A/N, Greetings Penguins of Madagascar fans, I've returned with yet another oneshot with my favorite pairing Julene. Review if you please, I love feedback postive or negative, all it can do is help.
"JULIEN!" The name flew out of the otter's mouth in a frightened tone as she watched the lemur fall off the edge of the roof. She dropped to her stomach and looked over the edge to see if the ringtail had landed safely. Unfortunately life has a way of making things more difficult than that, gazing over the top of the building, Marlene gasped as her eyes found the lemur. Getting down the ladder as quickly as her limbs could take her, the asian otter made her way over to the lemur king's royal body.
"Oh no oh no oh my gosh oh no!" Marlene uttered to herself as she came upon Julien's form. The lemur lay unconscious on his side, his right arm and leg drooping over his side as the lemur's face rested upon the pavement, trickles of blood had already begun to slowly stream from under his body. Marlene's eyes darted from side to side, they were nearly half a block away from the zoo and without help. Skipper and the penguin team had taken off in search of tools and new equipment for the HQ, of all the days, this would have to be the one when she could not ask his help.
Marlene looked down at Julien, he was bleeding badly, she knew if she didn't at least do SOMETHING, things would only take a turn for the grim. Running her paws over her head, she looked over at a newspaper stand that sat on the sidewalk nearby. She ran over to it, thankfully it being the local news, it was free to open. The otter shimmed up the stand and pulled on the door with all her might. Prying it open, she wrenched a few sheets of the paper free and dropped to the sidewalk with it. Running back over to the knocked out lemur, she laid the paper down next to him and then prepared to roll him over.
Placing her paws on his right shoulder and hip, she huffed a breath as she gently and carefully turned the lemur over. His blood trickled onto her paws as she moved him, forcing her to shut her eyes as she got him on his back onto the paper. She was not one for blood, granted she'd seen many things and heard more then plenty of stories from Skipper's team of previous grotesque injuries, but she herself was not comfortable with the red life substance. Shuddering she wiped it off on the paper and looked up the street.
The gates to the zoo weren't truly that far away, she could make it, taking a deep breath, the otter grasped both ends of the newspaper and proceeded to drag the unconscious lemur king back home. He wasn't all that heavy, his slim build allowed for Marlene to make quick work of pulling the other mammal behind her. Getting past the gates, the otter thought for a second, while it would be bad for the zookeeper to see her outside her habitat, possibly earning a higher fence around it, she couldn't do the medical procedures Julien required. Biting her lip the otter dropped the ends of the newspaper and ran toward the zookeeper's office. She wouldn't be able to get the door open, Alice tended to lock herself whenever possible, most tended to believe she wasn't really a people person. Tossing a few pebbles at the window, the otter soon found the uptight zookeeper peering out her office window. Alice soon locked her eyes on the otter,
"Oh for the love of Mary Strogernough!"
Storming out the door, the zookeeper headed for the escaped otter when she noticed, the asian otter seemed to be pointed with her front paws to the side for something. As she got right to the water mammal, she picked her up in one arm and turned to take her back to the habitat when her eye caught something. Next to the gate, there was something gray and furry lying on a piece of paper. The zookeeper's intuition told her to look closer so, holding the otter in her left arm, she strolled over to the newspaper. Immediately she noticed the small crown atop the lemur's head, it was one of the zoo's lemurs for sure, even Hoboken zoo didn't have the odd minded creatures her place of work collected.
"Aw jeez, what the heck happened to you?" She said to herself quietly as she scooped up the lemur. He was bleeding from all sorts of cuts and scrapes from some kind of accident, it didn't look like a fight with another animal, but she'd need a closer look. Lifting him up, she headed straight for the medical center with both animals, the otter could wait to be back in her habitat, injuries came first. Marlene groaned as the zookeeper jostled her around as they entered the medical ward, feeling her leg getting squished between the side of Alice's forearm and ribcage. She was set down on a cushioned seat, her left paw was suddenly ziptied to the armrest of the chair as Alice carried the lemur off in her arms past the two large swinging white doors. Marlene sighed and sat down, her paw forced to hang in the air as she waited for the zookeeper to return and take her back to her habitat. How had all this even happened in the first place? She sat and mentally retraced how the day had proceeded, it was unusual at best.
"Julien, what are we doing up here?" The lemur had been consistently pestering the otter to follow him somewhere, though he hadn't specified where exactly. After finally giving in to his pleas, the otter followed the lemur as he led her outside of the zoo gates,
"Julien I really don't think this is a good idea." The otter groaned as she noticed herself leaving the outside perimeter of the zoo. The lemur paid no mind as he continued onward, waving his hand behind him, encouraging her to go on with him. Marlene took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, she wasn't sure what he was up to, but so far it didn't seem good. Nervously looking around, she kept pace with the mammal as he climbed up a fire escape and onto a rooftop. Reaching the top of the roof, several stories above, Marlene looked around for the lemur to see him waving for her to come next to him. She began to feel...odd, her breath began to shorten,
the otter felt the blood rushing to her head, making her slightly dizzy as she tried to keep up with the lemur.
