Amy took her coat from the banister of her stairs and swung it over her shoulder. It was a quiet evening, and the sun was beginning to set behind the hill. There was a gentle breeze flowing through the air. Amy needed to get some food for her supper, so she was off to the shops.

"Haaa...I love life..." she sighed blissfully to herself.

"Nothing ever seems to go wrong nowadays..." she smiled. Nothing had really been happening in the streets of Mobius for a long while, at least 4 months now.

'Sonic must of put Eggman away for good, I hope he's learned his lesson now!' she thought, smiling. As she walked by Tails' house, the Twin Tailed Fox waved from his window.

"Evening Amy!" He smiled.

"What's up?" Amy smiled back, stopping to talk to him.

"Nothin' much. But I noticed something odd..." Tails had a voice of confusion now.

"What's that?" Amy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I've been working on blueprints for an invention for 3 full hours, and not one car passed nor person has come by." Tails said, leaning against the window ledge. Amy blinked in suprise.

"Strange...I guess I'll see people at town. Seeya later." She walked along the street. She found it weird. It was Sunday evening, and yet no cars travelled by her. It was awfully quiet as she went into town as well.

"Wow...Tails wasn't kidding...where is everyone?.." she mumbled to herself. She walked into the general store. There was no one there, not even a shopkeeper. She was beginning to freak out a little. She took her phone from her bag. She dialled Tails' number.

"Hello?" Tails answered.

" were right but...there's more...there's nobody in town...I mean nobody." Amy whimpered.

"It's freaking me out.." Tails was alarmed.

"Really?...Nobody at all?.."

"'s deserted." Amy whispered. She walked out of the store and looked around. Her ears twitched. She heard groaning and mumbling.

"Amy...what's that noise?..." Tails asked nervously.

"It's..moaning...groaning...listen..." She held her phone to the direction of the noise. Tails heard everything. Back at his house, he was going through his papers rapidly. He found the sheet he'd never thought he have to dig out.

"Amy...get out of there...NOW! RUN!" Tails cried down the phone.

"Wh-What?" She suddenly saw why. Coming round the corner, was a whole horde of Zombies! Amy squealed and began to run. The zombie horse noticed her instantly, groaned and immediately started running full pelt at her!

"Tails! They're chasing me!"

"Keep Running! Get to my house!" Tails ordered. Amy nodded and kept running. Pretty Soon, she was exhausted. To rest up, she ran into a hidden alleyway to catch her breath. She sighed a relief that the Zombie Horde had ran past her.

At Tails' house, The kitsune was frantically looking through his drawers to try and find something.

"I never thought something this would happen..." He stopped and looked outside of his window. His heart froze.

"Holy Shit..." he gasped. On the road, about 50 stumbling Infected were gormlessly staggering around. A sudden scary thought slithered into his head. He dived for his phone and punched in a number. He put the phone to his ear and paced up and down, worried. Eventually, someone picked.

"Wh-Who is it? Who's still alive!" Sonic answered shakily.

"Sonic! It's me! Tails! What's going on over there?" Tails quickly asked.

"Zombies...After everything I've ever seen...Zombies, friggen brilliant..." Sonic growled.

"Is anyone with you?" Tails asked, continuing to flip through his drawers.

"Luckily Knuckles is still alive as well, he's here now." Sonic nodded.

"Who's on the phone?" The echidna asked.

"It's Tails thank goodness." Sonic smiled. There was a sudden banging on Tails' door.

"TAILS! LET ME IN!" Amy screamed. Zombie were walking towards her. Tails raced to the front door and pulled Amy inside. He barricaded the door shut.

"What was that?" Sonic asked.

"It's Amy! Amy are you okay?" Tails asked. Amy panted and nodded.

"That was scary as hell...Wh-Where's Sonic?"

"On the phone." Tails answered. "Hey Listen, we know that I'm faster than any of these kooks, so me and Knuckles will try to zoom round yours quickly! See you in a bit!" The phone clicked off. Tails grabbed the Orange Leaflet he was looking for.

"Here we go...The Green Flu, also know as the Infection." Amy looked outside a window.

"So they must be the Infected..." she mumbled.

"Right. Let's see what it says." Tails flickered through the leaflet.

"It's says here to call CEDA. Shall we try?" Amy nodded. Tails got his phone again and typed in the CEDA number. The phone rang for a long time, and Tails was getting impatient and worried, until a voice came up. His heart sank to hear a pre-recorded message.

"We're sorry, but we cannot pick up at this time. For advice for the Green Flu outbreak, press 1." Tails instantly pressed one.

"Please make your way to the nearest CEDA Safe Point in you nearest city. It is recognizable by the CEDA logo. A Helicopter should arrive their soon." The phone went dead.

"Shit..." Tails sighed. He trudged over to a small cabinet right at the back of his house, and Amy quickly followed.

"What's in there?" She asked.

"Some things I never thought I'd have to bring out." Tails answered. He unlocked the door and opened it. Inside, were racks upon racks of guns, from Pistols to SMGs to Shotguns.

"Grab anything you like..." Tails smirked. Amy grinned and nodded, instantly grabbing a Pump Shotgun. There was a knocking on the back door. Tails walked over and let Knuckles and Sonic in. Knuckles fell inside choking, ripping a slimy and long snake like thing.

"Is that?...A-A tounge?" Tails asked.

" weird ass Zombie grabbed me and tried to pull me in. Sonic saved me thankfully. The thing sounded like it was choking to death. Amy appeared in the room.

"Sonic! You're okay!" she squeaked happily. Sonic was stunned by the shot gun in her hand.

"Amy...where did you get that?" he asked.

"Tails has loads! We need to making our way over to the CEDA base over in Mobius central." Amy replied happily, loading the shotgun. Sonic ran over to the cabinet and gawked at the sight.

"Holy Mother of Eggman! Look at all this!" he laughed. He grabbed some dual pistols, a Molotov, and a Machine Gun.

"I've just hit jackpot!" Knuckles grinned, picking up a Grenade Launcher. Tails took a Katana, a Pipe Bomb and a M-16 Assault Rifle. Amy added a Molotov to her arsenal. Sonic approached the door and looked out the window. The Common Infected were groaning just outside.

"We all ready?" The Blue Blur asked. Knuckles loaded his grenade launcher, and Tails did the same with his Rifle.

"Hell Yeah!" Amy grinned.

"3! 2! 1! Let's smash some Zombies!"