Ok to start off this is a fic about Justin Bieber and a girl I made up, I don't own Justin, his mom, usher, or Justin's friends.
Authors notes will be in bold and parenthesis to let you know 'Kay. :)
The point of view of the people in the story will switch sometimes to keep it interesting. ;)
Also to keep it a little more interesting ill show what they're thinking sometimes with italic typing. :P
And of course I promise all the drama and
romance that should be installed as well. :3
All Songs, notes, Special objects will be in BOLD AFTER A COLON = :
to be honest I have very few opinions on my songs, so reviews for them would be nice to see okay? PLEASSSSSEEEE! =D!
Quick Note - This is happening around the time that Justin's video for Baby came out. So he is known, but not SUPER well known ok?
Thank You - AnonymRomanc
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Jade Point of View_
"Jade wake up it's almost 12:00"
I slowly opened my eyes after hearing my mothers voice "Okay, I'm up!" I yelled back at her
Wow 12:00 already?… I should stop staying up so late, at least it's summer vacation now, I don't have to worry about school for awhile. (jade just finished her freshmen year in high school) so what was I going to do today?… oh I remember I was going to go to Lacys house for something…. Oh well she'll remind me when I get there.
"btw Lacy called earlier and asked where you were, she seemed pretty mad" her mom told her as she walked into her room and hanged up some shirts.
"she was mad?" I don't even remember why I was supposed to go… is it that important? "well I'll get going then I guess, bye mom" she said as she skipped out the door and down the stairs.
"have fun jade" her mom said.
As she walked down the block to Lacys house, she saw a moving truck 3 houses down from hers. weird the Lianas moved? (The lianas will have a bigger role much later in the story, but for now they're just some neighbors that moved) well I can't be thinking about that now, I need an excuse for being so late to whatever this is… I got it I'll tell her I was on an important phone call. She always believes that.
Satisfied with her small plan, she knocked on the door. *knock, knock*
The door opened and appeared a very mean looking Lacy, but even with a mean face she was beautiful, with her glowing blonde locks and green emerald eyes.
"Where have you been?, I said to be here at 9:00 the latest, well?" she coldly asked me.
"I was on an important call with someone" I lied.
"liar, your mom told me you slept in" she countered. uh oh I'm screwed now.
"okay I'm sorry, by the way, why did you want me over here anyways?" I asked her.
*sigh* "fine I can't stay mad at you J, I just really wanted to tell you some news" she said. news? She usually tells me everything over the phone, what's so important she can't just tell me there.
"Oh, and what news would that be?" I asked again. I really don't have a clue for once….
"Okay, well I assume you saw the moving truck down the block right? She asked then I nodded.
"well apparently it's supposed to be some kind of celebrity, I don't know who, but I thought we could go down together and check it out" she said with a smirk on her face. oh god that smirk…. It's gotten me into enough trouble through the many years I've known this girl… do I trust it again and see where it takes me?
*sigh* "Okay, I know I shouldn't but I'll go with you, but since there new here we should probably bring them a house warming gift or something I guess" I told her. And she flipped her hair and smirked even more.
"you must not know me at all, if you don't think I already have a gift" she said sticking her tongue out. She then walked over to a table with 2 baskets of freshly baked mini muffins. Oh my god! My favorite muffins!, but if I try and take one she'll probably slap me for it *sad face* oh well it's worth it for one muffin!
I slowly reached for a muffin, then I got a slap on the wrist. damn I wish I wasn't right *sad face*. she gave me a stern look, then I gave her the puppy dog face, puffed bottom lip and all. After 30 seconds or so she finally gave in and let me have one. YAY mini muffin! Freshly baked too3!.
"Okay when you finish that were going to head on over okay?" she said as I stuffed the delicious little muffin in my mouth.