O'llo everybody. I am back and I am ready to continue. Before I start, I have two things to tell you.
I meant to explain why Naruto did what he did in front of Itachi and Sasuke in the last chapter, but I felt that that was a good place to stop. But do not faultier my curious readers. It shall be explained in the beginning of this chapter.
I plan on writing a new story. And since we all know how lazy I am, it can be up from today to next weekend, but tell me what you think of it when it is up.
Now sit back, relax, and enjoy.
Unbeatededed….ed :{)
A blush creped over Naruto's face as he stared at the stars. All Naruto could think about was what had happened between him and Kiba some hours ago. A smile formed on his face as he thought of the event. He was not ashamed at what he did with Kiba.
So why was he blushing again?
He replayed the day in his head again.
He remembered walking down the hallway with a new vase that was sent to the queen. It was a beautiful vase, in his opinion, and he just knew that Queen Mikoto would approve of it. He rounded the corner and came face-to-face with an image he wishes he hadn't seen. Prince Sasuke was practically yanking the girl's hair right out of her head. The sight had him completely forget what he was doing. He dropped the vase he was holding and ran to get help.
He was panicking so much; he didn't realize that Kiba was calling his name. He almost passed by Kiba and would have completely missed him if Kiba hadn't grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.
"Gosh, Naruto. Where are you off…to?… Naruto, what's the matter?" Kiba's cheerful attitude that he had first greeted Naruto with slowly disappeared and was replaced with great concern. Kiba stared into Naruto fear-traced eyes and he could immediately feel the fear the boy was going through.
"The second prince, Prince Sasuke, he...he's…" Naruto clutched onto Kiba's arms and stared into Kiba's eyes as if pleading for him to read his mind. "Come on Naruto. You have to tell me."
"He's got a poor maid by her hair and…and…" Naruto was struggling to get the next words out when Kiba place his finger on Naruto's lips. He felt two warm and strong arms circle around him and pull him into a safe and enticing hug.
"Hey Naruto, why don't you take Akumaru with you and go outside. I'm going to have a talk with Sasuke."
Naruto nodded in response and Kiba released him. Naruto got a hold on Akumaru and began leading the dog outside when an impulse came to him. He turned back around and saw Kiba walking away.
Kiba turned around and immediately his lips came in contact with Naruto's. It was a warm and sweet and he was tempted not to leave the boy. Naruto was the one to pull away only to stop as their lips were ghostly together.
"Thank you, Duke"
A shiver went through Kiba's body as the words tickled his lips. "Anything for my Naruto." Naruto smiled before he went and ushered Akumaru out to the garden.
There was a small smile on his face in hope that Kiba would manage to save the girl, but he was still a bit down about seeing it. He sighed before making sure the hood of his cloak was on tight before stepping outside with an overly excited dog.
And then Itachi showed up and they played tag. Naruto pushed Itachi and they both went rolling down the hill. Then he topped Itachi and then Itachi topped him and then Kiba showed up and pulled Itachi off of him only to make-out with him.
And then Kiba began making Naruto fill with pleasure. And then Naruto remembered that he wanted to make Kiba feel good too. Not just because Kiba had did it for him, but just because he was Kiba. And so he proceeded to perform on Kiba. He instantly regretted taking the entire boy in his mouth at one time. He would only be lying if he said he had enjoyed that animal on his first try, but he did enjoy giving Kiba what he deserved.
So what was it that had him blushing? Naruto sighed and closed his eyes, still reminiscing. No more than five seconds pass did Naruto shot up from his positions, eyes wide with realization. He remembered why he was blushing. It had happened right after Kiba helped him clean-up.
Naruto had caught something in his peripheral, something that seemed not to belong. He shifted his eyes to the object and made an electric connection with the deepest obsidian eyes that he had ever laid his eyes on. Sasuke Uchiha, the second prince, had watched the whole thing. Almost instantly did he remember that Itachi was also there, but when he looked the first prince was gone.
Naruto looked up at the stars and stared, searching for an answer. He stood and decided it was time to retire. As he left his garden, the garden that was created to mean innocence, he brushed off the visible dust and quoted, "I should get myself to a nunnery1."
A maid lay across the floor in a fetal position with her hands gripping her throat, hacking and coughing while trying to catch her breath. Tears were spewing from the side of her eyes as she stared at her torturer.
Sasuke stood in front of her, a smile threaten to form on his face. He felt pretty pleased with himself and with what he had just did to the girl.
"Dammit, Uchiha! What the fuck is your problem!"
