A/N Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reviewing and reading!

I've made this the last chapter for Budding Love, however I will post the rest of the story up in a sequel/ series if you have already read past this point, please move onto Growing Love if not enjoy


Why is it that you wanted my here this morning? Or more I-I was w-wondering what you were u-up to?"

"Oh well then…" Naruto said as he began to scratch the back of his head. Dang I had forgotten all about that though Naruto. He looked down at the beautiful woman next to him. Well here goes nothing.

"Umm Hinata…

His voice had an uncharacteristic shake to it. ".…Will you marry me?" asked Naruto nervously.

Hinata stared at him her eyes wide in disbelief. She was speechless, she had to be dreaming. Yes, she had been going out with Naruto for 2 years and she loved him very much, but… she had never even allowed herself to hope for this. This was her fairytale ending. Her dream come true. She had always believed that Naruto really cared for her, but this was something else. This would mean that they would share all their future memories and have a family together and…

Naruto, who was looking paler and paler through Hinata's prolonged silence, began to fidget. He was scared, more scared then when he faced Orochimaru. He hoped and wished that Hinata realy did love him like this and well actually did want to marry him. But she wasn't responding. Her eyes were huge and she simply didn't say anything.

Naruto cleared his throught. "Ummm Hinata…"

Before he could say anymore Hinata screamed. "yes, Yes ,YES" She jumped on/ hugged him and couldn't stop smiling. It was such a perfect moment. Naruto's nervousness was replaced by immeasurable joy and he swung them around in circles. He would have been shouting at the top of his lungs except that he was too busy kissing his beautiful fiancée.

At a pause in their kissing, Hinata gasped, "Naruto, look at the sunrise, its gorgeous."

"Not nearly as beautiful as you." He said after a short glance. Grinning that foxy foolish grin, he set her on her feet and stroked her cheek.

Hinata blushed mumbling something modest and making another couple of comments about flirting with one's fiancée. At which she blushed and even deeper red.

On a sudden impulse or what was more of a norm for him he widened his grinned and with a sparkle in his eyes turned towards the rising sun and yelled. "I love you, Hinata, I'm going to marry you, I'm going to be with you for forever. I'll love you for forever, Hinata!"

She wrapped her arms around her true love. "And I'll love you for forever too."

Sorry that it is kind of sappy and short. I know that you could probably see this comeing, but hey predictable can be good. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Please message/review with your ideas. If you cannot because you don't have an account then I highly suggest you get one because they are awesome!

I've split up the story a bit…now it is continued in the sequel 'Growing Love'

TTFN-Ta Ta For Now