A/N: First chapter of a new fic. This is different than my other one as it's an Alternate Universe with vampires, demons, and the like. Ummm…not much else to say other than: I do NOT own Naruto or the Naruto characters only my own original ones and the plot are mine. So Read and Review and tell me what you think.
Chapter 1: Betrayal
Moonlight streamed in past the heavy curtains as Hinata walked down the dimly lit corridor. It had been nearly 200 years since the first time she had walked past the old oak doors and the red painted walls on her way to meet with the leader of the clan hers served, their queen. She was followed by her cousin, Neji, then just as she was now. As she looked down the hall he walked to her side and remembered the first time they had ever set foot in this old place. Remembered the warnings they had received.
As such they both knew the repercussions of their plan being discovered, but they knew they needed to do this for their friend. A friendship that spanned almost two centuries had lead to this hour. The hour during which they were called by the queen to see through a task she would give them. A task they were sad to see handed to them.
Neji opened the door to the sitting room and allowed Hinata to pass through first. Two figures stood in the room in front of them reminding Neji very much of that day so long ago…
December 28, 1808
"Father? W-Where are w-we?" she asked as she looked up at her father, Hyuga Hiashi, vampire lord of the Hyuga clan.
He looked down at his young daughter, studying her as her cousin walked to her side silent as the grave, and decided to answer.
"We are in the ancestral home of the Kamitsuyo clan, Hinata. I have been asked to bring you and Neji here so you can keep the little princesses company."
"There is no royalty for vampires." Neji whispered, forgetting that his uncle could hear him perfectly well.
"Not in a literal sense but their clan is much older than ours and the others of the country. Tradition dictates that we refer to them as royalty." Hiashi stated as his nephew stared, shocked at first for being heard, then blankly as he absorbed the information, "Their clan is different than ours. Leadership passes solely through the female line. Do you understand why I am telling you this?"
"One of the p-princesses m-might be the clan head s-someday?" Hinata asked and her father nodded.
"Yes, and because when we meet them you need to understand that while Ryouma Kenzo may be King, his wife holds the power and final say on everything. Kamitsuyo Akahana is the one you must never cross. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Hiashi-sama." Neji stated as Hinata nodded shyly and they entered a large sitting room.
Hiashi bowed respectfully to the two figures that stood before them prompting his daughter and nephew to show respect as well. As the older vampires greeted each other, Neji looked up at the faces of the pair that stood before them.
So this was the pair that could even make Hyuga Hiashi bow? They didn't look that imposing but even Neji's young nose could smell the pure scent of power that emanated from them or more specifically the woman, Kamitsuyo Akahana.
The young Hyuga's first impression of her was that she was some kind of a dark haired porcelain goddess in red. She wasn't the tallest woman he had ever seen average in height really and that was the only thing he found average about her. Everything else about her was that kind of perfection you would expect from a vampire queen. Her form was slender but graceful, perfectly presented by the red gown she had selected to wear that night; in fact Neji would learn that the Queen always wore red no matter what. He found it rather difficult to believe that this woman was a vampire, a killer by nature, that she was a queen he could believe easily. Her entire bearing was that of a queen: proud, confident, graceful, and wise. She looked down at him when she noticed his inspection, eyes the color of the snow clouds that had blanketed the sky that day and a thick mess of softly curled jet black hair falling over her slender white shoulders to her waist. Her light grey eyes smiled down at him while her rose red lips curled up in a soft and pleasant smile as her mate and husband, Ryouma Kenzo, looked down at Hinata.
The king himself stood a good head above his wife and at first glance would have been named as the more powerful of the two. His very presence demanded respect and instilled a sense of menace almost. You knew by looking at him that to anger him spelled death and destruction upon you. His frame was almost lanky but could be better defined as a slim athletic build and even that demanded respect. Neji would come to understand that the scowl he had on that night was the natural way his face sat. Ryouma Kenzo rarely smiled or laughed and when he did it seemed out of place. There was a reason for that and that was his dark eyes. His eyes were something Neji couldn't quite define. They were cold, distant, the eyes of a killer, and yet there was strange warmth in them that, he would find later, no one other than his youngest daughter had ever been able to figure out. As his dark eyes looked out past the dark brown hair of his bangs, which usually fell into his pale face as the rest fell down just past his chin, the queen spoke.
