Hi everyone! I've been reading Sonic Truth or Dares all day and thought 'Why not make a Big Time Rush Truth or Dare?'
Me: Ok, we have the guys from Big Time Rush here (no duh)
Kendall: Um, hi, everyone
Carlos: Wait, you never said we'd-
Me: Moving on :)
Logan: This outta be interesting . . .
James: Where's my lucky comb? (frantically searches his pockets)
Me: How could you possibly lose it?
Logan: Yeah, you never leave the house without it
James: Well, I don't have it!
Me: Oh, that's right, my friend must've stolen it
James: But I never took this jacket off, how could she take my comb?
Me: She's quite the pick pocket
James: (nervous breakdown) whatamigonnado?
Me: Breathe in and out slowly, James
James: (does just that)
Kendall: We obviously didn't come here to obsess and make fun of James
James: Thank you
Kendall: We can make fun of him later
James:. . . I take my thank you back
Me: Ok, guys, could you just shut up a minute, please? And why is it so hot in here?
Carlos: Sorry, I'll leave (gets up)
Me: Cute, and stay, or I'll sick my doggie on you
Carlos: You think I'm scared of your-
Me:(brings out a BIG dog) care to finish that sentence?
Carlos: o.o Naw, I'm good.
Me: That's what I thought, now we can't start without your truths/dares for them. Nothing bad, please :) So start reviewing if you want this to go anywhere!
Logan: What do you mean by-
Me: Sorry, we're out of time for you, Logan
Logan: Why?
Me: Cause I said so. Now, as you probably guessed, I have a co-host. . . get out here!
Sonic: Nooooo!
Me: I'll give you a chilidog
Sonic: (runs out and stands next to me) Hi! (waves)
Logan: This is illogical, he's a video game character
Me: So are you! (points)
Logan: That didn't make any sence
Me: What's your point?
Logan: I lost it. . .
Me: Is he always like this? (to Kendall)
Kendall: I thought you were a fan, you should know the answer
Me: touché, Blondie, touché
Sonic: Can I have my chilidog now?
Me: Huh? Oh yeah, sure (hands him chilidog) Happy now?
Sonic: (stuffs his face and nods)
James: Is Sonic some sort of cat?
Carlos: Sonic's a cat?
Me: What makes you think that?
Kendall:They know nothing about Sonic The HEDGEHOG!
Me: Gaspeth!
Logan: They're Mario fans
Me: Curse you, Mario!
James: What's up with her?
Carlos: I say she ate too many waffles for breakfast
Me: OMG! I did! Oh, light headed (falls over) ow. . .
Carlos: Are you still alive?
Me: What do you think?
Carlos: She's dead! Noooooooooooo!
Logan:. . . wow. . .
Me: Wow indeed
James: (tosses me an orange bandanna) here
Me: How is a bandanna supposed to help m` Oh! It's orange! I love orange! Hahaha!
Logan: Should we call for help?
Kendall: This is probably normal for her
Me: As apposed to you guys on a daily basis?
Logan: Touché
Me: That's my word!
Logan: Well, I stole it!
Me: (attacks Logan and tickles him) Gimme back my word!
Logan: Never! (laughs) Stop, Stop, Stop! I can't take it!
James: Things have taken a very strange turn
guess all we can do is wait for those crazy fangirls to write
Carlos: BYE!
James: Are you sure you didn't eat too many waffles for breakfast?
Carlos:. . . how many waffles is considered too many?
James: However many you ate. . .
Sonic: R&R Please!