So here I am with finally a new story. I'm sorry the first chapter is so short! I know how it is to get into a story, and the get disappointed when you see how short the chapter is. I promise you that the following chapters will be longer! I'm convinced that I'll be able do at least update every week, even though I'm not done with all my exams and tests.

I don't know how I should put it... I don't wanna be the kind of author who nags about reviewing, cause I know that if you like my story, you'll hopefully review anyway:) Though the "review and I'll update" policy is working. Like I said, I'll try to update every Thursday, but the numbers of review will decide my priorities.

I don't have a Beta, but hopefully you'll like it!

This is set a few months after Grams' death, though pretend that the season finale never happened? - I know it's much to ask, but I want the enormous hate Bonnie feels towards Damon, gone - at least some of it. And there was too much drama with Mayor Lockwood dead, Anna dead, something wrong with Tyler, Caroline injured etc ... So please try to forget that part :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I owned The Vampire Diaries, there would've be BAMON every second episode.

Stefan POV

"And you're asking me this because ... ?"

"Why not? Elena thought it would be a good idea to go out, do something different. Come on, Damon. You could at least look at this opportunity as a way of making things good again. Think about it, Damon. " Stefan was starting to lose his patience. He knew his brother was a prick and had to discuss everything, but couldn't he for once, only once, listen to Stefan?

Elena had gone one about how much she missed the times when they could just sit down at the Grill, enjoying a good meal with their friends. According to Elena, camping was what they needed right now. She had invited Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler and asked me if I could convince Damon to attend too. After all, this was supposed to be a "become friends again – trip". Neither Matt and Tyler were at their best behaviour around each other, as well as Damon and Bonnie. Elena wanted them to have a good time after a long time, and apparently Damon fit in the category "good time".

Damon POV

Oh, Stefan, you brooding Stefan. How I sometimes get so touched by your kind words.

I was in shock when Stefan first asked me if I wanted to join their stupid camping-slash-road trip. Caroline hates me for using her as my own personal whore, Matt hates me pretty much for the same reason (I can't believe they're together. And people call me disgusting.), Stefan is... Stefan. Need I explain more?, Elena may be the only one who actually wants me to join. She's probably doing this out of guilt for choosing Stefan over me. And as much as I first hated it, I must say that I don't really care anymore. Elena is cute, but seriously guys; she doesn't really have this spicy, fierce personality that a man...vampire ... oh, you know what I mean!, needs.

Let's face it; she is perfect for my dear little brother.

About spicy, ... Wasn't Bonnie also supposed to join this trip?

Now things got more interesting...

"Stefan, I'm in!"