Hello, everybody^_^ I'm back from the debts of laziness, with a new story. I've started watching D-gray man,(actually rewatching, though i didnt watch it completely the first time, now im at the 72 ep, and i've read the whole manga*_*) and well it entranced me, so now im writing a fic about it. I was so inspired that this took me just two days to finish(more like one evening and morning) I looked around the site for an Allen-noah story, with the poker pair,since I really love the noahs and especially Tyki Mikk, but since there weren't that many i wrote one myself. The Allen in this story will be slightly more evil and noah like, because i want to write him like that. The story will probably follow the anime and manga, but only from the side of the noah's. The pairing will be Tallen, since i just love that guy Tyki, but there might be some minor pairings too.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to d-gray man, except this fic. Although I'd love to own Tyki and Allen(Mmmm...)

Warnings:in this chap, pretty much nothing except the death of one guy, and a noah Allen. I better mention the story is yaoi. Also the actual story has some changes, since i needed to get Allen on the side of Noahs.

"The Musician"

.The prologue.

It was a silent December night when white snow was softly falling, covering houses and streets in its glow. The nearing of Christmas was seen able almost everywhere in the city of London. Houses, streets and lamps were decorated in red and green colors and a large Christmas tree stood in the middle of the city. Everything seemed so peaceful, not a sound was heard, while small shining stars and a large crescent moon were hanging in the sky.

A young man, who seemed no older than thirty, was walking down a street, humming some unknown song to himself. His dark skin and hair, when compered to the whiteness of the snow looked exquisite in the dark. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, shoes and jacket. His head was adorned with a black top hat, which shadowed his eyes, making them unseen able in the dark. He walked with grace and posture, that suited his looks, making him look like just a noble taking a walk in the town. He stopped in his steps, when he came to an old looking building. From it's appearance one could tell it was a inn, although it was not in the best of shapes.

"So this is the place where he is hiding?" the young man started speaking, his voice smooth like velvet with a tint of mockery in it, that just added spice to his character. He stopped in his thoughts for a moment to lit a cigarette and then he went inside the building. The place was really let down, just as the man had expected.

"Well, he didn't have any choice in that matter, since The Earl was looking for him," the young man thought as he walked upstairs to find the target of his mission. While going through the hallway, he tried to erase all traces of his presence, so to make his prey a little surprise. He easily found the room his target was residing in and slowly without a sound just like a predator, entered the room. It was dimly-lit, but the young man's now golden eyes could see everything perfectly.

The room was fairly simple with a wooden bed, wardrobe and a desk, where a man was sitting, probably writing something. He wasn't noticing the young man who had just entered the room until the man started speaking.

"Hello Mana, how are you in this wonderful evening?" he asked. At that moment the other man turned his head towards the young man with a terrified expression, meeting the others smirk.

"You..." was all the man could mutter, before overtaken by fear he threw himself into a pointless, fear driven attack. The young man easily dodged the attack and took the other one by throat, strangling him.

"My, my aren't we persistent?" he joked, blowing some of the smoke from his cigarette into the man's face.

"But you know that won't help you though. You betrayed us and The Earl, Mana! You should have known how this will end, inevitably," the young man smiled as sweetly as poison. Suddenly the other man spitted on him, anger shining in his eyes.

"That, was absolutely unnecessary, you know? " the young man said with an utter look of displeasure, while cleaning the saliva off of his face with his free hand. Now the young man was pretty much annoyed at the man named Mana, so he tightened his hold on the man's throat, making it even harder to breathe.

"Well, as much as I love chatting with you, there are other things I need to attend to, so let's finish this, ok?" he said smiling sweetly at the man. The other man's face turned into fear once again as the young man's smile became maniac like, as he was tightening his grip more and more.

"Now then, bye, bye Mana! " he whispered into the man's ear as the man felt his heart being ripped out. After a just a moment, when the agonizing scream has stopped, the job was done. The Man known as Mana was dead.

The young man released the dead body, letting it fall on the ground with a long bang. In his other hand he was holding the man's heart, which he also threw on the ground mercilessly without a change in his handsome face.

That's what you deserve for betraying us and The Maker, Mana.

The young man continued to stand still, until he noticed his hands."Ah, now I've stained my gloves," he sighed as he made his way to the man's desk, "but at least I've gotten rid of him." He thought about what should he do with the rotting body, while going through the papers on Mana's desk, which were actually his real purpose of coming here, because the clan thought that Mana had found out were That Person was. He was about to hiss, as none of Mana's papers had any information related to what he wanted to find. He was almost starting to regret his decision to kill the man without interrogating him about the subject, when he heard a sound. It was the sound of soft footsteps, slowly coming closer to the room where he was residing.

"Mana, what happened? I thought I heard a scream?" a soft, childish and kind of sleepy voice asked. The young man turned in the direction of the voice to find a young boy who was no older then ten standing in the doorway. The boy had soft, white hair, ending just below his ear, silver eyes that shone in the darkness and pale skin, that made the boy look very young and innocent. A weird red scar crossed his cheek, ending with a pentagram on his forehead.

"Mana...?"the boy stopped, when he saw the scene on the floor. He was surprised, but didn't seem to be terrified. Surprisingly, he also hadn't noticed the young man who was still in the room though he had managed to hide when he heard the boy's footsteps. Suddenly, the boy had started to cry even though his face remained blank of emotions.

While the boy was crying, the young man couldn't hide his surprise.

Who is he? He didn't remember ever hearing of a little boy accompanying Mana, as the man was completely anti-social, since That occured.

He sighed, feeling not especially lucky today, he now had to remove the boy, who had seen the scene. And he didn't like that, as the little boy in his opinion made from the first glance was extremely cute, almost girlish. But he had no choice.

He went out of the shadows, moving in the direction of the boy. And then a single thought ran through his head.


He stopped, like he had been hit by thunder. He once again, examined the boy, his soft features, pondering over the one possibility that haunted his brains. He was torn between what to do now, but the need to know was he right overpowered him, and he once again began to move in the direction of the boy.

He stopped just in front of the boy, blocking the dead body from the little creatures view. The boy had ceased his tears, though his eyes and cheeks were stained by their traces. the young man knelt, so that his golden and the boy's silver eyes were at the same level. The little cute creature looked at him with mild surprise and confusion. He had probably had been taken by the scene so much that he had failed to notice his surroundings.

Tyki looked at the boy with sharp, suspecting eyes at first, but then they softened as he felt it, his inner Noah's grin so large that even The Chesire Cat would get jealous.

It was Him.

He then smiled, a rare soft one, brushing few strands of hair from the boy's face. The boy seemed surprised by this show of affection, as he's eyes looked at the young man with uncertainty. The man chuckled softly, liking the little boy even more. Then he offered the boy his hand, looking into those silver eyes which were gazing at him, and asked the question that would mark their meeting.

"What is your name, shounen?"

So, how was it? I think I'm improving since my previous stories were just songfics.

The next chap will probably be uploaded in two weeks, depending how will my muse sing for me. And of course I'd appreciate reviews and favourites, they make me happy and help me publish faster. Bye, bye until next time ^_^