I just stood there, staring at my father for an earth shattering second.

Was he…no, he couldn't be.

I wanted to run to my dad but I couldn't move my feet. They were super glued floor or something.

I glared at my dad's chest. It had to move. It just had to!

My dad's chest moved, taking in a big gulp of air and I literally lunged at the phone beside my dad's bed. I dialled 999 and the women on the other line picked up the phone in ten seconds flat.

"Hello, this is emergency services, how may we help you," a woman, that sounded like Helen from the grocery shop said.

"I need an ambulance to the swan residence. Now."

"Alright, one is on its way. What is the problem?"

"It's my dad. I came in and looked for him and I found him lying on his bed, unconscious."

"Ok. The ambulance will be there soon."

The lady at the other end of the line hung up, and I heard sirens just down the street. I ran down the stairs quickly, opened the door and saw the paramedics and their gurney come towards my house.

"Did you call an ambulance for your dad?" the tall, dark haired paramedic asked.


"Where is he?"

"Upstairs, second door to the left," I told him, and three paramedics bulleted past me.

I decided not to follow them, so I pulled my cell out my back pocket and dialled the Cullen's home number. It rang for a few seconds until I heard a very Scottish "Hello."

"Hey, it's Bella. Is that Edward?" I asked, even though I probably should have been screaming at him to get Alice on the phone.

"Yeah, it is. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

A hand tapped my shoulder, my head whipped round to see the tall dark haired paramedic. I saw, and heard, my dad being taken out of my house behind the paramedic that tapped my shoulder.

"Miss Swan, would you like to ride in the ambulance?" he asked.

"Yeah, I would," I said, following him as he rushed towards the ambulance.

I climbed into the back of the ambulance and realised that Edward was still on the phone.

"Edward, tell Rose and Alice to meet me at the hospital," I told him.

I thought he was going to ask a million and one questions but he just said, "Ok," and hung up.

I was sat beside my dad, holding his hand. His hand was big and warm, and I started to remember the time when I was three and I fell off my tricycle out in the street because Emmet had stopped suddenly in front of me. My dad was watching us to make sure we were ok, but he was reading a book and I wasn't a loud crier. Alice ran over to my dad, told him what happened. My dad bulleted over to me and picked me up. Tears were running down my face, but it didn't matter because my dad was hugging me and saying that everything would be fine. I knew he was telling the truth because I was in my dads capable hands.

The sirens of the ambulance were so loud. My ears started to throb. The only thing that stopped me shouting at the driver to turn them off was the fact that the sirens were helping my dad get to the hospital faster.

It then occurred to me. I had to call mom. It was too noisy in the ambulance, but she would want to know straight away. I know that she's married to Phil but that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about my dad. I'll have to call her when we get to hospital.

The next thing I knew, my dad was being rolled out of the ambulance and I was pushed out along with him and then shoved in another direction. I tried to go with my dad but a paramedic just said "The only thing you can do is wait" and led me to a waiting room where I was met by Alice, Rosalie, Nessie and Edward. Alice and Rose came up and hugged me silently. When they moved away, Nessie hugged me quickly just to say what she couldn't put into words. I looked over to see Edward sitting on a chair. He looked up to me and smiled, and I think that smile made me feel a little smile. Beside Edward was a guitar. I raised my eyebrow at it. I was about to say something when Alice said, "Bella, you should sit down. You don't look so good."

"Ok," I said, not bothering with the "I'm fine" and then the "no your not".

I sat down on the chair beside Edward that didn't have his guitar on it. Alice sat down beside me. Rosalie sat down beside Alice.

"Move the bloody guitar you numpty!" Nessie told Edward. "If you brought it then play it! Don't let it take my seat!"

"It has a name," Edward said smugly, and moved the guitar.

"Let me guess. It's named after one of the Jonas brothers!" Nessie said mockingly as she sat down.

"No! She's called Grace," Edward told her. "And I will not be playing he because a) I dinnie have a clue what I would play. And b) I don't 'hink I'm aloud."

"Fine, but at least play her when we ge' back," Nessie said and looked at him funny. "You realise that calling her a she sounds very wrong."

"I know," Edward nodded his head and leaned back in his chair. "I just wanted to hear you say it."

I then just started to laugh. Sure people looked at me weirdly, but it was funny. Edward started to laugh with me, but the laughter stopped when Carlise came into the waiting room.

"Bella," he said and walked over to me. "Your father is going to be fine." I felt a great weight lift from my chest. "He was just overstressed and dehydrated. His body is very weak so we're going to keep him in for a few days."

"Can I see him?" I asked, standing up because I assumed the answer was yes.

"No, I'm sorry but your father says that he wants you to go home with Alice and Rosalie now so you can get some sleep, and not be on your own," Carlise informed me.

I didn't have a problem going to the Cullen's because they were like family.

"Ok, can I come here tomorrow after school?"

"Of course you can," Carlise said and put a hand on my shoulder. "Now go back to the house and get some rest or we may have to keep you overnight."

I smiled and nodded. We said our goodbyes to Carlise. When we got to the parking lot I had to decide between Alice and Rosalie's car. Pixie or Rose? Pixie.

I jumped in Alice's car and realised that I hadn't called my mom. Crap. I grabbed my cell, tried to get hold of my mom but she didn't answer and I hate leaving voicemails. I probably should have called Jacob, and it's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I really wanted to sleep. I was in the front passenger seat of Alice's car so I didn't realise that Edward had got in the backseat along with Grace.

Ok, did I just call a guitar Grace? Wow, I must be really, really, really tired…

I woke up in one of the many spare rooms in the Cullen house. It was decorated like a Buddhist temple. The walls were painted bright red with orange curtains going all the way along the ceiling. There was a few statues of Buddha (who looked a bit on the large side) placed around the room. The bed I had been sleeping on was low down and was made of mahogany. The cover of the bed was yellow and patterned in oranges and reds and purples. It was a beautiful room, it seemed like it had so much life and it made it hard to believe that no one regularly slept in here.

I looked out the window of the room that didn't have a blind pulled over it and it looked like the middle of the night. That was great because I knew that I was never going to get back to sleep.

I pushed the bed covers off of me and looked at what I was wearing. It was the same outfit as earlier, minusing the shoes. I got out of bed, walked to the bedroom door, opened it and saw the pitch darkness that was the Cullen household. In the darkness I could hear something. It sounded like a familiar tune. I think it was someone…humming? I followed the humming noise down the stairs, tripping over many things along the way, and ended up in the Cullen's living room looking at Edward sitting on the couch with a pen and a notebook in his hand. The lamp beside him was turned on and I was about to leave him in peace when he asked, "What are ye dain up so late?"

"I-I couldn't sleep," I told him. "Why are you up?"

"I'm still in Scotland's time zone," Edward told me with a smile. "Wanna not be loner and watch T.V wi me?"

I looked at the T.V screen and it wasn't on.

"But you not watching anything," I said.

"I cannie work the telly," Edward said, laughing a little. "So if you can ge' it wokin' then we can watch some'hing on it."

"Ok," I said.

I walked to the T.V, flipped it on, and grabbed the T.V remote from the top of the T.V screen. I tried to walk to the couch Edward was sitting on without hitting my knee on the coffee table that had it in for my, but I hit it and surprisingly landed on the sofa with some sort of grace. Thing might be looking up.

Justin Beiber then appeared on the T.V screen

I said maybe.