I opened the door to my apartment and saw the one thing I didn't want to see.
"Dammit Randy!" I yelled "How many times have I told you to do that in your room and not on the couch?"
My brother turned his head and said "Hey sis. You're home early."
"That's not the point! You and John agreed to do that in your bedroom, not on the couch where I could catch you!"
John peered his head over Randy's shoulder and said "I'm sorry. Randy-"
I slammed the door shut and said "I don't want to know."
I stormed past the two of them, naked on the couch together and went into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I have no problem with the fact that my brother is gay, I've never had a problem with it because I love Randy and he's always accepted me for who I am, so it's only right that I'd be accepting as well. I have no problem with the fact that his boyfriend John lives with us because John is a sweet guy and he takes very good care of Randy. I have no problem with the fact that they have sex numerous times a day, but I do have a problem when they do it on the couch knowing I could see them at any time! I don't find it disgusting and I'm not worried about them staining the couch. The reason it bothers me so much is seeing them having sex reminds me of the fact that I am 24 years old and have never had sex. I've never even had my first kiss let alone my first boyfriend. Seeing them have sex reminds me that I'm going to die alone and never, EVER find my match.
Besides that I'm perfectly fine.
I guess...
A few hours later I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said.
John came in, a plate with pizza on it in one hand and a soda in the other. He closed the door behind him, then came over to me, handing me the plate of pizza and putting the soda on my night stand. He sat down next to me and said "We ordered pizza because we figured you wouldn't want to cook tonight. Also I figured you'd be too mad at either of us to eat anything we made."
"Pizza's fine," I told John "And I'm not really mad, I'm just upset."
I bit my lip and looked away.
I trust John, I really do, but I'd be too embarrassed to tell him how I feel.
"Avary tell me," he said gently "You know I won't judge you and I'll help you if you need help."
"I'm sick of being alone!" I blurted out "I'm so happy Randy has you, but when I see the two of you together physically, it reminds me of the fact that I've never had what you two have and that I never will!"
"I've never been kissed John! I've never had a boyfriend! I'm going to die alone all because I focused too much on my dream of becoming a teacher!"
"No, you made sure you reached your dream before worrying about something like a boyfriend. You wanted to make sure you were well taken care of and that you had your future set up well enough before you got with someone. What you did was smart and you're a catch. Any guy would want you."
"Then explain to me why no guy has ever asked me out" I grumbled.
"Because they're all idiots and you haven't met the right guy yet."
John kissed my forehead and said "Don't worry about it. You'll meet Mr. Right soon enough. Just don't be in a hurry. True love takes time. Look at me and Randy, it took us 5 years to realize we were meant to be and now that we're together, we know things will work out. 5 years ago we wouldn't have known that and we could have ruined everything between us."
"Yeah I know" I said softly.
He stroked my hair and said "You'll find Mr. Right soon, I promise."
"Thanks John" I said, hugging him.
He stood up and said "Randy would've come in, but he figured you'd be less likely to kill me."
I let out a laugh and said "You can tell him it's OK."
"I will. Enjoy your pizza."
"I will. Thanks John."
"No problem."
He left my room and I sat back on my bed, chewing my pizza thoughtfully.
John is really sweet, but even he can't make me a promise like that and keep it.
Poor Avary :(
John really is a sweetie :)
So what do you think will happen next?