Meanwhile, Major Monogram is trying to deal with all the agents who suddenly went crazy.

Major Monogram: Agent C stop clawing that couch, Agent R stop going through that trash. CARL, what is with these agents?

Carl: Uh sir, all the agents have gotten temporary amnesia.

Major Monogram: Isn't that a bit cliche. Angent P-inky. What are you doing here

Pinky then gives Monogram some papers. Major Monogram looks confused.

Major Monogram: You want me to judge this photo?

Pinky takes it back and realizes that it's a picture of him in a sailor outfit Isabella made him wear.

Major Monogram: Great Googilly Moogilly, a vet note for 12-hour flu diagnosed to Agent P, and shipping orders of robot parts, a photocopier, and hats. Carl, why weren't I given these?

Carl: Well you told me to get some agents to catch Agent P.

Major Monogram:Oh right. Well we better apologize to Agent P about ... Agent D no not on the computer.

As the computer short circuits, it bursts into flames setting off the sprinklers and the fire alarm. The water and the high pitch siren angers all the agents into going into a frenzy.

Major Monogram: Well this isn't good.

Meanwhile, Perry uses his grappling hook to get into Doofenshmirtz's lair. Suddenly he sees Dr. Doofenshmirtz with and Army of Clones that look like him.

Perry's Mind: I thought he already did a scheme involving clones.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Hey fellas, look who decided to make an appearance. You see it occurred I to me that what I should really be doing is fighting fire with fire. And by fire I mean Perry the Platypus and by fire I also mean Perry the Platypus. It occured to me while I was on fire.

Perry's Mind:I told you just because you light yourself on fire, doesn't mean it will be beat your overcooked dinner.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I made a bunch of doppelgangers to discredit and totally destroy you. Behold the Platyrprolypheratoranator.

Perry's Mind: Try saying that 5 times fast.

Then the platypro- the plfbASFD- you know what, the -anator dinged and out came a Perry duplicate which had a hat placed on his head.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Meet Terry the Platypus and say hello to Larry the Platypus, and say Aloha to Jerry the Platypus.

As he introduces the clones their eyes glow red and they become angry, except for the clone named Jerry, who drools, whacks himself with a pipe, and then puts the pipe in his mouth.

Perry's Mind: That's supposed to look like me? That makes me mad. Or that might be the fact that these guys are ruining my reputation and the fact that he didn't even try to think of good names for the clones.

Jerry's Mind: This tastes like a magnet.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: yeah he was the first one out of the batch, but you know he was so cute I couldn't bare to- OW! ow.

As he continues talking, Jerry uses the pipe and hits Doofenshmirtz's knees. Doofenshmirtz then pushes Jerry away, though Jerry hits him again.

:No, no Jerry you do ont hit people you do ont OW! No use your words Jerry. Anyway, all you guys go get him.

Perry's Mind: This should be fun.

As the Perry clones (P-clones) confront the real Perry, Perry grabs a pipe and twirls it around in a cool way and starts bashing the P-clones. Then he polevaults away but the P-clones come. He starts to fight but two P-clone jump on him and then 4 more P-clones tackle him. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Jerry sit in lawn chairs eating popcorn and cheering on the P-clones like its a show.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Jerry: Yeah

Jerry's Mind: I like popcorn!

Then Perry thows back the P-clones and is okay. Jerry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz are dissapointed.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Awww.

As Perry continues to hit, whack, and decapitate P-Clone, he pole vaults and lands on the back of Jerry's lawn chair which catapults Jerry towards the -inator.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Jerry?

Jerry's Mind: I'm flying.

Jerry ends up hitting a button on the -inator a sign flashes reverse and starts sucking everything.

Jerry's Mind: Oh no! The vacuum cleaner got me.

As the -inator starts sucking up the robot parts up, Dr. Doofenshmirtz shocked and then Perry catapults Doofenshmirtz into the -inator which he gets stuck in.

Perry's Mind: Now you know how my life feels. It sucks.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Wahhhh.

As the sign now says "Danger" and beeps, the -inator clogged with P-clones and Dr. Doofenshmirtz explodes and robot parts scatter thoughout the city.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Curse you Perry the Platypus.

Meanwhile, the agents are preparing to attack Major Monogram and Carl.

Major Monogram: Well it looks like the end.

Carl: (sniff) I'll miss you sir and I can't believe I didn't get a change to use these party favors.

Major Monogram: I know Carl, I'll miss me to.

As Carl and Monogram await their gruesome deaths, some random machinery falls through the roof and knocks out all the agents.

Major Monogram: Carl, what just happened. And why is Agent P all over everyone.

Carl: These are robot parts sir. Nothing to be worried about. EEEEKKK.

Suddenly the agents awake and they shake the water off their fur and salute Major Monogram

Major Monogram: Its a miracle! Well we'd better apologize to Agent P.

As Agent P parachutes his way home, his watch beeps.

Major Monogram: (tearing up) Congratulations Agent P. I knew it couldn't be you causing all that trouble.

Perry's Mind: Now you say that.

Major Monogram: you are officially reinstated.

Carl enter the frame and blows a party favor.

Major Monogram then signs off.

Major Monogram: Well know that's taken care, Carl get changed. Your pants are soaked from the sprinklers.

Carl: Right. The sprinklers. Heh heh.

Back at-

Chorus: (singing) Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

Like I said back at-

Chorus: (singing) Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

(Groan) back at DEI, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is crying with Norm next to him.

Norm: What is the matter?

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Jerry is gone!(breaks into tears)

Norm: Oh good, I thought it was because your plan failed.

Doofenshmirtz starts crying even harder.

Norm: Well at least you have me.

Doofenshmirtz starts crying even harder then before.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Well at least he's in a better place. (Puts on his retainer) Goob Night Normb.

Later Perry and Pinky enter pet mode in Phineas and Ferb's backyard.

Perry's Mind: Thanks again for the help. How did you know I was in trouble?

Pinky's Mind: Some one tipped me off. Didn't say who they were.

Perry's Mind: Tipped you off? Uh-oh.

Phineas: Bye Candace, hope we helped. Oh there you are Perry.

Isabella: Oh there you are Pinky.

Isabella and Perry Pick up Pinky and perry and carry them home.

Later that night, Pinky is on the computer while Isabella sleeps.

Pinky writes on chatroom as Pink-187 with another member.

Pink-187: Thanks for the tip. But who are you and why did you help.

?: My name is not important. But lets just say that I did it just for myself and not for Perry. no one really matter.

As Pinky ponders what that meant the mysterious other chatter logs off.