Author's Note: This is basically a little story I made to help me get out of my major writer's block. It actually did help… if only a little. And I honestly think I could turn this into a story. But for now, it shall remain a cute little one-shot~! Until I finish my other stories (If that's even possible!) Plz, Enjoy! :'D




"Oi, Ichi, what's this thing?"

Said teen turned his head to stare over his shoulder exasperatedly.

This was about the thirtieth time Grimmjow has interrupted his reading with stupid questions.

"That's a camera." The teen answered simply before returning his attention to the large textbook that lay before him. The tiny print and large words were starting to make him go cross-eyed, but he knew that if he procrastinated on his homework then his grades would drop, and he refused to let that happen—even if he kept being interrupted by hollow attacks and unexpected visits from shinigami, friends, and—most recent—a certain blue-haired hollow.

"Wuh's it do?" The ever-curious arrancar questioned, but the teen promptly ignored him in favor of scribbling something in his notebook. "Hey! I'm talkin' to ya, dandelion!" Grimmjow growled irritably and he practically bristled when he was ignored once again. Huffing out an angry breath, the hollow tried to just shrug it off and distract himself by inspecting the camera-thing.

Curiously, he pressed the biggest button located on the top of the small box, and, as soon as he did, there was a soft 'click' and a bright flash went off in his face, momentarily blinding him. Acting on instinct, Grimmjow quickly chucked the thing away from him, thinking that it was dangerous or something. The camera collided none too gently on the closet door, and then it clattered to the ground.

Ichigo felt his eye twitch and his veins throb as he tried to keep his temper in check, but it didn't help when he saw Grimmjow hissing at the poor camera like a cornered animal.

"You better not have broken it…" The teen grumbled to himself as he stood from his chair and began walking towards the abused contraption. Checking it over quickly, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that there was only a small scratch along the side.

Ichigo slowly looked out the corner of his eye to find Grimmjow staring accusingly at the item in his hands and he had to suppress a chuckle when he noticed that the hollow's eyes wavered a bit, as if his vision was still affected by the bright flash.

"S'not funny, Kurosaki!" Grimmjow snapped defensively, but his eyes never left the camera.

'Did I laugh out loud? Oops…'

"Well it was kind of funny…" He mumbled back, but then just shrugged and began looking through the pictures in his camera until he came to the most recent one. He couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from his throat as he looked at Grimmjow's wide, shocked blue eyes in the picture.

Curious about what the teen found so amusing, the hollow quickly climbed off the bed and peeked over the carrot-top's shoulder, which was shaking with laughter, and he blinked in surprise at what he saw.

"WOAH!" He gasped in amazement before snatching the camera from Ichigo's hands. "I'm inside the box-thing!" Grimmjow exclaimed, suddenly fascinated by the camera. He poked and prodded at it and then shook it upside down, wondering if a miniature version of him would fall out, but he was slightly disappointed when nothing happened.

Sitting back down on the bed, the hollow ignored the teen completely. Instead, he began fiddling with the camera, his deep blue eyes wide and excited. The expression reminded the teen of a little kid that got some cool new transformers toy and was trying to figure out all the different transformations it could do.

Ichigo shook his head with a small smile, his auburn eyes dancing with amusement. "Just don't break it…" Was all he said before he turning around to sit back down at his desk.




He didn't even get to study for ten minutes—TEN MINUTES—before he was being harassed by Grimmjow and his new 'weapon'… a.k.a. the camera.

"Oi, dandelion, why donchya smile huh? C'mon." The espada obviously seemed to have mastered the art of photography within that ten minute period, and was now practicing his new skills on the poor teen.

"Fuck off Grimmjow…" Ichigo growled warningly and he scowled at the camera lens as it flashed in his face… again.

"Aww… Yer no fun…" Grimmjow grumbled and he was about to go back to raiding Ichigo's closet (which was what he had been doing before he found the camera) but he stopped as an idea struck him, making his lips curl up into a large, devious smirk.

"Hey, berryhead…" He whispered once his face was right beside the teen's.

Said teen bristled at the forbidden nickname and turned his head to yell at the blue-haired nuisance, but froze when he found his lips lock with someone else's.

A certain hollow's…

Ichigo didn't really know what to do.

He figured he could either:

Beat the shit out of Grimmjow.

scream like a little girl and then hide in his bathroom for rest of eternity

Or last but not least… kiss back.

At first, Ichigo was leaning towards option number three… merely because Grimmjow's lips were actually pretty soft (though slightly chapped) and his teenage libido was beating the shit out of his precious brain cells.

But a familiar 'flash' snapped him out of his hormone induced stupor, and he promptly smashed his fist in the blue-haired man's face.

With a huff of satisfaction, Ichigo turned back to his work, and tried his hardest to ignore Grimmjow's pain-filled groans.

Naruto: -stares hard at the screen, nearly going cross-eyed-

Sasuke: What're you doing?

Naruto:... trying to see what Devon (me) find so special about this pairing... -continues staring-

Sasuke: -sigh- who knows.

Me: OMG GRIMMICHI! -pushes Naruto out of the way so I can ogle the precious yaoi-ness-