Hi everyone! Oh my gosh, I feel terrible for putting this up, I truly do. Nevertheless, I'd feel even worse for making all of you wait another month without some notion of why I haven't been posting for this story.

Well, here's the dealio. It's been almost nine months since I saw the movie, and since I actually do have other things that are way more important to me, the order of events has somewhat slipped my memory. However, in exactly a month, I'll be seeing a shaodwcast of Repo! so I should have something up a few days after that. Maybe a few weeks actually, seeing as that is the weekend before school re-starts, and the next weekend I'll be attending the Sacanime convention…

Hopefully I'll get the movie for my birthday, and if so, I'll write the next chapter as fast as possible.

Sorry that this isn't the actual next chapter; gah, the guilt is driving me crazy! T^T Can you find it in your hearts to forgive me? Please?

Thank you to all my faithful readers that put up with my horrible memory span, and my procrastination.
