Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon but you should know that by now. =D

A/N: Finally, The last chapter. There will be a sequel on my other pen name, A'ro most definately.

Dedication: This is dedicated to all who have put up with me and reviewed more then once which mostly is MysticBluAngel ( who kinda made me do this.. ), Ralph Wiggum, moonlightangel, Hopeful Writer, White Lily, Michigirl, Crysie, & last but not least Casey. Thank you all who only reviewed once but I thank everyone. ^^

I did say a lot of times I would finish this. The due date was in September but I got busy with school so this is most likely the final and last chapter. My internet gets cut off on the 30th so the sequel won't be up for a while. But when my internet gets back on I'll post it because it'll most likely be finished by then. Er, The first chapter atleast.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to me on the 29th so review! It'll be a perfect b- day present. ;-)

Alright, Enough delaying! Here it is, The chapter a few have been waiting for! The 8th chapter of THE SECRETS OF LIFE! Dun dun dun!

( As a side note, No building will fall on 'em or nor will they get killed by killer peacocks. Sorry Ralph. )

Ah, One more thing. I really screwed up the grades in this fic so don't flame me for it or I will track you down and poke you with a stick. I also screwed up the ages.. *cough* Oh shit.

By the way, I spent all my time writing this fic lately so I didn't have enough time to write a Yakari Christmas fic. Oh pity. Merry *or Happy* Christmas.



Tonight is the big night. No, Not my wedding night. Sadly. But tonight is prom night. Woo. I'll give you one guess for who I'm going with? What's that? You can't guess it? Hah, It's Mimi Tachikawa bakayano! Psh. I must be losing you if you didn't know that.

"Taichi, Do you mind?" Hikari leaned against the door frame giving me a weird look. What's so weird about seeing your brother dance around in the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist? Sheesh, girls.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I muttered gathering my things so she could use the bathroom and probably the shower. She thanked me after mumbling a few incoherent comments..

She was going with Yamato so I just know she wants to look perfect for a non-perfect non-gentlemen. Just kidding, just kidding. I've finally gotten use to the whole "Yamato and Hikari" thing. I had no choice. Hikari was going to kill me if I didn't adjust to it quickly.

Aside from that, And back to the topic, Tonight is prom night. Just a few months ago I started school and now look, School is slowly ending and I will be shipped off to college shortly leaving behind my loved ones and everything that means more then shit on a stick to me. How sad, I know.

Ever hear the phrase "you can't teach a old dog new tricks"? Well, It's not true. For years everyone thought my hair would grow into some living, wild, evil bubble thing on my head but I surprised them all. I Taichi Yagami have gotten a haircut. The minute I walked into the door and Hikari fainted, I knew this was a right choice.

Tonight I am wearing a tux. Yep, A tux. My bow tie is going to be straight, My shirt is going to be tucked in and ironed and my shoe laces will be tied. I'm a new man. Yup, A new man. And tonight I plan to ask the girl of my dreams, Mimi Tachikawa no less, To marry me.


Walking in on your brother who was half naked, prancing around and talking to himself wasn't pleasant. My virgin eyes! Even so I'm a sophomore I still get to go to the senior prom only because I was asked by the greatest guy in the world.

Ahh, That sounded very preppyish of me. But what can I say? I am in love with Yamato Ishida. Probably no one thought it would work out between us but its been fantastic being with him. The only part I'm worried about is college. Will he leave me here and go off to college and meet someone who is his own age and looks a hell of a lot better then I do? Maybe Yamato and I aren't destined to be together.

Anyway, I only have four more hours to get ready. I'm wearing a black speghetti-strapped dress. Nothing too flashy yet nothing too dull. Mimi helped me pick it out. If I can tame my hair, I am going to wear it down.

Speaking of taming hair, one day on a commerical break of Jerry Springer I got up to get a drink because my throat was sore from screaming at the TV and Taichi just walks in and his hair.. was cut. Not short yet it was cut. Before I knew it Taichi was splashing water in my face telling me to get up.

Scary, Isn't it? A groomed Taichi. What is this world coming to? Has Hell frooze over? Has Hell been let loose? Be afraid my friends, Very afraid.

Back to the Yamato and college issue, Will he leave me eternally? I'm still young but I feel so stupid. I shouldn't worry about it, right? RIGHT?

I guess there is only one thing to do. I have to break up with the man I love.