"I'm outside the walls of the zoo." She took another deep breath.
"Okay, don't think too much, don't panic, you've done this before...that Skipper told you of anyway." She said to herself as she continued to fight the oncoming forces within herself. Julien walked up to her and took her paw, her breathing intensified even more.
"Julien I don't understand, why am I her-" She began to question the lemur king's reasoning when she was cut off by his muzzle touching hers, a kiss planted on her soft lips.
Marlene's heart rate flew though the roof as her first reaction was to immediately step away and get the lemur off of her.
But she found no such ability in her body at that moment. Julien broke off the kiss and stared into her face affectionately. Holding her paw with one hand, he looked into her deep brown eyes. Marlene could only stare back at the lemur in mild confusion as she felt a new sensation overtaking her, it was slightly familiar as well.
"wha?..what are you..whats happening to me?" The otter demanded as she felt herself changing, growing in fact, her shoulder's broadening and nails extending.
Julien, "Ah don't be worrying Marlene, you're true self will be here soon, out here, you don't have to hide anymore." He said warmly as the otter began her transformation before him. Within seconds, the small asian otter had reverted back to her primal form.
The lemur looked her up and down, flinching slightly at her new state.
"Eh, I will be doing my best to overlook your unattractiveness, my love. Now, shall we begin the courting?" The otter nodded jumped forward and wrapped the lemur up in a tight embrace, the air being easily squeezed from Julien's body.
"urgh, heh it would be nice if you could possibly hug..a little softer...GASP" The lemur said weakly. Nodding furiously, Marlene's primal form dropped him to the floor and beamed at him as the ringtail got to his lemur smiled as he embraced the otter back. As he hugged her, he felt her grow smaller in his arms, she was changing back? He pulled away from her and saw an angry look in the now normal face of Marlene.
"Julien! What is the meaning of this! You know I'm not supposed to be outside or else...SOMETHING happens, I don't know what but we need to go back home NOW!" She said in an ordering voice.
The crowned lemur looked at her puzzled for a minute before he spoke,
"Wait a minute, you...you don't remember just now?" Marlene rolled her eyes
"No I DON'T okay so just get me back to the zoo already." She said annoyed at having even come out here with the odd mammal. Julien turned away from her for a second. his face fell as he walked off toward the other side of the roof.
"Julien where are you going?" He turned around angrily,
"What? The zoo's right over dere Marlene, just go already if its so important to you." he said in a harsh tone. Marlene raised an eyebrow, what was his problem all of a sudden? Marlene walked up next to the lemur who faced the street side of the roof.
"Whats going on with you? Why are you so mad?" He turned to the side and crossed his arms as he looked at her.
"I'll tell you what's going on, you're faking your feelings again, and I don't even know why." He said somewhat bitterly, sending a cold chill down the otter's spine.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about how you keep changing ur mind up on me. The crazy you wants to be with me like no other, and then the really pretty you says hey no way. Ur making my head hurt from all dis!" He said, turning back toward the city view. Marlene could only stare momentarily at the lemur who refused to make eye contact with her. From her view of him, she could make out a tiny glint of a tear in his eye before he raised a paw and brushed it off, still looking away from the otter as they stood atop the roof together.
"sigh..Julien, did you bring me out here to try and get my mind to change about...well before?" He huffed a sigh as his eye turned toward her and then slowly nodded. The next action, the lemur did not see coming, that being a hard shove from the otter. Julien backed up off balance as he tried to regain his footing, the otter hot on his heels.
"You crazy moron! What in the heck is wrong with you?" She shoved him hard again, the ringtail heading straight backwards, Marlene, not being able to see behind him kept going, her eyes angrily fixed on the lemur's orange and yellow frightened ones.
"You pull me out of the zoo so you can take advantage of me because I can't handle the outdoors? SCREW YOU!" She said with a final shove, the lemur tried to respond as he felt the back of his ankle connect with the edge of the rooftop.
"Marlene I- whoa whoa WAUUGGHHH!" He yelled as he found himself falling backwards off the dissapeared from his view as he fell from the sky.
End of Flashback
Marlene hung her head as the zookeeper snipped off her bracelet and scooped her up again,
"Is this my fault?"
She closed her eyes as her head grew heavy, a headache was coming,
Alice dropped her off in her habitat, taking a look around to check for holes in the fence or around the bricks. Finding nothing, she headed off back to her office, one more thing she'd been forced to do that day.
