !" Rose cried.
Claudia smiled with pride at the horrible hell world around her, like an artist surveying a painting, a masterpiece of artwork. She turned to Rose and Chris, gesturing with her finger in command to her two monsters at her side. "Now then, kill them," she commanded.
The two creatures brought their blades high into the air, over the horrified humans below. They had every intention of killing Sharon's family and with no intention more of stopping. Sharon's eyes streamed with tears. "NO!"
Just as the blades were brought down, something changed in the air.
An awakening perhaps? Or an unveiling ...
A wet sound filled the air, like flesh being pierced; Claudia opened her mouth to let out a yell, but no noise emerged from her lips. The look of shock on her face was soon replaced by a limp and deadened look, and blood filled her mouth. She stared down at the sharp protrusion through her stomach drenched with her own blood. She followed it back to one of the monsters who had stabbed her clear through her body.
Rose and Chris watched this with shock and horror as the other monster joined in to stab at Claudia. Her choked and bloody screams disappeared behind the towering beings and Sharon rushed to the cages to help free her parents, trying not to risk a glance back at the massacre behind her. She struggled with the heavy locks with a frustrated curse. They were old and made entirely of iron; nothing she had ever seen before and nothing that would be undone so easily without a key of some kind.
"Come on!"
A sharp hiss filled the air and Sharon looked back toward the church doors. There stood a small child, wearing a blue dress stained with dirt and blood. She looked like the little girl from her visions, but her hair was covered with blackish slime and her face with blood. It wasn't like her reflection that she had seen in the hospital mirror, but some similarities as well.
A child version of me ...
As she had once been. As she had been before all of this. Before the fog, before the nightmare worlds, before the fire, before everything. Sharon could only stare at her, confused and distraught all at once by her odd appearance.
The child just smiled at her before she looked toward the massacred Claudia and flitted her head once. The two monsters seemed to drag a bleeding, dripping corpse away out of the church and into pitch darkness.
Still screaming ...
The little girl watched them go before she looked back at Sharon with that same peculiar smile that her doppelganger had from the mirror. She raised a finger to her lips and made a shushing gesture before turning and disappearing from the church.
Sharon felt weightless with the departure of the small child and her eyes rolled into her head before she fell limp against the metal cage that housed her mother. The sounds of Rose and Chris' shouts dimmed away into a muffled, horrible whirring sound as she lost consciousness.
Why what?
You know why.
You saw the truth for what it was, despite how ugly it seemed. You accepted it and still chose them, no matter what the cost was. She was not welcome in your realm and so I removed her. It is your world, your desires, your pain.
My world?
Are you going to let them go?
If that is what you want.
It is.
So be it.
Sharon felt warmth against her cheek as she slowly came to. Through the NORMAL glass-stained windows of the church, the sun was shining down on her face. Sharon mumbled weakly and she focused her bleary eyes on two smiling, tear - streaked faces of her parents.
"Sharon ... " Chris whispered.
As soon as she found the strength, Sharon rose and threw her arms around both of them. She didn't want to let go for fear of losing them once more, like they would flutter away into a dream world and disappear forever. When they parted, Rose and Chris looked around the church before staring down at their daughter.
"Is it finally over?" Chris asked.
Sharon smiled and nodded. "I think so."
The Da Silva family stood up and started walking out of the church. They lifted their heads and gazed up into a bright yellow sun against the backdrop of a beautiful, clear blue sky. Not a shred of fog to be seen and not a single big of Darkness to be had. It felt good to feel the sun again after what they had been through. The two adults wrapped their arms around their daughter and began to walk to the outskirts of Silent Hill.
"Do you think we'll be seeing anymore of this place?" Rose asked, staring down at Sharon, as if the 17 year old had the answers.
Sharon just laughed and heaved a sigh afterwards. "I hope not."
The three just laughed at the jibe and they walked passed Doug's overturned police cruiser. Sharon stared at it and her smile disappeared. She felt a deep burning in her chest, a miserable sensation as she thought about the dead officer. The one who had risked everything and died just to protect her. Like everyone else before.
Well, it would be a long walk before they reached any kind of civilization.
She looked up at Rose and Chris. "Yeah?"
"I think it's time we talked ... " Chris told her, his eyes filled with some form of shame. Shame for having to keep a secret from her for so long. Now was the time to tell her the truth about herself that Claudia, Dahlia and everyone else had tried to do.
Sharon nodded. She was ready to listen. "Okay."
As her parents began to tell her the story of her birth and her arrival to their home, Sharon glanced back, sensing something watching her. Standing at the welcome sign of Silent Hill was Vincent. He smiled and waved at her before walking back into the town.
See ya' later, Sharon!
She just smiled slightly at his departing form, unable to process who the man named Vincent was. He had somehow watched her and been around wherever she was and she still had no idea who and where he had come from.
Heh, oh well. Maybe he had to be there too ...
And with that, the Da Silva family continued walking. To where, the girl wondered. Hopefully somewhere far from this place. Somewhere where I can change my future and my past for the better. It would be different, she knew.
At least, she hoped so.
A letter to my future self,
Am I still happy, I began,
Have I grown up pretty,
Is Daddy still a good man,
Am I still friends with Colleen,
I'm sure that I'm still laughing, aren't I, aren't I,
Hey there to my future self,
If you forget how to smile,
I have this to tell you,
Remember it once in awhile,
Ten year ago youк past self,
Prayed for your happiness,
Please don't, lose hope,
Oh, oh what a pair me and you,
Put here to feel joy, not be blue,
Sad times, bad times, see them through,
Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel,
Though I can't know for sure how things worked out for us,
No matter how hard it gets, you have to realize:
We weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry,
We were made for being happy -
So ... be happy ... for me. For you ... Please.
Oh, oh what a pair me and you,
Put here to feel joy, not be blue,
Sadder times and bad times, see them through,
Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel,
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy, (Repeated 4 times)
The End