Dora and her freaky talking monkey, Boots, were walking down a brightly colored forest path singing the same annoying song that they were always singing, making kids' ears bleed everywhere.
Iron Man stumbled upon this scene through some bushes. Not only did he notice Dora and Boots, but he also saw some mariachi music playing snails, a talking backpack, and a talking map. "Man, I am so wasted right now." He said after a moment, certain that this was all some sort of drunken hallucination.
"Hola!" Dora shouted at him, "Would you like to be our frie—"
"I DON'T WANT TO TASTE THE RAINBOW!" Iron Man blasted her away. The others screamed and ran for their pathetic lives. Iron Man stood straight and raised a finger. "I am Iron Man and don't drink, kiddies." He then fell to the ground, seemingly passed out.
The creepy fox Swiper snuck up to Iron Man laughing, but was quickly blasted away as well.
"Raper no raping." Iron Man said before finally passing out.