"Hiashi-sama, we are overjoyed that you have accepted our offer." She stated kindly as she smiled.
"It is an honor to be asked such a favor, Akahana-heika." Hiashi stated as he bowed and another voice was heard.
"The girls need company. Zukiyo is in need of…companions that accept her nature as well as theirs." The king stated suddenly, voice deep and even more commanding than his physical appearance, "Yukiko needs to be shown that there are others like us, other children like her and her sister. Her sister is already suffering for it and is asking questions I cannot answer. If I could I'd-"
"Kenzo!" Akahana growled, eyes darkening in an anger until Kenzo bowed ever so slightly, "We've had that discussion."
"The girls are coming." The Hyuga lord stated as they heard the sound of running feet and the door opened.
Two girls ran in, one laughing with her short curled hair bouncing, the other silent and solemn her straight hair flying, as they stood in front of their parents.
"Girls, this is Lord Hyuga Hiashi and his daughter Hinata and his nephew Neji. They will be living with us for a while now." Akahana stated, eyes smiling again, to the girls and they dropped a curtsy simultaneously, "Hinata, Neji this is Zukiyo and Yukiko, our daughters."
The two Hyuga vampires walked towards the queen as she stood waiting for them and bowed respectfully.
"Yukiko-heika." The male vampire greeted as he and his cousin bowed in front of one of the figures while the other stood to the side, hands bound behind her back by handcuffs, reinforced ones to be sure.
"Neji, you know you don't need to address me that way. You are only two of my oldest friends." His old friend stated, her dark grey eyes smiling down at him masking the deep and consuming coldness in them as her long straight dark brown hair stirred in the night breeze coming through the window, "I have need of you."
"We have heard and so we came, Yukiko." The female vampire stated, forcing herself to not stutter as she did so often when nervous, and she stood up, "It is a hard habit to break when we've been addressing you as Yukiko-heika all night."
"Tradition must be upheld." The woman, Yukiko, stated and they heard a snort come from the figure to the side, "Don't start."
"We will escort her to there to carry out her sentence." Neji stated and his cousin looked at the other figure and sadly shook her head, "I know the prison well. It's housed some of the worst and no one has ever escaped. It's impossible."
"Some of the worst? You mean murderers and homicidal maniacs? I don't think they've ever dealt with something quite like me before. Are you sure they can handle what I am?" the other person asked, her light grey eyes smiling amusedly past dark brown hair that fell in soft ringlets down her back, "I know what I am so there's no need to tiptoe around it."
"Hold your tongue, Zukiyo." Yukiko snapped and the young woman mock bowed.
"Forgive me my sister. I did not mean to step beyond my place."
"Here I am sending you to the worst place possible for what you've done and still you stand there mocking me?" Yukiko growled, eyes darkening to the near black of her father and fangs growing until she caught herself and forced the animal inside her to retreat her sister smirked.
"Of course I mock you…Heika. You lie to everyone and yourself about what you are. You curse me for embracing my bloodlust when you know that you feel it too…pounding and throbbing deep in your soul begging for the pure and sweet bliss of release that comes when you kill. You can send me away but you can never escape the animal inside of you. Mother knew what she was and she didn't hide it and neither did Papa…sometimes I think the wrong one of us was born first." The Queen's younger twin stated and laughed, "You're lucky I want nothing to do with the throne otherwise I'd be telling you to be worried about me escaping."
Yukiko stared at her twin unable to find an answer as the woman laughed. Her laugh disturbed the young queen. It was dark, twisted, feral…and just like hers. The queen couldn't help herself and stared at her twin studying her and saw things she didn't before.
Zukiyo had always taken after their mother more in build but was an ever so slightly more filled out version. She had neither their father's nor mother's face, more a combination of the two that seemed to give the princess more of a gypsy's face than an aristocrat's. Yukiko found that she could describe her sister's face no other way; from her soft red lips to her ears it was her face and no one else's. While she and her twin did share much of the same features, Yukiko found that, while the only real difference was that her nose was ever so slightly larger, Zukiyo and she looked completely different. It pleased the young queen and angered her all at the same time.
Zukiyo was a near perfect combination of their father and mother. She had their father's complexion not the pure porcelain of their mother. She was slightly taller than their mother had been but she was by no means above average in height. She had their father's hair just as Yukiko did, but with their mother's curl to it, falling down in soft ringlets past her shoulders to her mid back. She stood there with their mother's eyes smiling back at the young queen as a smile splayed across her lips and Yukiko realized that she was right.