Man, I am nervous and boy do I feel stupid. My date to the prom ( well, technically I am her date.. ) is driving me to the prom. I do get a lot of cheers for going out with an older woman but maybe I should do something special for her. It's probably not easy for her going out with me who is in so and so many grades lower.

My hair is brushed and gel-ed, my face is clean, I had over 39 breath mints and I'm dressed. My clothes are not wrinkled, stained or look like my great-great grandfather had worn them.

I guess you can say I'm destined with Sora. We talked the other day and she sent out college applications to all the local colleges so we could be closer. I love that girl.

I wonder how things are going between Hikari and Yamato. Yamato and I hardly talk anymore. Such a pity that brothers don't even bother to keep in contact with eachother but who am I complaining about this, I don't try either.

"Takeru, Your brother is on the phone." My mother said walking into my room and handed me the phone. Yup, I bet I look smart sitting there with my mouth hanging wide open.

"Hello?" I heard him saying louder and louder. I finally revived myself and answered my long lost brother.

"Yeah?" Stupid answer then again, Look who is talking. Well, There has to be a reason for why he called me. "I mean.. HEY! What's up?"

He hesitated. "When was the last time you talked to Hikari?"

What the hell was he getting to.. "Yesterday in school I guess. Why do you ask?"

"Has she said anything about me?"

"Oh you know her! She blabbers about you all the time. Yamato-this and Yamato-that. It's so cute!"


Alright. So sarcasm isn't always the best answer.


Ooh, I am so excited! I feel like it is my wedding night only it's not but I still feel so excited. I feel just like a princess that is going to the ball with her prince charming who isn't a frog anymore. Well, Half of that is true but my darling Taichi was never a frog. Good heavens on that I tell you!

My hair is perfect, ready and done. My outfit, A red short cut dress, is on me and looks fantastic. My red heels with red straps going around the ankle fit good and look great on my lovely feet. I have diamond earrings with a matching neclace that Taichi got me for my birthday on that go positively well with what I'm wearing. My hair is up in a bun with curled hair going down and I tell you, I look great!

Taichi is going to pass out when he sees me. I'm sure he is. I wonder what he is wearing. I hope he isn't wearing that awful blue tux he wore to his grandmothers funeral. That would definately be positively awful times two!

Taichi and I applied to the same colleges so that we would both be accepted to the same one. That would be great. I'm just having doubts on if I really want to go to college. Right now I am young and daring! For instance, I'm wearing CLEAR lipstick! That's as bold as it gets! I want to travel the world. Go to exotic places, Go explore! It would be a dream come true if Taichi would agree and go with but don't you think that is a little too much to ask for from your boyfriend? What if he really wants to go to college? Ugh, Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?

Well, Tonight I tell Taichi if he nor I like it or not.


Alright, Never depend on your little brother to be serious and respectful to you because the chances are he is going to be a little sarcastic punk. If you don't have a little brother then I pity you because you're missing out on so much. Yeah right.

I want to pick up the phone and call Hikari but does she want to talk to me? I don't think she is mad/angry/upset/pissed off at me but why do I feel like she is? Ever since I've been mentioning colleges and gradution stuff around her she seems to sober up and get all quiet like me when ever my father tried to talk to me about the birds and the bees.

I don't want to leave Hikari. Maybe she thinks I do. I don't know. I guess I seriously need to grow up and make some major (adult) decisions and sacrifices.

I guess I am going to have to prove my love to Hikari or see how strong our love is.. Damn, This really bites.

I get told a lot by my so called friends/classmates that Hikari is too young for me then some cheer me on for getting "it" on with Taichi's little sister which really annoys me. I know how much she hates being referred as "Taichi's _______ sister" Fill in the blank with all sorts of shit, Baby, little, younger, whatever but I just think of her as Hikari. Major scoring points.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

Why do I get in all of the complicated situations?

I'm seventeen years old.. Hikari is sixteen. I'm almost eighteen.. she just turned sixteen. In America I guess our relationship would be illegal but this isn't America, Thank God.. Whoever that is.

I think I will call my lovely brother back up and see if he can survive my sarcasm. I love being the oldest and the.. uh, well.. wisest.


Must look perfect. Must be perfect. Must put the fect in perfect. Must pound the per in perfect.

I hate prom night. I hate it, I hate it, I hate. I just wish a building would collapse on me or my face would get eaten by killer peacocks. Well, Not really but I don't think I will survive tonight.