Sasuke looked at the now rabid Kiba and smirked with pleasure. Kiba was in a fighting stance, ready to pounce, and looking as lethal as they come. 'If you continue glaring at me like that Kiba, I might have to rape you.' Sasuke chuckled as he thought this, the visual image coming in with the thought. Oh, how he would love to get that same death-promising look from the boy while he was under him. But, alas, he didn't want Kiba.
"Fucking Uchiha! Am I going to have to punch you in the face to get a bloody answer from you!"
"Kiba, stop!"
There it is. The voice of the one he wanted. He watched as the hooded figure left form the side of the hurt maid, who was now under the care of Itachi, and run over to Kiba. The little gardener grabbed onto the fisted hand that Kiba was ready to throw. "Kiba...Kiba please calm down! Don't do something that you'll end up regretting, PLEASE!"
Kiba snarled at Sasuke before responding, "Naruto, I will have absolutely no regret doing this, believe me." Kiba's fist tightened in Naruto's hand and Naruto began to get nervous. "Kiba, look at me…..LOOK AT ME, KIBA!"
Kiba, reluctantly, shot his eyes from the guilt free prince to the pleading gardener. "If you do this favor for me…" Naruto started, his eyes looking anywhere but at the Duke and gaining attention from both Sasuke and Kiba, "then… I guess…, I'll do anything you ask of me, no fight-backs, and no back-outs…but only one thing." Naruto looked at the last part and gave Kiba a smile that he knew the boy will be able to see, even under his hood, as he added, "Deal?"
Kiba's killing look seemed to steam away, before he grabbed Naruto by his waist and planted the boy with a deep and passionate kiss. When he pulled away, the lust was evident in his eyes. "Deal, but remember, no back-outs."
Naruto smiled at Kiba's now calmer state of mind. "Come on, Naruto. Itachi said he'll meet up with us in the garden. How about we head out there?"
"Yeah, I'll meet up with you in a minute Kiba. How about you go out there without me. I'm sure Akumaru is looking for you." Kiba gasped at the fact that he had actually forgotten his best friend and shot off to where his long-termed friend may be.
Sasuke watched as the multi emotional, dog loving, Duke run off to his ignored mutt. He did not notice, however, as a fist made its way to his face until it was too late. He turned his head back to the position it was just hit out of to look at the person who had the balls to hit him. He was shocked, to say the least, and he allowed one of his eyebrows to rise.
Truthfully, he would have never expected the gardener to even voice his own opinion against the prince, and now, here was the same boy who convinced the Duke to not hit him, hitting him. He found it all rather amusing. He reached out to touch the gardener, only to get his hand slapped away.
"Second Prince, I may feel bad about hitting you but I don't regret doing it. What is it? Why do you wish to hurt people? I don't understand why you're doing this. What pleasure could you possibly is getting from hurting people?"
Sasuke reached out to grab the gardener, again, this time grabbing the boy at the waist and pulling their bodies closer, making sure he has a good grip in the boy. One of the boy's hands was trapped between the two bodies, paced on the prince's chest. The other came up in a swing, ready to make contact on with the side of the prince's face, only to be stopped by the prince's second hand grabbing it at the wrist.
Sasuke saw this as his opportunity and brought his face closer. He let his face hover for a bit in front of the boy's face before he dipped his head to the side of the other's face. He made sure that the hood on his captive fall before he began whispering in his ear.
"I get the pleasuring feel of power from torture. Whenever I cause somebody pain," he gave the gardener a little demonstration by squeezing his wrist, smirking as he was prized with a gasp of pain, "a sort of pleasuring shudder runs through my body." He brought his face back and stared into the violet eyes of the other.
Violet? He could have sworn that the boy's eyes were blue. For some reason, they were violet and it seemed as though they were changing, now in a red-violet shade.
He released the boy, his smirk never faltering. Naruto stumbled back and grabbed his wrist. It throbbed some but nothing more than a pinch.
"Don't you have to be somewhere?"
Naruto glared at the prince, mostly at the fact that what he had just said was true. He barely gave the prince a second look as he turned around and made his way to the garden, leaving the second prince to smirk behind him.
"No Kiba! NO! I don't want to go, Kiba!"
Naruto took off and hid in yet another place, trying his hardest to lose Kiba, but the duke was like a bloodhound himself! Everywhere he ran to, the Duke seemed to sniff him out. It was starting to get a little irritating.
"Well hello, my little Naru. What are you up to?"