Zukiyo was right, she was afraid of that side of herself, afraid of that animal inside her, and it frightened her that when she thought of what Zukiyo did she felt a rush course through her body. It frightened Yukiko that when she thought of the acts of bloodshed that her sister committed it aroused her in a way that her own king could never hope to do. She looked into her sisters smiling eyes as they stared back knowingly while she grinned and walked towards her slowly. The other two assumed a defensive stance not knowing what she would do, knowing that Zukiyo could kill without warning and make everything run red if she so chose…
March 15, 1861
The moon cast an eerie light upon the scene as Hinata walked down it, making sure to keep her skirts off the blood washed ground. It had been over fifty years since her father had brought her and Neji to live with the Kamitsuyo clan so it didn't surprise her to see the streets run red as she heard the screams in the distance. Neji walked beside her as usual: Cool, calm, and collected with the air of a nobleman. Up ahead they saw the two princesses, once again, fighting after Yukiko dropped the body of the man she had fed from and her sister clapped joyously after licking the blood from her own kill off her fingers.
"Finally you have fed! How do you feel now? Hopefully it has diminished that foul mood of yours." Zukiyo stated, eyes smiling, always smiling as her mothers did.
"I feel like a monster…" Yukiko stated and slapped her sister hard enough to draw blood, "You made me do this! I never wanted to do this and yet you dragged me out here, you monster!"
"You needed to feed, Yukiko! We are not monsters! We kill because we must! We are vampires: Nocturnal predators that feed off of the blood of others. Key words being: Predators and blood. It is in our nature to hunt and want to hunt."
"You go farther than that…you…enjoy this. How can you like this?"
"We're predators and we need to feed so why not make it fun? Why not enjoy it? I always do…it makes them so much tastier when they fight back. Much more filling that way and it amuses me." Zukiyo answered, her long dark brown curls pulled up out of her face, "I know you agree with me, sister. I can see you fighting it in your eyes. I know…I will always know."
"I know how it excites you, Yukiko. I know how it makes your blood hot when you think of how I killed that man…you loved how I tore his heart out and opened his throat. It makes you feel so…high when you remember how his blood ran down my fingers to the floor smelling oh so sweet and delicious. I know it does. I also know how it arouses you when you think of how I took his lover and-" her head cracked around to the side as her sister slapped her and she smiled as she tasted blood and licked her lips, "You know I'm right, sister…otherwise you would have never slapped me."
"Get out of my sight." Yukiko growled and walked away, "You are stripped of your title and the name Kamitsuyo."
"Impossible. That is against the clan's traditions." Zukiyo stated warily, "Mother-"
"I AM NOT MOTHER!" Yukiko shouted angrily and pointed at her, "You had best remember that, little sister. I am not Mother. Mother is dead and so is Father because of you!"
"I AM NOT THE ONE THAT MURDERED THEM!" Zukiyo snarled back, baring her own fangs.
"You may not have struck the killing blow, sister…but you are still to blame for it. Now get out of my sight." The queen commanded and turned away.
"May your reign be bloody." The younger twin stated seriously and walked towards Neji and Hinata.
"May you rot in hell, Kijo." Yukiko stated as an insult and her twin faked injury.
"I didn't mean that as an insult my dearest sister. I only want you to be happy." She replied mockingly.
"I'll be happy when you get out of my sight. Neji, Hinata take her now."
They nodded and lead their queen's sister away into a plain ordinary car they had rented for the occasion and drove off. Zukiyo looked out at the world passing by her and growled. Humans…bah. They were all so ignorant. Going about their daily lives in ignorant bliss of what awaited them in the dark alleys of the Undercity. She turned her head to look at the two vampires and they looked at her. Something about the way they looked at her didn't seem to fit with the situation.
Hinata knew Zukiyo suspected something by the light in her eyes but the young Hyuga didn't say anything. Instead she studied her old friend.
Zukiyo, as always, tended to look like some kind of a dark vampire princess even when she was sitting handcuffed in the back of a car wearing only a simple black long sleeved shirt, black scarf, and pants. This was in itself odd. She rarely ever wore solid black.