I should be happy, Right? I'm going with a great guy, and I look great. I'm wearing a pink dress with a ruffled bottom. It looks fantastic, Especially on me. I have my hair pinned up and a light shade of make up on - Just enough to make me look prettier then anyone else. Damn, I am full of it tonight.

Takeru is going to drop dead when he sees me.. Yet, I hope he doesn't.

Yamato and I aren't getting along fairly well anymore. I don't think he likes me much, If not at all but he will have to learn to because Takeru and I love eachother. Not that he probably cares or anything. He seems like a heartless guy, Thats why he and Hikari belong together. I can tell Hikari isn't too fond of me but she tries not to show it. Taichi is still my friend. He does tend to get a little uneasy around me but he'll slowly comprehend that I am not after him or trying to make anyone jealous anymore. Mimi still likes me but she doesn't like it when Taichi is alone with me. Such pity.

Everything seems to be changing so quickly now. Shit, I broke a damn nail. Just my luck.

There goes my perfection.


Alright. I am finally one hundred percent ready. I look great and feel hella great. Too bad my stomach doesn't agree.

I haven't told Hikari that I planned on asking Mimi to marry me because I know she'll tell Yamato then Takeru will find out who will tell Sora who will most likely tell Mimi. Not that I don't trust my own sister or anything. I just don't know if this is the right move. I mean, We didn't even graduate yet but we will soon then go off to college and have to start a new life. Damn.

Hikari has been in the bathroom getting ready since god knows when so she'll make it to the prom.. By December if she's lucky. I don't understand why it takes girls so long to get ready. Then again it takes Yamato a few days to get his hair perfect. I really don't understand people anymore. If it's not one thing, It's another. Sheesh.

Am I ready to make such a commitment? I'm still a child at heart. I guess tonight I will find out. Hopefully.

"Hello, Earth to my dearest brother." I snapped out of it. Hikari sat on my bed looking absolutely uh, well, without making this sound incest-y but she looked good. Yamato better app-. "Will you get your head out of the clouds?" She rolled her eyes.

"Huh?" Smart move. I wish I had a forward/rewind button sometimes so I could make myself look less stupid. Hell, I could make myself look as smart as ever but it'll never happen so I better stop exciting myself but hey, I can dream can't I?

Shut up.

"How do I look?" My sister asked ignoring my actions and stood up then spun around. "Do I look good enough for a senior prom?"

"Well." My mouth opened before I could think. "You'll look better then a lot of other girls there."

Her jaw dropped. "Taichi!"

Only I could make her make that kind of face. Man, I feel so special inside. Too bad she wanted to kill me at this particular moment.

"I kid Hika, I kid." I was actually thinking before I spoke. "You look great. Yamato is a lucky guy. But if he hurts you in any way-"

"What's that? Is someone at the door?" She totally ignored me then walked out of the room. She had heard what she wanted to hear from me so now I was useless and just a big joking threat to her.

Oh well. I will have a chance when he gets here. She'll kill me but it's worth it..

I hope.


Atleast my brother is learning to think before he speaks. Sometimes I feel like I can read his mind but then again I've been living with him for the past 16ish years. Hell, I know what brand of underwear he uses. Too much information, I know, I know.

I wish I was a senior so I could graduate with Yamato. That would be a dream come true but I guess I have to face reality sometime. That just sucks. I need to grow up and realize that everything that has happened to me has been a figment of my imagination. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and it's going back to the first day of school where Yamato probably doesn't even know I exsist. But I pinched myself numerous times so that's not going to happen unless I dream it.

I think Taichi is going to ask Mimi to marry him. He's been acting weirder then usual lately and I heard him saying to the mirror "will you marry me" and stuff so unless he's cheating on Mimi with some dillweed we don't know I'll just say he is going to ask Mimi. I don't care if he does or doesn't. I think I'll just focus my mind on my relationship with Yamato.

Yep, Sounds good to me.

Takeru has been acting funny around me too lately. I think he doesn't like the idea of his brother and I dating. I was told me used to like me more then a friend but I doubt it's true. He has Sora and it looks like he is happy with her. I know Sora really likes him too so I doubt she'll go off and kiss another guy or Taichi again. If she does, Then she really is stupider then she acts/looks.

Oh god. The doorbell just rung. Yamato is here, Yamato is here.

Time to face life without tripping and falling on my face. Well, If I could manage. Taichi ran out of his room and happily opened the door. Either he plans on threatening Yamato some more or he wants me to get the hell out of the house so he could go pick Mimi up and make a fool out of himself as he attempts to dance at the prom.

