A/N: Jumper. GriffinOC. I have wayyyy too many ideas.

Storryyyyy :D

I was five when my mother left. Fifteen when my brother took off. I was fifteen when I left home as well. My destination was London, England. See, I read every single Harry Potter book and I fell in love with England. Even though I'd never been there. So, with a back pack full of clothing, and a wad of cash saved up from birthdays, Christmases and babysitting, I jumped. Yeah, I'm a jumper. Just to let you know. My name is Alyssa Rice.

When I left home, I found myself a small, very small flat in the outskirts of the city where I could stay. During my stay there, I did some things that I'm really not proud of. I robbed a few banks in a bunch of different countries, and soon, I was rich. I bought myself a moderately sized flat in the heart of London and I was living a good life. I didn't have to pay for clothing or food. I took trips all over the world, without ever having to take a plane or pay for anything. I was pretty much on top of the world. Sometimes, quite literally. Then one day, I crashed.

My first run in with the Paladins was in Budapest, Hungary. It was my mother and a few of the lower ranked ones. I finally knew why she left. And while I was fighting to save my skin, she took off…again. That was the first time I've ever taken a life. And as sick as it is, I almost enjoyed it. It wasn't hard for me to take a life, and though it still haunts me sometimes, I'm mostly indifferent. But, this is where I met Griffin. It wasn't love at first site. That's just corny, stupid and nonexistent. I won't deny that I was attracted to him. Physically and emotionally. Only because we were both jumpers, just trying to stay alive. He told me all about the Paladins and he even taught me how to control my jumping so I could be stealthier and quicker. We teamed up for a while, and this is where I fell in love. Slowly but surely he jumped his way into my heart, no pun intended. Okay, it was intended. However, that partnership soon came to an end, and I was left broken hearted.

After that, I basically stopped jumping. I stopped robbing stores. I tried to be normal. I went to college, I graduated, and I got a job, even though I didn't need one. And now it's time for you to hear the story. The story of love, heartbreak, death and friendship.