Zukiyo shared her mother's affinity for red in a sense but no where near as drastic preferring instead to combine it with black, grey, or brown, but never white. Zukiyo never wore white, ever, but she did always wear a choker, scarf, or necklace, anything to hide her slender pale neck from the world when out. She had been in the practice of doing so for nearly 110 years and Hinata hated remembering why. However the reason why Zukiyo hid that one piece of her body from the world was the reason for what would happen tonight.
"T-Turn h-here, Nii-san." Hinata stated and her cousin nodded as he drove the car, "We're not s-sending you to t-that prison, Zu. Yukiko is losing her mind."
"I agree." Zukiyo stated, "That still doesn't explain why you are risking death to help me though. So why?"
"Because you are our friend and we know you." Neji stated as he drove the car, pale eyes never leaving the road, "You love the hunt, the kill, and the blood, but you choose your victims for a reason most of the time. You don't just randomly kill, you choose those who-"
"Don't you dare." The woman growled.
"As y-you wish, Zukiyo-hime." Hinata stated as they stopped at a parking lot and helped Zukiyo out.
Neji released her from the handcuffs and opened the trunk of the car, pulling out a couple of bags and suitcases before walking over to another car. Zukiyo rubbed her wrists and watched curiously as he did and had to ask.
"Where are you taking me anyway?"
"To someplace far away where you can hide from the hunters. It's the estate of an old friend of ours. You will be safe there." The male stated as he opened the back of the new car and dropped the bags in by others and Hinata nodded her head.
"I-It's w-where we go o-off to every once i-in a w-while." She stated and took a deep breath, trying to calm her self and stop her stuttering, "You will be safe t-there."
"How will you explain my disappearance to my sister? And what is the real reason you are doing this?"
"We are not going to explain it. We are going with you." Neji stated as he held the car door open for the princess as she got in and he and his cousin got in as well, "Originally we were planning to tell her you overpowered us, but there is no way she'd believe that besides…we believe Yukiko was planning to kill you. We've known you both for years and we know how her mind works. Your sister will kill you if she finds you because of her fear for her own bloodlust. Especially after what your mother told me when you both hit 100."
January 1st, 1900 New Years Day
"Akahana-heika, you can't be serious." Neji stated to the queen as she sat at the table looking at him, her smiling grey eyes overcast with sadness.
"No, Neji. Yukiko blames her sister for the blood lust she has. She has for almost 40 years. That is why she struck out at her last night." Akahana stated as she stared out the window into the moonlit garden.
"Why can't you stop her doing that, Heika? It upsets Hinata to see Zukiyo allow her sister to harm her. I know she does it sometimes just to provoke Yukiko's instinct, but last night Zukiyo did nothing to provoke her sister. Please stop this." He pleaded and she smiled sadly at him.
"I cannot."
"Why not?" Neji asked, his temper flaring, "You are the leader of this clan, surely you can do something!"
"Watch your tongue, boy." She spat, eyes darkening into the grey of a thunderhead.
"Forgive me, Heika, I am only concerned for the welfare of my friends and family." He stated shrinking down obediently and she growled.
"Don't you think I would do something if I could, boy? I can't do anything to Yukiko. I cannot." Akahana growled, "She is stronger than me, her father, and her sister. That is why Zukiyo allows it to happen, because she can't stop it. Yukiko is the heir apparent and I cannot touch her and neither can Zukiyo even if she had the strength."
"Nii-san is right. Yukiko has b-blamed you for it for a-almost 150 years but now she has started to think that if s-she gets r-rid of you her bloodlust will be easier to control."
"We're going to the airport next." Neji stated and Zukiyo shuddered, she hated flying, "I know you hate airplanes, Zu, but it's the only way. Going by car would take too long."
"I don't mind taking a little longer." Zukiyo squeaked, the thought of flying just not settling well with her.
"Well, we could always go by boat..." He suggested, slightly teasing her for her fears.
"Urgh…I hate you." She growled and he let out a short laugh and nodded having won.
She had adapted to everything else that the human race saw fit to throw at her, but she just couldn't take planes and those cruise liner ships. Giant hulking mounds of metal were not meant to float or fly.
"T-There's another r-reason we want to g-get there as fast as possible." Hinata stated, "You haven't fed in days."
"Hn." Zukiyo grunted, she hadn't fed in much longer than that.