"Hello Yamato." He answered the door smiling. I knew this smile. It was his 'I'm-a-sneaky-older-brother-who-is-trying-to-look-innocent-but-is- doing-a-terrible-job-of-it.' Oh brother.

"Hello.." I heard him say as he walked in. I nearly fainted. He looked so good in his neatly ironed black tux. He turned his head and stared at me for a few seconds then blinked and smiled. "Hey Hika."

I grinned. Tonight was going to be quite a night.


I don't think Yamato ever plans on calling me back. What a pity. It's not like I can ask him for any girl advice, Haha. If anything he should come crawling back here, asking ME for advice. I think I know Hikari a lot better then he does.. Well, Maybe not. For all I know he knows where her birthmark is if you know what I mean. That's kinda perverted for me to say but I don't know how far they've gone.. And I don't think I really want to know. Sheesh, No pleasant thoughts there.

I'm waiting for Sora to call and tell me when she wants to meet me. I'm kinda screwed here. I don't know if I am meeting her or if she is picking me up or if I am picking her.. Wait, How do I pick her up? If she wants to ride on the front bars of my bike she can but that's.. pretty sad if she would ever have to. I'd hate to embarrass her like that.

"Takeru, Phone." My mother said once again and walked into my room and handed me the phone. "It's Sara."

"Sora." I glared at her then corrected her. I know she didn't like Sora but what can I do about it? Marry then get Sora pregnant? Ah, I think not.

"Takeru, You there?" I heard the voice call from the receiver call. Did she ever realize my mom never cared enough to get her name right? Hmm, I wonder... "TAKERU?!"

"Hi." I said then mentally slapped/kicked/stabbed/jabbed/slashed myself. Why do I always have to say the stupid things? Quick recovery I tell you that. "Hey Sora, What's happening?"

"Nothing.." She trailed off. Was that good or bad, Good or bad, GOOD or BAD? "I was wondering if you were ready so I could pick you up now."

"Uh.. Yeah sure. I'm ready." I felt stupid. Did she feel stupid because I sure as hell felt stupid right about now.

"Alright see you in a few.." She hesitated then sighed. "And Takeru?"

I drooled. "Yes?"

"I love you."

Aww. I feel so loved.

"I love you too."

I love those sappy moments between boyfriend and girlfriend. They bring tears to my eyes..

Not really but I try to be more sensitive.


I sat on my couch waiting for my lovely prince charming to call.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

This could drive a person mad.

Finally the phone does ring and to my surprise it is my lovely boyfriend.

"Sorry, I had to give Yamato a pep talk." His voice seemed a little strained. I couldn't imagine why.

"It's okay." I lied without even realizing it. "I didn't even realize it. I got all caught up on a movie on TV."

He coughed. "What movie?"

Uh oh. Think Mimi, Think! Use your brilliant little mind that Taichi loves you so much for.

"Uh, It'snotimportant!" I said quickly then changed the subject. "What are our plans for tonight?"

"Well, I am ready to pick you up." He said. I could sense him smiling. He was holding out on me. "Are you ready?"

I ignored the fact that I've been ready for quite awhile. "Just about.. But you can pick me up now."

"Alright. I'll be there soon."

"I lo-"


Well, I did say he was lovely.


"Listen here Ishida, If you even put ONE hand on her.." I sighed as Taichi babbled on and on. I feel bad for Hikari. She said Taichi goes easy on me because he knows me and kinda trusts me but right now I'd hate to see what he does to people who he doesn't know or trust. Someone please put a cork in this guy! "And as her boyfriend I am trusting you to protect her and keep all the guys and girls away from here. No touchy touchy, No feely feely, After the dance you bring her right back home and no kiss, no nothing..." On and on he goes. How does he do it.. Nobody knows.. You would think after awhile he would need some air like a normal person but noo.. Taichi isn't a normal person. "Got that Ishida?"

HUH? Think fast Ishida.. Think fast..

"Yes Sir, Anything sir!" I saluted him and Hikari burst out laughing then hit her brother on the arm and he winced in pain. Wow.

"Taichi, Now that you are done pestering Yama, Can we go.. Like now.. Like right now?" She asked her eyes growing wide. She looked innocent and cute but this was her death glare that warned she would bite your head off if you disagreed with her. He nodded ever so slowly and she sighed happily, grabbed my arm and got out of the house as soon as she could - nearly killing me in the process. Boy do I love her for the weird things she does.