Naruto 'eked' as he spun around and met an entertained-looking Itachi. Naruto would admit, Itachi looked both smart and sexy with his glasses sitting on his nose, his hair free, and a book in his hand. His heart did a little flutter as Itachi placed the book he was holding on his hip and gave Naruto one of the sexiest smiles he has seen.
"I'm…um…" he felt a small blush form on his face as Itachi continued standing as if he was posing for a portrait.
"Well, get it out, little Naru." Itachi poked Naruto in the stomach and smirk when the boy let out a giggle.
"I'm hiding from Kiba."
Itachi arched one of his perfect eyebrows as he asked, "Why?" "Because," Naruto started off, "Kiba's going to want me to do the favor that I promised him, and I'm not ready for whatever ridiculous thing he's going to want me to do."
"Well, Naruto, if you promise to do something, then you need to live up to your promise. It's the right thing to do."
Naruto responded with a 'huff' as he crossed his arms. "If you want, I can come along with you with whatever favor Kiba sends you out on."
Itachi never expected Naruto to practically grope him as he continued chanting, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
He, himself, chuckled as he patted Naruto on his head. "Now let's just go and find Ki-." Suddenly, Naruto was pulled from Itachi, into another body. He heard a chuckle enter his ear that was soon followed by the words, "Found you."
Naruto would have shrieked if his manhood would have allowed it.
"In the flesh, and I believe that you owe me a little favor, am I right?" Naruto gave a nervous chuckle before he turned to face Kiba. "Yes, I do owe you a favor, and I'm ready to do it…as long as Itachi can come too."
"Of course Itachi can come. Now for my favor, I want you to come to the village with me."
Naruto changed his whole personality as the words left out of Kiba's mouth. "You want me to what?"
"Now, now Naruto. You promised me no fight-backs and no back-outs."
Naruto personality soon changed again and he feel against Kiba and groaned. "Kiba, you know I don't want to go to the village. They all hate me!" Naruto made sure to add emphases on the word hate.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, Naru." Itachi reached out and began patting Naruto on his head as he had done earlier. "Kiba and I will be there with you. You don't have to worry."
Naruto sighed as he gave in. "Just make sure you guys dress warmly. It's starting to get cold out." Kiba also began patting Naruto on the head, before he added, "Aww, now don't you make a beautiful and caring wife.
"Owwww! I thought you stopped hitting me!"
"Only when you're a good boy. Now go get yourself ready for the cold."
In a whore house in the village
Sasuke sat on the bed and looked at the person beside him. "Just to make sure, this is your first time, right?"
The person beside him nodded his head.
Sasuke couldn't tell if the person was a boy or a girl. He/she had long, silky brown hair, and a soft voice that could play off as a woman or a boy's. "Are you new or something?" "No, sir. I've been here for, maybe, 6 years."
"Well then, why are you still a virgin?"
This just didn't seem to fit right with what he has been told. He stared at the irony of a virgin whore.
"Truthfully, nobody wants to have sex with me." The boy looked down, as if he was ashamed with the words that had just come out of his mouth.
"And why is that?"
"It's a bit embarrassing to say out loud."
"Well then, how about you show me." The boy immediately started to move away.
Sasuke reached out his hand and yanked the boy's pants down. He looked and he realizes why nobody wants to have sex with him. "You have both a vagina and a dick."
The boy nodded his head. "I'm considered a hermaphadite."
The boy looked at Sasuke and tears began to spew out of his eyes.
Sasuke stared at them and groaned as he thought, 'Oh fuck.'
" Haku!"
The tears continued to fall from the boy's eyes as he continued to cry.
The one named Haku was starting to work Sasuke's nerve. He quickly grabbed Haku's hair and brought the boy closer to him. "Would you just stop it! All that crying is going to give me a headache." There was a pause before Sasuke finished what he was saying.
"I don't care that you have both of the reproduction organs, all I know is that when I put my organ in, I better be enjoying it."
To say Haku was happy would be an understatement.
"You…you actually would do me?"
"Isn't that what I said? I don't care if you have one, two, or no organs, as long as I can get the pleasure I want, that's all that matters."
Suddenly, without warning, Haku jumped on top of the second prince, his tears long forgotten.
To actually be able to do his job, to no longer feel like the freak of the whore house, was the greatest feel he has ever had. He vowed that, forever; the prince will only be golden in his eyes.
Oh wow. So tired.
I got that line from Hamlet. Had to read and discuss that play for a month and I am tired of it.
Idk about the Sasuke and Haku scene. I don't know what it's supposed to show about Sasuke, I just had that scene in my head for a long time.
I encourage you to tell me what you think. In other words, read and review. :{)