Author's note: This story happens during the trip to Macau that the members of F4 and Jan Di take to go and see Go Jun Pyo. What if things had been going on that neither player in the game were aware of and how different would the outcome be? (Story will be written in multiple POV's)_

Jan Di's POV

How could he say something like that? After all that we have been through, he just decides to brush me off like a piece of rubbish? Does he not realize the amount of courage I had to muster just to go and buy the plane ticket alone? Was that all that we were worth in the end?

He broke my heart with the cruel, harsh words that came out of his mouth. I didn't even realize that I had been crying, as I was staring so intently at his back until a soft finger brushed my cheeks, so hot against my cool skin. I turned, and there he stood. The only person who had been with me through thick and thin, through happiness and tears, through hardships and triumphs.

"Ji Hoo sunbae." I whispered, unable to make any sound louder than that. I was afraid that if I opened my mouth any wider, I would end up wailing my sadness to the world.

Ji Hoo sunbae seemed to understand my reluctance; he just gathered me into his arms and urged me to put my head on his shoulder. I couldn't stop the whimpers that escaped my lips as soon as I was held in his embrace. He immediately made soothing noises under his breath, murmuring things like 'it will be okay' and 'it's alright' into my ears. I held onto him for dear life, for he was the only light I had in the darkness that had descended over me.

"Come on, let's go. It's still cold out here; you might catch a chill if we stay here any longer." He said practically. I nodded, agreeing with him despite my perverse wish to hurt myself by staying out a little longer. I tried to stand, but found that my legs didn't work that well. They seemed to have turned to jelly, so weak were they.

He didn't even need me to tell him what I was feeling; he seemed to guess what was in my heart every time. He just scooped me up in his arms and started walking in the direction of our hotel, bypassing several people out early. They all stared; we must have been a sight – the man with a stoic look holding a whimpering woman who looked a mess in his arms. They must have been wondering what happened.

I couldn't bear to face anyone this morning, not after experiencing such heartbreak. I was sad, that was to be expected, but strangely, it wouldn't have been as sad if Ji Ho wasn't here with me.

I turned my face into his neck, inhaling the scent that seemed to calm me like no other. He held me tighter, as if he would protect me from al the injustices of the world.

He walked like this - holding me in his arms all the way to my room. I shakily gave the key card to him, which he then promptly slid into place. The door gave a beep, and he walked in, silently closing the door behind him.

Ji Hoo brought me to the bed, placing me under the soft covers that he had raised me from just an hour before. An hour, had it been that long ago that I still held onto the hope that Jun Pyo and I had a chance?

He turned to go, and I grabbed hold of his hand, stopping him. I didn't know what I would do right then if he let me alone, I just knew that it would be something that everyone would regret later on. In the end, the person who would be hurt the most would be my friends and family.

"Stay, please. Don't leave me." I pleaded with him.

He turned to look at me. His eyes were shadowed, but I could see some bright unknown emotion burning in them.

"Do you know what you are asking of me, Jan Di?" he asked. "If I stay now, I will never leave. Not even if you ask me to."

I nodded, without any thought of what would happen further.

He moved back to me then, crawling onto the bed over me. My heart started hammering in my chest then. There was a dangerous look in his eyes, one that would have normally sent me running for the hills, but for some reason, it excited me.

I studied his features in earnest then. It had been a long time since I felt the familiar fluttering in the region of my stomach whenever I looked at him. His face was still the strong angular one that I had fallen in love with the first time I saw him all those months ago. His nose was still the high straight nose from before, his lips still the same kissable lips. I unconsciously licked my lips, imagining how it would feel like to kiss him.

Suddenly, he groaned aloud, a sound that seemed halfway between a moan and a growl. Then, he swooped down and kissed me.

Please review my story. Tell me what you all think about it. ^^!