Hey everyone :) I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, but I only got 1 (unprovoked) review :'( Hahaha, I don't care that much, but I do appreciate your feedback on what you think and how you think it should go, so review please and let me know what you think. Thanks xxx
ROMEO : Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
JULIET : Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
ROMEO : Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.
(Romeo and Juliet Act One, Scene 5)
Draco was lying on his back looking up at the ceiling. He could barely believe what he had done last night, and what Hermione had told him this morning. He couldn't stop thinking about her.
Well at least I'm not thinking of what I have to do he thought.
After the lecture from Severus he received when he returned in the morning for being out all night he returned to his room and lay on his bed.
He thought about last night. That it shocked him to see who Hermione Granger really was. Was she always so beautiful?
He stopped his train of thought. This was Granger he was thinking about. The mudblood. The girl who slapped him. The girl he could never be with.
If his father found out about what he did last night... He didn't even want to think about what would happen to him then.
Draco hadn't given Severus a reason for being out so late, and Severus wasn't interested in where he'd been, but he seemed almost panicked when Draco walked in. He'd have to keep an eye on Severus, he didn't want him peeing himself every time he snuck out.
There it was again, he thought in frustration. I can't keep thinking about Granger! Her eyes, her body, those legs, and the hair!
Draco groaned in frustration putting his hands up to his face when he realised he couldn't even trust the person he was closest to. He turned over onto his stomach.
He had to see her again.
Hermione had finally cleaned up the mess that remained from the previous night, and now she had nothing stopping the thoughts of the previous night come back to her. She was so embarrassed at what Dumbledore had seen this morning. She collapsed onto her bed after removing her dress and climbing into her pyjamas.
He was Malfoy. A pure-blood, who hated her and her friends. She couldn't believe she was still thinking about him, she'd had one night stands before but nothing like this. It was different. She didn't know how, but it was.
She got up off the bed to fix herself something to eat. She was exhausted, but she needed to eat.
A knock on the door broke her out of her daydreams. She checked who it was this time. A flash of blonde. Grey eyes staring at the door.
She opened the door a bit, then wider at the look on his face. Desperation and sadness was echoed in his eyes and she felt sorry for him. Wait she thought, this is Malfoy. I can't feel sorry for him.
"I couldn't stop thinking about last night" He admitted.
"Me either" she whispered
"Thank Merlin" He took her and kissed her passionately closing the door behind him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and led him into the sitting room.
Draco looked at the clock resting on the mantelpiece. He should be home by now, but he preferred to be where he was, with an incredibly beautiful girl sat in his arms.
He noticed how she filled out her clothes, that she was tall and tanned, and how her hair was smooth and straight instead of the usual crazy bush that adorned her head at school. It seemed a lighter brown too, almost a dirty blonde. He looked down at her skin which was more tanned, he guessed she'd spent days sitting in the sun. He noticed her toenails were painted neon pink, and she had a French tip on her fingernails.
"You know when we go back to school we can't do this" He mused quietly kissing the top of her head
"I know" She whispered back tightening her grip on his arms. He thought it was odd how they were acting, almost as if they had almost fallen in love in two days, but he didn't linger on that thought.
She turned to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Don't linger on that thought" Almost as if she was reading his mind
They once again fell to the floor in each other's arms
Draco eventually had to return to Severus' house where he had been staying as the manor was no longer safe, and had been used as the Dark Lord's new base.
Severus was not happy to say it in a nice way.
"Draco where have you been these last few days? You know if anybody catches you leaving this house it's my head on the block you stupid, stupid boy!" Severus hissed at him angrily
"It's none of your business Severus." Draco said lazily. Snape pushed him up against the wall and growled angrily in Draco's face
"You don't seem to understand Draco. If they know I haven't been keeping an eye on you they'll kill both of us, and I can't let that happen, understand?"
Draco remained there, unmoving, not letting any emotion show on his face
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Snape screamed in Draco's face
"Of course Severus" Severus released his grip and Draco wiggled himself away from the potions master.
"What Severus?" Draco spat at him
"Remember what you must do"
"I didn't need reminding" Draco said coldly, the knowledge of what he had to do pressing on his mind.
A week passed and Draco visited Hermione every night. No words were spoken until it was over, and even then very little was said.
Hermione's parents returned and the visits were then confined to their working hours. The less people who knew about this, the longer they could keep kidding themselves that it could last.
