Breezy July morning, the SA gathered in the greenhouse. Akira served the tea to her friends, and as usual, Tadashi was eating more than what he must. It rendered him a painful punch from his girlfriend, flying towards the East Coast.

Hikari was focusing on the books piled up on the floor. She's really working hard to beat Kei on the upcoming tests.

"Why don't you take a break first, Hikari-chan?" Akira suggested.

She looked at Akira, smiling.

"Arigato, Akira. But I have to work harder! I'll crush Takishima in the next exams!" she answered, while looking at her rival.

A smirk curved on his handsome face, trying to mock Hikari.

"As if you could," He answered, in a teasing tone.

Hikari looked at him.

"Ni-san." Kei added.

"Shut up! Don't call me number two, you jerk!"

Kei just laughed it out and ignored her.

"I challenge you! I will definitely beat you in the exams!" she shot up again.

"Alright. If you do beat me, you win. And the loser needs to obey a command from the winner, is that alright, Hikari?" Kei asked while leaning closer to her.

"Ha! DO you expect me to back down? Of course it's fine with me! Just you wait, you ARE going down!"

He just smiled, then stood up.

"Good luck with that, ni-san." Kei teased.

"Shut up! Don't call me second placer!"

Kei walked away with a smile on his face, and he headed to the S.A. library.

"Uh, Hikari, you really don't need to stoop down that monster's level, you know." Akira said, while puring tea to the cups.

"How come, Akira? She can't 'stoop down', we all know that Kei is number one." Tadashi corrected.

Then, Akira turned his attention to his boyfriend, who's been eating like there's no tomorrow. She glared at Tadashi and clenched her fists. Now, she got his attention.

"A-no, A-akira," Tadashi began.

"How dare you say that, huh? Tadashi?"

"Oh, I must say, you look gorgeous today, Akira-chan." He said, nervously.

Akira grabbed a potted plant and threw it to Tadashi's head.

"SHUT UP! YOU, MORONIC GLUTTON!" Akira shouted while his boyfriend flew to the other side of the greenhouse.

The others just sweat dropped and sighed.

'They are at it again.' Megumi wrote on her sketchpad.

"You know Akira, she really hates in when Tadashi say useless things." Ryuu said.

"But, don't listen to whatever he speaks to bring you down, Hikari-chan." Jun comforted.

Hikari just smiled and continued to study.

'That's right. Takishima is number one. He has beaten me several times. But why do I like the feeling of being inferior to him? And all his teasing? Darn it.' Hikari thought.

Came afternoon and the students were starting to go home. Kei just arrived from the library. He was surprised to see Hikari there, sleeping, with all of the books on the table-flipped open. Akira and the others had gone home, leaving Hikari there.

Kei walked to his chair and sat there. He looked around and the whole place is a mess. Papers where everywhere, books were piled up, and Hikari's been sleeping soundly. Staring at her angelic face, he can't help but smile and feel so happy inside.

'She is really studying hard in order to beat me. I'm really looking forward to our bet. There are really a lot of commands that I can think of, but I should better choose the one that will improve our relationship. Something that will help her see what she means to me.' He cogitated.

Then, he leaned closer to her. Kei examined her beautiful features. He touched Hikari's face gently, careful not to wake her.

"You are really dense, you know. Why can't you see me as much as I see you? Huh? You really are something." He spoke sadly.

'Right, now I'm talking to myself. I'm getting more pathetic every day. But I don't really care, as long as I have her.'

Then, Hikari began to yawn. Her eyes began to open. She stretched her arms and looked around.

"T-t-takishima! What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised and closing every open book.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked with his arms crossed on his chest.

Hikari looked at her watch. Her eyes widened to see the time.

"Oh, shoot! Five-thirty!" she yelled.

She stood up and began to gather the scratch papers she's been using for Geometry. Kei just watched her move around fluidly. Her long and beautiful hair swayed with every move she makes.

"Aren't you going home, Takishima?" Hikari asked.

He smiled at her.

"What? I'm asking if you're not gonna go home." She added.

His grin began to widen even more.

"Do you expect me to leave you here? Alone? And asleep? I wouldn't even allow that." Kei answered.

With his answer, Hikari felt blood rush to her face. She is aware of her own blushing.

"A-ah. I'm awake now. And going home." She mumbled, grabbing her bag.

Kei smiled and watched her walk away. Hikari had stumbled steps away from him. She began to look back. She stared at Kei who has been looking at her since a while ago.

"I thought you're going home." He said with sarcasm.

Hikari rolled her eyes and walked to Kei. She began to pull him.

"Do you expect me leave you here? Alone? I wouldn't allow that." Hikari said, giving back the words Kei said to her.

He just complied and began to stand up, enjoying the moment of Hikari, the girl of his dreams, holding his hand.

