Leader-HowlingStar-A back she-cat with a single Ginger (blood-red) stripe running on her right shoulder

Deputy-MoonBird- A blue-gray she cat . Eyes-Deep Dark Blue


MC- TreeSong- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and a pink nose.



-SparkSoul- A hansome orange-yellow-tan tabby tom, very muscular. Eyes-Dazzling green (Mate- FinchFeather

( apprentice-MarmotPaw)

-Sugerwhisper- Dark brown tabby she-cat. Eyes-Amber (Sweet was already taken! Sorry!)

-Harecatcher-A Gingar tom with white tips and a white under belly. Eyes- Bright Golden


-ShadeStorm- A brown tom with black underbelly and muzzle. Eyes- dark emerald green

-EveningBerry- A pretty black she-cat with golden swirls on back. Eye-ice-blue (Sorry NightDapple, there was already a night!)

-BlossomHeart -A white she-cat with orange and black spots. Eyes- ?


-FinchFeather-A yellow tabby she cat with flowing long fur, very beautiful. Eyes- Deep blue (Mate- SparkSoul

Kits- Goldkit- A yellow tabby tom with flowing long fur. Eyes- Dark Blue

- Morningkit-A light silver grey she cat with very light white spots. Eyes- Dazzeling Green.

-Petalkit- A reddish-yellowish she cat with her mothers fur and great manners. Eyes- Dark Green

-Bristlekit- Has rough, bristly yellow tabby fur, very small and can hardly carry his own weight. Eyes- one blue eye and one green


-GriffinPaw-very tiny gold she cat with a black paw, stomach/chest, and tail tip. Eyes- amberish-green

-MarmotPaw- A pale brown tom. Eyes- green


MuskyFur- A dark brown tom, fur in tatts. Eyes- Amber

ShatterTail- A white she-cat with a twisted tail. Eyes- Green


Leader- SilverStar-A Silver she-cat. Eyes- Light Green.

Deputy- DarkDusk- A black tom with a white under belly, face fleck and stripe on tail. Eyes- Light Blue (Mate- SoggyRock

MC-ComfreyFur- An old tabby tom. Eyes- Brown



-MarshFur- A white tom. Eyes-Green (Mate-HardPelt (MarshMellow was too long.


-CloudFlight-A little white tom. Eyes- Light brown (Mate- SweetFlower

-HardPelt - A grey she-cat. Eyes- Blue (Mate- MarshFur


-Blackclaw-A pure black tom with a white diamond on his chest. Eyes- Yellow


-SkyCloud- A dark silver she cat with lighter (pinkish) stripes Eyes- amberish

-Mindfocus- A Silver tabby she-cat with white stripes around only her legs. Eye- dark brown


SoggyRock- A grey she-cat with long fur. Eyes- Amber (Mate- DarkDusk

Kits- SmokeKit- A dark grey she-cat with a white fleck on her chest. Eyes- Light amber

- AdderKit- A black tom with long fur. Eyes- Blue

-StoneKit -A grey tom, with a white underbelly. Eyes-Amber.

Sweetflower- a tall dark gray she cat with unusual black spots on her sides and flanks. (Mate- CloudFlight

Kits-Mumblekit- little dark gray tom . (barely seeks above a whisper.) Eyes- light brown
-Freezekit- White she-cat with gray legs and tail. Eyes-Amber


-PossumPaw- A white tom with grey spots. (Mentor- MarshFur)

-Fallingpaw- A beautiful black she-cat with gray spots . Eyes- Amber (BlackClaw)


DewFlower- An old grey shecat- Eyes- Green.


Leader-Eaglestar- A wiry light brown tom. Eyes- Blue

Deputy-ChiveRoot- A white tabby tom with a grey tipped tail. Eyes- Amber

MC-Willowpaw-A light brown She-cat. Eyes-Green



-Berryfang- A black and gray tabby tom. Eyes- Almond


-Swiftysprit-Light black skinny tom with long, massive legs made to run. Eye- dashing emerald


-Featherfoot-A light grey feathery she-cat. Eyes- light blue.


-RoseShine- A cream she-cat with yellow spots. Eyes- Heather

-Zeroecho-A white She-cat with red bloods scars from battles.

-Snowspots- A black tom with white spots. Eyes-Brown


-Sparrowfeather- A brown she-cat with white spots. Eyes Yellow-Green

Kits- Oakkit - A brown and black tabby tom Eyes- Almond

-BeachKit- A calico she-cat. Eyes- Yellow-Green (Sorry about the name! There is already a sand)


-MoorPaw- A dark brown she-cat with darker brown flecks. Eyes- Green (Mentor-BerryFang)

-Vividpaw-A Very snowy but seems like real snow white she-cat. Eyes. Heather (Mentor-Swiftysprit)


-RushingBreeze- A silver tom with dark grey stripes. Eyes- Amber

-ColdFrost- A white she-cat. Eyes- blue.


Leader-BlazeStar- A dark ginger tom with a lighter muzzle. Eyes- blue (Mate-Frostwing

Deputy-NightHeart- A black she-cat with white paws and chest. Three scars under one eye. Eyes- icy blue

MC- SwampMist- A pale grey tom with ghostly white stripes. Eyes- Blue



-Splashingfish-A gingar tom that has a white tail tip. Eyes-Amber


-EbonyFrost- A black she-cat.

-SunFire- A calico tom. Eyes- Green (Mate- AspenLeaf


-IcePool- A pure white she-cat. Eyes- Blue


-DuskShade- A Black she-cat with white chest, paws, and tail-tip. Eyes- Saphire (Sorry, already a night...)

-Tigerstripe - A black and brown tabby she-cat. Eyes- Brown


-FrostWing -A pure white she-cat. Eyes-Green (Mate- Blazestar

Kits- SwiftKit - white she-cat with ginger patches on her sides. Eyes- Blue

-AspenLeaf- A white she-cat with dark brown splotches. Eyes- Orange (Mate-SunFire


-FishKit- A calico tom. Eyes- Orange

-WaterKit- A white tom with brown flecks.

-SandKit- A white tom with ginger stripes on his sides. Eyes- Silverish White (Adopted)


-CalmPaw- A tabby she-cat. Eyes-Amber (Mentor- IcePool)

-BeautyPaw- A beautiful very light brown tabby she-cat. Eyes- Blue (Mentor-Splashingfish)


Leafy Stem- A beautiful ginger she-cat.

(If you do not like the name I change them to (I would never change them because I do not like them, it is because there is already some cat named that.) Then please note me and I will change it to your second choice. Please give me a list, just in case!)