The Magical Quest

This was it, the beginning of the final battle. Mickey was now going up against King Pete. This battle would decide everything. Would Mickey save Pluto or would his best friend including Magic Kingdom be doomed forever?

The mouse got up and charged at the king, Pete sending a blast of magic at the mouse. Mickey simply rolled to the side, a grin on his face as he boosted himself forward along the ground, his feet now aimed at Pete's ankles. However, Pete was prepared as blue flames formed in his hands, soon vanishing as blue fire shot up from the ground, Mickey quickly stopping his movement just in time to avoid burning.

Pete laughed at this sight as he conjured up more magic, the white torches that lined the wall transforming into bat-like creatures, flying towards Mickey as the king stated, "It seems a real crying shame after you came all this way that you're going to fall right now!"

The mouse was punched one of the torches in the face, the others soaring into the mouse and forcing him up against the wall, Pete continuing, "You came many miles to get this far, you faced all of my beasts and my greatest of minions, but now that you're up against me, how will win? I ask you how?"

Mickey started to sweat badly as the torch-bats positioned the fire coming from their tops in front of the peasant's face. Mickey gritted his teeth with fury, realizing that he couldn't let himself lose as he threw out his arms and legs, sending the torches back, his ring glowing and his fire fighter outfit replacing his regular clothes.

"You might have magic on your side," the king said as Mickey doused the flames on the torch-bats' heads, the enchanted objects panicking and returning to their posts, the king adding, "But is it enough? Think about that!"

With that, Pete conjured up more magic, this time bringing fragments of the wall to life as they flew at the mouse, Mickey soon being pelted and unable to stop the attack, his fire fighter form leaving him while Pete continued, "You've relied so heavily on magic up to this point that without it you're nothing! Without that ring to back your up, you're doomed to fall flat!"

Mickey's ring glowed as his mountain climbing gear soon took form, the mouse using his hook to grab hold of one of the stone bricks, swinging it around as it hit the others, shattering them to bits. Even Pete was in shock as the mouse released the portion of the wall, sending it flying into the king's face.

"I must admit your powers aren't really all that bad," the king quipped, rubbing his nose before emitting more magic from his fingertips, this time summoning an army of ghosts that resembled him and sending them toward the peasant while stating, "But they're nothing in comparison to mine!"

Mickey hurled his grappling hook at one of the ghosts, but the hook passed right through as the mouse's eyes went wide, the ghosts all flying around him, closing in on him each second to deal a devastating blow while Pete laughed and exclaimed, "You will soon see who the better one is! On your soul my magic ghosts shall dine!"

The mouse continued to take in beating after beating from the ghosts, gritting his teeth as his climbing gear left him. However, when his ring glowed a third time, his magician gear now on, the mouse grinned, light charging up on his fingertip until the peasant released a huge blast of magic. The ghosts all screamed in terror before dissipating as a result of the attack, Mickey now standing with pride, Pete now staring at this and backing off, laughing nervously.

"Perhaps I was a little too hasty," the king said, "Let's try to talk this out."

"I think not, your majesty!" Mickey retorted, charging up for another blast as he added, "The thought of you turning good I highly doubt!"

With that, the mouse unleashed a burst of magic at the king, Pete's eyes going wide as the magic sent him flying into a wall, the material crumbling around him as Mickey breathed a sigh of relief, wiping sweat off of his forehead. It was finally over. He had won... or at least that's what he thought.

Mickey's eyes went wide, his jaw dropped as Pete slowly rose back to his feet, a look of fury in his eyes. With that, he held up his arms and said, "It seems that I'm not big enough to stop you just yet. Boy, I sure hope this spell works."

With that, the king released a beautiful red and blue magic from his fingertips as he chanted, "Anuma gluma pikesta leshar! Grender en hetel a powa tomeh allestar!"

With that, Mickey's eyes went wide as Pete's body started to grow. Before, he was already three times the mouse's height and width. How could the peasant deal with an even bigger Pete?