They were walking towards the school gates. There was an awkward silence between the two. But Kei decided to break the silence.

"Don't overwork yourself too much."

"What are you saying, Takishima?" she asked.

"You seem to be so stressed these days."

"Ah. That. Uh, thanks, but I really, really can handle myself well."

The two arrived at the school gates. Hikari was about to let go of his hand when Kei held it just tighter. She was supposed to ask him why, but she was stopped. They continued to walk until they reached her house. Kei stopped and dropped her hand.

"Arigato, Takishima." Hikari said and flashed her smile.

"Don't mention it. I'll be going now, Hikari-chan."

"Right. Take care."

"You know I will." Kei said while walking away from her.

Hikari went inside. Her family was watching the television when she entered.

"O, Hikari-chan. We've been waiting for you." Atsushi told his little sister.

"Gomenasai, nii-chan. I dozed off when I was studying a while ago."

"Ah. Your exams are near. I bet you've been very busy." Her father butted in.

"Quit that talking, so we can eat." Masako told her family.

The boys stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Okaa-san, I won't be eating dinner tonight. I'm too tired." Hikari said while going upstairs.

"What the hell is she up to? Is this the rebellious age they tell me about?" Jiro muttered while swallowing his food.

"That's why I didn't want a daughter," Masako sighed, continuing to eat.


Hikari laid on her bed while looking at the ceiling. She kept thinking about the bet she had with Kei. She closed her eyes. Suddenly, Kei's face flashed in her mind. Her eyes shot up and sat straight up. Hikari began to slap her face repeatedly.

"Wah! Why did his face pop out of the blue!" she said to herself.

She then tried to concentrate on things, thinking that she'll forget about him.

After minutes of serene contemplating, his face still haven't left her thoughts. Hikari began to shake and smack her head.

"Oh God, this is freaking me out! Thw face of that guy, and the smile of his, uh, very disturbing."

Then, his voice rang to her consciousness.

'Do you expect me to leave you here? Alone? And asleep? I wouldn't even allow that.'

Recalling what Kei told her a while ago made her giggly and jumpy. She can feel her heart thumping loud. Hikari thought of seeing him as soon as possible.

"Argh! Darn it! So now I'm missing him?" she hollered while looking at the screen door in front of her.

'What is this feeling? I really can't explain it. But why do I feel very happy whenever I'm with him? I know my other friends can make me feel the same, but this, with Takishima, I feel very strange. I never felt this way before. That when I see him, my heart beats faster. When he smiles, I feel ecstatic. Damn! What the hell is this?'

"This would be a long night," she whispered while closing her eyes. She then decided to sleep. For the sake of her day tomorrow.


It was sharply twelve in the midnight. He's still working on those company work he is assigned to finish. Kei just sighed and looked at his bedroom window. All he could think of was Hikari. With the thought of her, holding his hand, he felt very contented. A smile was plastered on his face.

"Should I tell her about my feelings?" he murmured.

Confessing to Hikari is the one thing that bugs his mind all the time. Of course, he wanted to throw his patience outside the window and just voice his heart out. 'There is a little possibility that she loves me too. But at least, there's that chance.' However, there would be the risk of ending their rivalry, which connects the two of them. Or even worse, their friendship.

"If I tell her what I feel, she might reject me. Hikari might end our friendship. Of course, she'll say, 'No, Takishima, I don't love you." He talked while looking at the stars.

'Shit. Why does she have to be so dense? I really wanted her to know the truth. But I don't want to lose her. Besides, friendship is where forever is possible. I would not be able to stand it if she avoided me. What the hell do I do?'

Kei closed his laptop and tried to think.

"Hikari is really driving me crazy. That I even talk to myself. Concentrate. Takishima Kei, think about it first." he said again.

He stood up and walked towards the nearby drawer. Kei opened it and pulled a picture frame out. Hikari's photo. While smiling. He returned to his bed and stared at it.

"You know, I really love you so much. Do you know that? You don't know how much you mean to me, Hikari. I'm willing to do anything for you, you know? If only you can feel it. If only you feel the same, I would be the luckiest person in this world." He whispered, sounding like a complete idiot while staring at his beloved's the picture.

"Damn, I look stupid. I sound too pathetic, like I am desperately wanting her. Wait, I really want her." Kei said, having his own 'reality check'.

That night, Kei thought of nothing but confessing to Hikari. He thought of the words he'll tell to her in case. He wouldn't want her to misunderstand him. Kei wanted to express it in the simplest way he can. But too bad, there's no such method. Kei also thought of some things that he can do to prove his sincerity and intense feeling for her.

"I'll just use our bet. It would be at least, very useful. All I need is the help from the rest." He said to himself.

Kei held Hikari's picture near him and kissed it. He decided to let it off. He laid down to his bed, still clutching her photo. And dozed off.