When You Kill Angels

A Harry Potter FanFiction

by: Elymi

Luna sat quietly drinking her butter beer ignoring the looks she received for her yellow and blue striped robes. She was waiting. What few people realized about Luna was that she possessed a slight seer ability. Not enough to make full prophecies, but enough to know where she was needed and sometimes who it was who needed her. Today, Harry needed her.

She kept glancing at the door. She hoped he'd be smart enough to disguise himself. A few moments later a man with dark red hair entered. She smiled before finishing off her drink and standing to greet him.

"Hello, Harry," she said, startling him.

"Luna?" He asked as if he couldn't quite believe it was her. He ran his hand through his hair, causing her to smirk at the gesture.

She nodded in agreement before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the room she'd rented from Rosmerta the night before. She tugged Harry into a hug, surprising the man once again.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked smiling and taking a seat on the bed.

Harry proceeded to gape at her for about five minutes. Luna just sat there smiling.

"Er, Luna?" He finally asked.

"Yes, Harry?" She replied a smile still on her face.

"How did you know it was me?"

A full blown grin appeared on her face and she tapped the side of her head, "I have quite a few secrets myself, Mr. Potter."

Harry blinked a few times before it hit him, "You're a seer? And that's how you knew I'd be here?"

Luna nodded before repeating her earlier question, "So what's the plan, Chosen One?"

Harry grimaced at the name, "No plan quite yet. I was planning on seeing if Grimmauld was over run by flaming chickens, or if it was usable for me, then I was going to start planning.. So you knew I was innocent the whole time?"

Luna's smile faded as she nodded, "I attempted to have you retried and under veritaserum this time, but.. I'm not the most credible witness... I'm not the only one who believed you were innocent, though. Neville did too.. But he died shortly after Ginny."

Harry closed his eyes as he heard of his old friend and dorm mate's death, "Who killed him?"

"Bellatrix. She was always his weakness. He lost control when he saw her and.. She took advantage of it."

Harry nodded sadly. "So, just you and Neville, huh? A pretty pitiful defense, hm?"

Luna shrugged slightly, "I'm fairly certain some of the Weasley's believed you were innocent, but wouldn't say anything because they didn't want to distance themselves from their family, especially right after Ginny's death.. And I'm sure some others believed in you.. Neville and I were just the only ones who were outward about our beliefs."

They sat in silence for a few moments, before Luna began to speak again, "I'd advise against going to Grimmuald, as that's where Dumbledore would expect you to go. I'd suggest the old Potter manor... Dumbledore wouldn't think of there as he never told you about it."

"The old Potter manor?"

Luna nodded, "From what I heard from my mother, Lily thought that the Potter manor was too big for just the three of you and James didn't really want to move back there so soon after his parent's deaths... So they bought the home in Godric's Hollow."

Harry nodded contemplatively before he realized something Luna said, "Your mother?"

Luna smiled slightly before nodding, "My mother was in your mother's year, though she was Ravenclaw like me. They became friends and stayed in contact after Hogwarts. She told me about your parents sometimes."

Harry grinned before hugging Luna, "Do you think you could tell me some of what she told you sometimes? I've only gotten stories about my dad from Sirius and Lupin. I'd love to hear about my mother."

Luna smiled and nodded, "I even have some letters between the two if you'd like to read them."

Harry nodded before returning to the subject at hand, "How would I find out about Potter Manor? I'm pretty certain it'd be under a lot of wards, if I can base anything off of Grimmuald..."

"Gringotts, of course. We'd have to make a stop there anyways, unless you like running around in transfigured clothing. Plus we need food."

Harry grinned and blushed slightly as he realized how thin he was. Azkaban food was not the most nutritious. "I think we should wait til tomorrow though. Gather some plans. The Order will most likely have an eye or two on Gringotts."

Luna nodded slightly as she thought about it. "Right then, you stay here and I'll fetch a few things from my house. I have the room guarded against things like Moody's eye. You should be safe."

Harry nodded and Luna disapparated a few seconds later.


I'm backkkkkk!

Haha, and the story direction has taken a bit of a change. I'd decided that Harry against the world wasn't the best plot line, and I've always loved Luna... Though a few things have stayed the same. I'm also considering redemption for Lupin.


Harry is 26, and Luna is 25. You can base other ages off of that.

Luna's psychic ability isn't omniscient, as I stated in the first paragraph.. It's kind of like Peter's off of Twilight.. She just 'knows' things.

Reviews pleaseeee. I need some feed back.

Also, Harry doesn't seem so revenge-y in this chapter... Not sure how I feel about that...