Nevertheless, Pete became three times taller than he'd first started, now looming over the mouse with a wicked grin on his face. Mickey fired a blast of magic at the king's face as an explosion formed. However, when the explosion cleared, it was revealed that Pete had barely taken in any pain at all.

"Just give it up, pipsqueak," the king taunted, laughing wickedly, "You can't win now."

Mickey prepared another blast only for the king to lift him up, only this time by the collar as he placed the mouse up on the chandelier, hanging by said collar. Mickey attempted to fight it only for the king to send a magic blast at the chandelier, causing the ornament to fall, crushing Mickey underneath.

The mouse grunted, struggling to get up as Pete asked, "Need a hand?" using magic to lifted the chandelier off of the mouse only to wrap a series of chains around the mouse.

Mickey struggled to get free as the king laughed before stating, "You know, before you barely stood a chance at all! Now look at you, it seems you're gonna fall!"

Pete then proceeded to snap his fingers, a large chunk of the ground cracking open beneath Mickey, the end of the chain soon latched to the ceiling as the king added, "It's such a shame, you know, I was kinda having fun, but the fun has to stop now, it's common knowledge to anyone."

Mickey looked down, then up at Pete, a look of helplessness now on his face. He realized that he couldn't possibly stand up to Pete. He had truly met his match. When Mickey's magician outfit vanished, the helplessness of the situation became even clearer as the mouse looked down and sighed, a tear forming in his right eye.

"Now tah-tah, goodbye, so long, toodaloo and all that stuff," Pete said, waving at Mickey as the chains started to loosen, "It's clear to anyone this visit has gone on long enough. I'll miss you, mouse, I really do hope you enjoyed your stay, because now it's about darn time you simply went away!"

All the while, Minnie's eyes widened, the princess gasping as Donald and Goofy had just entered the room where she had fought Agan, Goofy looking around and chuckling, "Ahyuck, Minnie won!"

"Thank goodness!" Donald exclaimed with a sigh as Minnie turned to the two and said, "Guys, Mickey's in serious danger."

Donald and Goofy gulped as Donald folded up his sleeves shouting, "Alright! There's no time to lose! Let's go help our friend!"

"Right behind ya, Donald!" Goofy quipped, but as the duo ran forward, they noticed that Minnie wasn't following them, the two screeching to a halt.

"Oh, sorry," Minnie groaned, "Agan injured my legs. Go on without me."

Donald looked at Goofy who put on a serious expression, marching over to Minnie and lifting her up by the arm stating, "No one is going to be left behind! Mickey needs your support most of all!"

"But how can I help?" the princess replied, pointing at her legs as the jester chuckled and replied, "Mickey loves you. Just the fact that you're okay may give him a boost in con-fee-dense."

Minnie blushed upon hearing that. Mickey actually loved her? She couldn't believe it. This was too good to be true. But now was not the time to think about that. They had to help their comrade.

Pete laughed maniacally as the chain was just about to untie itself. Soon, Mickey would fall to his death. However, as one last teardrop fell, the mouse letting out one last sniffle, he realized something. He couldn't just give up. So what if his ring powers had failed him? So what if Pete was nine times his size? He had come all this way to save Pluto, and what's more; his friends had risked their lives so he could fight and defeat King Pete. He couldn't let something like that go.

With that in mind, Mickey waited for the chains to finally free him from their grip, quickly grabbing a hold of them. Pete's eyes went wide as the mouse swung from the chain like one would a vine toward the king and planted both his feet hard into the cat's eyes. Pete yelped in pain, holding onto his now hurting eyes as the mouse proceeded to leap behind the cat, giving the back of his right ankle a swift kick.

Pete may have been huge in comparison to the mouse, but he still felt intense pain from a kick to the leg. As such, he started hopping on one foot in order to ignore the pain, Mickey placing both his hands firmly against the king's back, pushing hard. Pete's eyes went wide as he started to topple forward toward the pit he had created.

He gulped, turned to the readers and said, "Well, I guess this is it for old king Petey," as he descending down the pit, Mickey breathing a sigh of relief.

