Disclaimer: I own nothing, absolutely nothing.
A/N: Okay, so this is the first fanfiction I'm putting up, not the first one I've wrote but . . . Anyway tell me what you think so I know what to change. I came up with this one morning when I was so tired and wanted to collapse. I don't know if I'm going to continue, so I don't know who will end up together. If it's a oneshot then Elena and Stefan but if I continue . . . who knows? Enjoy! :D
"Stefan, are you here?" I yelled as I walked into the boarding house at midnight. "Stefan!"
"Well, to what do I owe this great pleasure? It's not my birthday." Damon said coming down the stairs.
"I'm not in the mood Damon. Where is Stefan? Did he already leave?" I asked, the disbelief probably evident on my face. And to think I stayed up this late just so I could catch him before he left.
"Yeah, you missed him by about an hour. He got a call and he needed to get there, like, now." Damon turned and started walking.
"Why couldn't you have gone to help Ivan? Isn't he your friend too?" I asked following Damon into the kitchen.
Damon stopped and came to a standstill. He slightly tilted his head to get a glimpse of me out of the corner of his eye and instantly gained his composure again. He turned around and leaned against the counter.
"Ah, see, that's where your wrong Elena, I don't have friends. I have enemies, acquaintances, and people who don't really care, but not any friends." He said smirking
I felt a jab in my stomach from his harsh words. I took a small step back and looked him in the eyes.
"I thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong." As I turned around and started to leave he ran in front of me instantly stopping me.
"Is that what we are, Elena? Friends?" He said looking down at me. I looked up at his eyes and felt like I was in a trance. I know I was being irrational but I couldn't help it. I could feel his breath hitting my face.
"No. You don't have any friends." I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me and by his expression I was sure I did. And I slipped under his arm and kept on walking.
He let me open the front door this time before stopping me.
"What's wrong with you? You seem different. Angry." Damon said after he slammed the door shut, his voice softening.
"I'm not angry, just tired." I said rubbing my eyes.
"More like exhausted. What have you been up to lately?" He said wiping a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.
"Nothing. Why? It's not like you care anyways." I snapped looking up at him and stepping back. I hadn't even realized we were standing so close.
"I care. Go upstairs, take a night off." He said with sincerity. "You can stay in my room." He said. I guess that Damon has got to come out somewhere.
"I'll be fine. I'm just gonna' go." I said trying to pass the barrier he was making.
"Elena, you are crazy if you think I'm letting you get behind the wheel of a car. Come on I'll take you to Stefan's room. Although mines more comfy." He said smirking
He walked me up the stairs holding my elbow, slightly pushing. When we reached Stefan's room he opened the door walked me in and told me to lay down. I took off my shoes and laid down on the bed. I was in loose clothes so there was no need to change.
"Goodnight, Elena, and we are friends, at least I think so" Damon said softly as he pulled the covers over me, turned out the light, and shut the door.
He asked what I've been up to lately, and I couldn't tell him the truth. All I've been up to lately was the normal. If you would call normal worrying about, you're brother and all the pain he seems to be going through, thinking about how you're mother could give you up and then choose to become a vampire, wondering about your vampire boyfriend and how you must remind him and his brother about their ex vampire girlfriend because you look exactly like her, which really kills a girl's confidence that he might just like you for that, and to top it all off my best friends a witch. But I couldn't exactly tell Damon that, now could I?
I took a deep breath and realized how comfy this bed really was and how tired I was, and let the exhaustion finally take over.
Thanks 4 reading. Okay, so did you like it. I know it's short but I hope it's okay. If you like it I can think of ways to make it into a chapter fic.
If you had to pick would you choose Damon's or Stefan's room? Which one would you want a relationship with? Go to my profile and check out the polls!
And of course REVIEW!