"If we drove you still wouldn't be able to feed." Neji stated as he turned onto the highway towards the airport, "Doing so would only leave a trail that Yukiko could follow. Catching the next flight out is the quickest and safest solution."
"Tell me about my new home then." Zukiyo sighed in defeat.
For much of the long car ride to the airport they told her of her new home. An old friend of theirs, a demon, owned the place. It was a large and sprawling estate located far to the south east nestled in a mountain range above a large city.
"The house itself is huge. You can easily get lost in it and I swear that sometimes the rooms move and change." Neji stated and his cousin nodded.
"The gardens are b-beautiful and I know you will l-love them…but p-please don't get lost in the hedge maze. I got lost once and it took me t-three days to get out, thankfully it has a kind of dome over it to protect from the sun. I w-wandered in circles f-for days. I'm not k-kidding. It's not your n-normal hedge maze, Zukiyo, i-it forces you to finish it. Overall though you will love it," Hinata stated as she calmed down more until she saw the look in her friend's eyes, "W-We are o-only d-doing this for your o-own good, Zuzu."
"Your friend does know I'm coming right?" she found herself asking at one point a little while later, "How exactly did you get them to agree to this anyway?"
"Hinata asked him." Neji stated scowling slightly as Hinata blushed faintly then deeper as her cousin continued, "He will do anything she asks. He's after something more, I know he is, and if I catch him sneaking around her chambers again I swear I'll rip his heart out myself!"
"You will do no such thing!" Hinata snapped, baring her fangs at her cousin, "Naruto is a good man despite his demonic nature. Strong, fierce, trustworthy, and loyal. You know you can't kill him anyway. You've tried and lost."
"It is not proper! Your father would have a fit if he knew about your…infatuation with Naruto!" Neji snapped back, the two forgetting about Zukiyo momentarily.
"I-I don't c-care what Father t-thinks! He's been grooming Hanabi as clan head for years anyway." She said and Neji looked at her shocked at how she could have known, "I've known for a while. What does Father care if I choose a demon?"
"Do as you please, Hinata-sama. I will not stop you." Her cousin stated, giving in, and answered Zukiyo's other question, "Yes, he knows you are coming. He knows who you are, what you are, and why you are coming. That's about it. He's known since before the 'trail'. Hinata is right in one thing. He is loyal and will let no harm come to you. Even though he barely knows you now he will fight and die if need be to protect you. Just watch his temper. He'll protect you but if you piss him off he'll probably try to kill you, and let me tell you…he hits hard."
Zukiyo zoned out as they neared the airport and thought about all of this. Thought about what they had said about her sister. It astonished her really. That she didn't see it before…see it sooner. She growled at the thought of her own sister trying to betray her. She realized that she couldn't have seen it, because…she didn't want to.
Yukiko was her sister. She found it hard to call her twin since they never shared that kind of bond, but still…she was family. It went against what few morals she had to even think about killing her sister. Yes, they fought and yes they hurt each other, but that wasn't planning to kill. Sure she'd kill anything else that moved if it even dared to think about betraying her like this but this was her sister and her queen. Zukiyo was lost in these thoughts the entire trip until Hinata nudged her and announced they had arrived at the airport. She scowled and growled at the plane that passed overhead as Neji helped her out of the car.
"Let's get this over with." She grumbled and went to take a bag but was stopped by Neji, "Neji, for the last time: I can carry my own bags!"
"Y-you can't c-carry them a-all." Hinata stated and gestured with her hand quickly to the throngs of humans passing by them and Neji nodded and they walked into the terminal.
"Passports and Tickets?" the old woman asked and Neji pulled three brand new passports, tickets sticking out of them, out of his jacket then handed them to her to look over, "Enjoy your flight, Mr. Yamamoto, Mrs. Yamamoto, Ms. Yamamoto, and enjoy your stay."
As they walked to their seats Zukiyo looked at Neji with a mild interest.
"Mrs. Yamamoto?" she asked and he nodded.
"Yes, dear." He responded, emphasizing the need to play along, "I know you haven't gotten used to hearing it yet but by the time we get back from dropping of my sister it should sink in a little more. Then we can enjoy our honeymoon. Here, I know how much you like the window seat."
He sat her down by the window as she smiled at him, playing along, and whispered in his ear.