"Finally, it's over," the mouse stated as he turned around and took a step forward, soon feeling something pulling on his tail.

The peasant turned, his eyes going wide as he saw Pete's hand gripping on his tail, Pete shouting, "I'M TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME, PAL!"

However, just as all seemed lost, Mickey's ring glowed even brighter than before. The mouse's eyes went wide as he soon grew in size, now the same height as Pete currently was. The mouse then frowned, turning his attention back to Pete's hand, the king's eyes going wide at the sight of this as he grinned nervously while asking, "I don't suppose you could pull an old king up or something, could you, old buddy, old pal?"

Mickey pondering this before shouting, "FAT CHANCE!" as he quickly pulled his tail back and out of Pete's grip, the king biting his lip and crying out in agony as he fell to a big black hole on the bottom of the pit. And that was that. Pete had been vanquished and thus the floor repaired itself, Mickey returning to normal size.

The mouse took deep breaths just as the door opened up, his friends standing there as Goofy shouted, "We're here to rescue..." then noticed that Mickey was alone in the room, scratching his head and asking, "Where's the king?"

Mickey simply chuckled and said, "He's gone, Goofy," as Donald's eyes went wide, the duck asking, "Then does that mean...?" the mouse nodding before saying, "Yes, it's over now."

Minnie smiled as Mickey ran over to her, a look of concern on his face as she simply chuckled and said, "It's okay. My legs will heal up soon."

Mickey then heard the sound of barking coming from the one room he hadn't been to, his eyes going wide and a smile crossing his face. He turned back to the others, who signalled him to go toward the door. With that, the mouse headed over to the door only to be stopped by a group of guards.

"Move it!" the mouse spat, holding up his fists, "I'll take you all on if you stand in my way! I beat your king, after all!"

"Yes, you did," one of the guards said as he took off his helmet, bowing before the mouse and saying, "Thank you, young mouse."

The others were shocked as the other guards stepped out of the way, bowing before Mickey. But why? Why were they thanking the one who just killed their king? Was he really that terrible of a ruler?

All the same, Mickey dared not question this as he slowly made his way toward the door, grabbing hold of the handle and opening it up, Pluto sitting in a cage, a big smile on his face as he barked for joy, holding onto the cage bars, his tail wagging. One of the guards handed Mickey the key to the cell as Mickey walked over and unlocked it. Almost immediately afterwards, Pluto pounced on the peasant and started licking his face repeatedly, Mickey laughing all the while. The others couldn't help but feel touched watching this scene.

"It's okay, boy!" Mickey exclaimed, patting the dog on the head before saying, "We can go home now."

And that was that. All of the peasants were free from their cells and all was well in Peteland. The dark clouds covering the town cleared and the sun shone upon the faced of the peasants, big smiles forming on their faces. But the best part was that Mickey and his friends were given a royal escort back to Magic Kingdom. As they left, the townsfolk all waved and cheered, happy to finally be free of Pete's tyranny.

Bogard and Jaguar, however, weren't cheering. They simply stood and watched as Bogard said, "Now that Agan's gone, I'm not sure what to do with my life."

Jaguar then placed a hand on the wolf's shoulder before stating, "You could serve as my general as I take the throne," Bogard turning to the weasel and retorting, "Hey, I'm stronger than you, not to mention I still have my clothes completely on!"

With that, the two started a childish brawl, a little boy soon breaking them up and suggesting, "How about we have an election?" Jaguar nodding his head and saying, "That could work," before Bogard blinked and asked, "What's an election?"

As the heroes rode back to the kingdom, Minnie turned to Mickey and blushed before saying, "Uh... Mickey... you remember how when we were in that pot, I was about to say something to you?"

"Yeah, what about that?" Mickey asked as the princess replied, "Well, there wasn't really a hot coal on your head," the peasant asking, "There wasn't?"