Marlene dunked her head in the water for a minute, letting the cool h20 calm her senses. She pulled up and brushed back her fur on her face, feeling the droplets of water spill onto the stone ground below her. Looking at her paws, she shuddered. King Julien's blood was still on them, dry now though, extra difficult to wash away. She sighed and dropped into the pool again with her whole body to get clean. Maurice and Mort popped over the fence and approached her.
"Hey Marlene, have you seen Julien? Last we heard he was with you." The otter floated on her back uneasily as she looked up at the lemur aye aye and the small mouse lemur.
"um..yeah haven't seen him,, uh but if I do I'll point him in ur direction." She said nervously, Maurice turned his head suspiciously before turning to Mort and ushering themselves outside. Marlene bit her lip and ran her paws over her head nervously. She had to get back into the med center to find out if Julien was okay.
Or even alive.
This latest thought struck her hard, she couldn't be responsible for someone's death...
could she?
The otter knew the zookeeper Alice would be keep an eye on her all day so she would have to wait till closing hours before she left her habitat.
After what felt like a day and a half, the zoo gates finally closed, the lights to the office went out and the flags were dropped.
"Finally!" Marlene groaned. It wasn't so terrible waiting, more that she was just anxious to see the state the lemur was in. Sneaking inside the front hospital doors, she headed down the cold dimly lit hallway, the building's steel doors giving her the chills. Getting through the second set of doors, she saw a bunch of hospital beds with the curtains drawn, in the low light it was hard to make out if even anyone was here. Opening the first curtain,
Second one down,
third try?
Marlene found herself starting to worry, if he wasn't in the recovery room,
Then where was he?
A noise suddenly came from behind her in the back room, it sounded melodic...
Music? Her curiosity drug her deeper into the hospital as she opened the last door. The song was coming from a radio on the veterinarian's desk, Marlene knew noone was still here, so who turned on the radio. She climbed up on the chair next to the desk and peered over to see what was above her.
Lying on his side away from her on the far end of the table next to the radio was the ring tailed lemur Julien. His head lay comfortably on a makeshift pillow using the large sleeve of a sweatshirt left on the desk by the doctor and lying on the rest of the shirt as a bed, his right paw slowly playing with the volume control, letting his ears adjust to the stereo's output. Marlene tried to keep herself silent as she watched him. He seemed...okay, save for a few bandages on his back and right side of his ribcage, not groaning in agony or anything theatrical she would have expected. The sad gentle plucking of the guitar strings and the soft voice behind the music made the otter feel every bit responsible at that moment for why the two were currently there, and she knew she had to face that head on.
Getting up onto the table, she walked slowly over to the lemur, who's ear fluttered for a sec, noticing her approach. She sat down behind him on the leather placemat, he didn't make any motion whatsoever. Looking over his shoulder, she tried to look at his face, he kept his head facing the radio, his eyes softly looking at the knobs and meters of the antique entertainment device.
He needed to say nothing, his body language spoke volumes,
he didn't want to talk to her,
he didn't want be be around her right now. Marlene winced at the uncomfortable presence she seemed to have brought, it wasn't as if she did not deserve it though. All of today all the lemur had wanted to do was gain her love as he carried for her, now it seemed that had disappeared. Marlene sighed heavily, needing to get that weight inside her out.
"I'm...I'm sorry Julien, for this. I never should have acted how I did." She said aloud, knowing he would not respond, she looked in the corner of her eye down at him, his eyes turned farther away from her view. It would have been so much easier if he had just been yelling at her, throwing things, she wouldn't care. It was the silence from him though that ate at her, tearing at her very heart.
Please say something.
Please yell at me, tell me how wrong I was, how unworthy of you I am!
Please gods say something to me!
The lemur remained silent though,his demeanor spelling out what he really wanted from the otter.
to leave.
Marlene bit her lip as it quivered, her eyes were getting teary as she sniffed and stood up. Unable to speak anymore, the otter made her way off the desk and out of the door. Getting out of the hospital she sobbed and wiped her eyes as she headed back to her habitat. Curling up on her rock couch, she laid there still finding tears escaping her eyes.
Within the hospital, alone atop of the veterinarian's desk, the lemur king lay in the soft light of the desk lamp,a white and black ringed tail curled around the lamp cord and slowly pulled down until the room filled itself with darkness.
A lone tear fell down from his eye, through his gray fur and down onto the sleeve he lay on as he closed his eyes to sleep.
A/N well hope you all enjoyed this fairly depressing julene fic, the song that was playing on the radio by the way was Sister by Dave Matthews. It carries a truly heartbreaking tune that I felt fit very well for this scene. Please review and I am glad you stopped by to read this!