One night, Hermione lay in her bed after he had left thinking about the letter she had received just before he visited. She walked over to the dresser and picked up the paper. She tried to organise the bottles and make-up she had lying around but eventually left it and re-read the letter
How was the trip to Russia with your parents? I'm looking forward to seeing you soon, mum's been on my case to write to you since the beginning of summer, but I couldn't make Pig fly all the way to Russia right? Come as soon as you can, dad warned that they might start trying to hunt people down, there's already been a few murders but the ministry are trying to cover them up. I want you to be safe Mione, cause we couldn't bear it if you were hurt because you are who you are. I think that's about it, Ginny says hi, and that she can't wait for you to come, cause she's bored of us. I got to go beat up her now for writing that, so see you soon I hope?
Ron xxx
She looked at it again before penning a response.
The trip was really nice, but I don't know Russian so it wasn't as fulfilling as I would've liked it to be. Tell your mum and Ginny I'll be there in the next week, I have a few things to do before I come to yours. See you then.
She purposefully left off the kisses. She knew he was in love with her, it wasn't like he tried to hide it but she was completely not interested. It's not like she didn't like him, no it was that she was completely not attracted to him at all.
To stop herself from thinking about going to the Burrow, she tidied her room instead. She packed her trunk and took a shower. She straightened her hair, and by this time she was exhausted so she fell onto her bed and into a deep sleep.
When the morning came around she remembered the letter. She didn't want to leave for the summer but the logical Hermione; the Hermione who only reared her head during school said that it would be the best idea to go there to be safe. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. 11am. Her parents would be out till 7 at the clinic.
She dragged herself to the shower and spent a long time stood under the warm water washing her hair. Eventually after getting ready she took some bottles from her room and packed her bag for later on. By the time she was ready there was a knock on the door. She rolled her eyes. He'd be here, she knew he'd come. She smirked as her mind turned that thought around.
She opened the door and saw the familiar sight of Draco Malfoy leaning on her doorframe. She smirked at him and lead in him by his shirt.
"You going somewhere?" Draco asked as Hermione slipped back into her short, tight black dress.
"Yeah I have a friend who is having a party tonight" She said as she searched around her room for her hair straighteners. She found them and pulled them out, ignoring the look of confusion on Draco's face.
"What the hell are they?"
"They're a muggle contraption. Pretty useful when you can't be bothered with magic." She plugged them in and waited for them to heat up.
"You know you never answered my question"
"Hmm?" Hermione answered absent-mindedly
"The one I asked the first night"
"Oh that one." She was avoiding the question and he could tell.
"Go on, I won't laugh." He sat up on the bed not bothering to reach for his clothes.
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours right?"
"A muggle boy called Malcom." Draco snorted
"That's pretty boring."
"Go on then."
"A muggle waitress I met in France."
"Mixing it up a bit there?" Hermione remarked sarcastically
"She was pretty" He was obviously embarrassed that he'd lost his virginity to a muggle but Hermione decided to ignore this. She put the straighteners away and set to work doing her make-up. "Why don't you do this at school?"
"It's too much work to do it every day. Plus I prefer it being this way."
"I prefer you this way." Draco removed himself from the bed and began kissing down her neck.
"Draco stop, I need to leave soon" He walked back over to the bed and began putting his clothes back on. "Do you want to come?"
"I don't know" He pulled on his trousers and picked up his shirt from the dresser.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
"I could get caught" She turned around and placed a small piece of paper in his hand.
"The offer still stands Draco." He stood up and kissed her cheek.
"Maybe next time, I've spent too much time here already" With that he left the room and Hermione stood there checking her appearance before picking up her bag and leaving the room too.
Draco looked around the room at the death eaters surrounding him. In his mind he secretly wished he could've gone with Hermione to the party she was off to but instead he was dragged to his Death Eater initiation. He put up a good fight, screaming at Severus for 30 minutes until Bellatrix had had enough and stupefied him.
He had woken up in the manor dungeons next to a young man, of around 25. He looked truly terrified, and he was trembling violently. Draco felt a wave of sadness from looking at the man, but knew there was nothing he could do to help. Draco closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall trying to remember what he had learned in his Occlumency lessons. If anyone here found out where he'd been tonight...
He focused hard. He continued to focus as he was lead away from the cell, towards the main hall where Voldemort was seated.
"Draco Malfoy." Draco looked up into the horrific face of a thing that was once Tom Riddle.
"It's time to begin"
So I'm going to leave it there cause it's starting to get pretty long. Anyway as I said above tell me what you think :)