Minnie then shook her head as the other mouse continued, "So, what was it you were gonna say?" as the princess held onto the peasant's head, locking her lips up against his. Mickey's eyes went wide as Goofy and Donald smiled at the sight, Pluto wagging his tail. Mickey then closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the princess, holding her in a light embrace.

And soon, all five returned to the kingdom as Richard immediately ran towards the coach they had ridden on, embracing his daughter, tears in his eyes as he cried, "I was so worried, I put off eating for the entire time!" then pointing at his slightly slimmer build added, "Look, I lost thirty pounds!"

"Well, that's hardly a bad thing, father," Minnie replied, patting the king's belly as the other peasants noticed Mickey, Goofy and Donald riding the wagon as well. Marlon watched this and chuckled before saying, "I knew they'd do it."

Many girls crowded around Goofy as the dog blushed and chuckled, "Ahyuck, gorsh!" as Donald stood proudly, no one coming toward him, the sailor groaning, "Aw, phooey!"

Daisy stood among the others, folding her arms and refusing to approach him. However, the pressure soon caved in on her as she ran toward the male duck and held onto his shoulders exclaiming, "Thank goodness you're okay, Donald! I was so worried about you!"

"Aw, it was nothing for me," the sailor replied, flexing his muscle as it drooped, the duck glaring at it, the muscle sticking back up as Daisy couldn't hold in her urges any longer. Now it was no longer embarrassing for her to admit her feelings, thus she tackled Donald to the ground and repeatedly kissed his beak.

"By the way dad," Minnie said, pointing at Mickey, Richard turning to him as the mouse bowed, Minnie giggling and saying, "Mickey, you don't have to bow anymore."

"I don't?" the peasant asked, Richard turning to his daughter and asking, "He doesn't?"

Minnie shook her head and said, "No, you don't Mickey, and do you know why?" before she walked over to him, holding his hand with a smile on her face.

"Wait, are you saying you've chosen a...?" Richard started to ask as Minnie nodded and turned back to Mickey, asking, "Mickey Mouse, will you be my king?"

Mickey's heart started pounding, the peasant blushing while saying, "But, Mickey, I'm just a peasant and..." but Minnie cut him off by holding her finger up against his lips, saying, "It doesn't matter to me. You're royalty in my eyes."

With that said, Mickey nodded as the two embraced for one last kiss, everyone cheering and whistling all the while. Soon, Mickey was crowned the prince of Magic Kingdom, soon to be king once Richard was out of power.

And that was that. Magic Kingdom was saved, Mickey and Minnie were married, Donald and Daisy were going out, Goofy was the envy of everyone in the kingdom and most of all, Pluto was back home, safe and sound. He had always had faith in his master and Mickey had pulled through.

Back in Peteland, Bogard and Jaguar had both lost the election to a last-minute third candidate, Bill the lizard. Surprisingly, he ran the kingdom better than anyone else would have, but luckily, Jaguar and Bogard still lived in the castle, though now Jaguar was the entertainer and Bogard trained the guards. All in all, both considered this an upgrade.

Soon it was the first night that Mickey and Minnie would spend as husband and wife. Minnie looked out the window at the stars with a big smile on her face, Mickey soon joining her as he turned to her, his smile going wider.

Minnie then turned to Mickey and said, "When I saw your eyes for the first time, I felt things that I never felt before."

Mickey turned to her, blinking as the princess continued, "Now that I've seen your handsome smile, I want to see you more and more."

With that, she walked away from the window, twirling gracefully, Mickey watching with a big smile as the princess added, "Daisy didn't think that it should be, but I for one thought it should. After all, is it not my life to live? It was my choice to do what I could."

Mickey nodded and placed his hand against hers before saying, "A queen needs a king who's loyal and kind to rule by her side. And this hero Mickey is just that king who will selflessly abide."

"I knew it would work," Minnie said as Mickey nodded and replied, "You're truly the one for me."

And with that, the two held both hands, gazed into each others eyes and said, "This is a match that was truly meant to be," before sharing one long kiss. And with that, they lived happily ever after.