"I'm going to kill you when we land." She stated as Hinata sat down on the other side of Neji who was grinning.
"I know. I love you too, dear." He stated and a phone went off, "That's mine."
He answered it as a passing stewardess glared at him. Zukiyo sat looking at him as he dug in his pockets for it. He pulled out the phone as Hinata turned red from all the attention they weren't supposed to be drawing to themselves right then. He answered it.
"We're about to take off. See you in a bit. Bye." He said, hung up, and turned it off, "Sorry about that, miss. My mother is a bit of a worrier."
The stewardess nodded and moved on. Soon Zukiyo found herself gripping the arm rest and then Neji's hand when he offered it to her as the plane took off. Neji regretted it immediately as she gripped it with such force that it would have broken the bones if he was human. She faced ahead, her eyes shut tight until the plane evened out and only then did she let go of Neji's hand. As the stewardess came around offering food Hinata flagged her down.
"Can I get you anything?" she asked them and Zukiyo nodded.
"Anything with vodka in it. I need to steady my nerves. I don't like flying." She squeaked as the plan hit some turbulence and the stewardess nodded.
"You know it's not really going to help that much." Neji whispered for only their ears.
"I know, but haven't you ever heard of the placebo effect?" she asked and the stewardess returned with something for her, "Bless you."
Some hours later Hinata looked over to see Zukiyo was fast asleep with her head on Neji's shoulder. The two cousins had always been much closer to Zukiyo than Yukiko. As close as they were to the twins they often found it hard to remember that they were indeed twins. They were so different. One had to stare intently at the two side by side to even realize that they looked almost identical while at the same time not. Yukiko's hair was straight but that was not where the differences stopped. Zukiyo always had the air of a predator about her while Yukiko…Yukiko had the air of one losing her mind. Everything about the queen these days gave off some kind of hidden dementia. From the way her darker eyes shone in the light to the way her lips curled in an attempt to smile. Anyone that got close enough would sense that something was out of place with her. Hinata reflected on this as Neji sat reading some magazine until he caught her eyes. They were worried he could see.
"She's fine." He stated, "I'll wake her if anything starts to happen."
Hinata nodded as Zukiyo stirred in her sleep…
"Two is one and one is two. Blood runs thick as moonbeams do…" the voice whispered in her ear before fading away still muttering indiscernible words.
"Mother?" she called out to the whispering darkness, "Mother is that you?"
"For if she wakes the ground will shake...and all of you…"the voice whispered in front of her as she saw her mother's eyes appear in front of her then something rushed at her claws dripping blood, "Shall DIE!"
Zukiyo woke with a start as the plane jerked a little and looked around as if trying to remember where she was. When she did she meekly glanced out of the small window into the black world below and Neji squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Everything is fine. What were you dreaming about? You were muttering something." Neji asked and Zukiyo shook her head.
"Let's not discuss that here." She murmured as she stared out into the black and he nodded.
"We're there." Hinata stated as she looked out a window a few rows ahead, "The city l-lights should b-be coming into v-view."
She could see the lights start spreading out below her as the captain prepared them for landing. She felt the panic run through her as the plane dipped down to land. Once again she nearly broke Neji's hand, squeezing it until they landed. As they walked towards the baggage claim Neji's phone rang again.
"We are at the baggage claim." Neji answered and Zukiyo heard a voice on the other end, a male voice.
"I rented you a car. It should be waiting for you outside the airport."
"And why are you not here to meet us?" Neji asked, "That's not being a very good host."
"I haven't exactly told everyone she's coming. He just got back from his trip." The voice stated and Zukiyo could almost hear the innocent grin on his face.
"Naruto you idiot! Of all the people not to tell…you don't tell him?" Neji yelled into the phone and Zukiyo raised an eyebrow and listened as she heard the voice on the phone.
"He wasn't here! I gotta go tell him now. HEY! We're gonna have comp-" the phone beeped as the call ended and Zukiyo eyed Neji questioningly for a moment.
"What was that all about?" she asked and Neji shook his head.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it. We have to get going so we get there before the sun rises." He stated and she nodded, she'd find out soon enough anyway.
"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." ~ C.S. Lewis
I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. ~ E.M. Forster
A/N: There you go the first chapter of the new fic! Tell me what you think and thank you to all those that helped me! You know who you are.