"Yamato..?" She asked after we got into the car. I looked over at her as if to say 'what?'. She paused. "Do you love me?"

"More then anything." I said wondering where she was going with this. I started the car, ignored Taichi who was looking out of the window, then glanced over at her. "Why?"

"Just wondering."

I hesitated. "Do you love me?"

"I-" She paused which made my heart sink. She looked out the window and said nothing else.

Oh shit.


I picked up Takeru about twenty minutes later. My mom ever so kindly let me use her car. For some odd reason she really likes Takeru. I can tell his mother doesn't like me. Mostly because Sara, Samara, Saki, Sana, Saria, Saru, Soko, etc is what she usually calls me. How splendid. I feel so loved in the Takaishi house.

I knocked on the apartment door and he answered looking as good as ever. He was taller then me, Very well built and looked absolutely great in his tux. The greatest part was; He wasn't wearing a hat. My knees went weak.

"Hey." He smiled at me warmly then walked out, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Ready for a night of action?" I asked him and he looked at me lamely which made me giggle like a blonde cheerleader flirting with the captain of the basketball team. Ah, The memories..

We got into my car and I drove to the school. Right about then I realized something.

"Do you really want to?" I asked looking at him. He looked up from the button on his sleeve and gave me a weird look. "Want to just skip the prom and go do something?"

"Whatever floats your boat." He said then smiled which made him look like he was relieved. "Do you really want to miss your prom?"

"Meh, I wanted to go but it seems so boring now." I explained just not so good. "Let's go do something fun."

Who knew what tonight could lead to.


I picked up Mimi a little while after I talked to her on the phone. My damn car stalled making me late but with Mimi I try not to have any excuses, 'Speically "my car stalled." She won't care and will be mad at me for the rest of the night so I stopped and got her roses on the way.

"Oh Taichi, They're beauitful!" She gasped when she saw me holding them. Does she comment on how I look? No. She took the roses away from me then walked into the kitchen. "I'll put them in water now."

It only took her 10 minutes to do that. Well, Give or take a few. She did looked wonderful. Hmm, Was that clear lipstick she was wearing? How daring of her.

"I'm ready." She said to me as she walked out of the kitchen grabbed her coat then my hand. "I love you Taichi."

"And I love you Meems." I said suddenly feeling weird. Remember that weird feeling you got when you saw your crush passing you in the hallway then you end up tripping and falling? This feeling is nothing like that. It's the feeling of love.

We finally left her apartment, Arm in arm, but I felt like she was holding something out on me but she's my girlfriend and I trust her. Damn, I wish I wasn't so trusting. I know that after the whole Sora incident she doesn't like me around Sora or around any other girl for that matter. She said once she was afraid she might lose me.

"You look positively beautiful." I said to her as I started my car, Mentally threatening it to work properly.

"Thanks. So do you." She said quietly and smiled at me. "Taichi, Do you really love me?"

"Yes, I love you more then life itself." I said soon puzzled by her actions. Where was she going with this?

"Oh." Was all she said in return.

This wasn't good.


The rest of the car ride was silent. Yamato didn't look at me, or say anything. How could I be so stupid? It's too late to say that now. I feel like this night is never going to end.

"Want to.. uh, get something to eat first?" He finally spoke up but he didn't look at me.

"I-" I got tongued tied again and he gripped the wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. "You-"

"I'll take that as a yes." He said with very little sarcasm and from what I could see he was smiling ever so slightly. "Where do you want to eat?"

"I-" Everyone, Kill me now! Just aim then shoot. Tonight was going to be the worst night ever and I was ruining it more and more each time I opened my mouth. "I'm not hungry."

"Alright." He muttered and the slight smile was replaced by a grim one. He didn't look so happy.

"I'm sorry." I suddenly said, Fifteen minutes too late. He didn't say anything. He just kept his eyes on the road. We finally got to the school's gymnasium where the prom was being held at. He parked the car but neither of us moved.

"You don't love me." His voice cracked and I felt light-headed. I said nothing. He sighed then looked at me. "Well?"

"I'm sorry." I shook my head. What was I saying? How could I be so stupid?!

"Me too." He snapped then got out of the car and walked off towards the enterance of the gymnasium. I sighed then leaned back. Why me? Yamato probably hates me now and most likely thinks I hate him. I knew this night wasn't going to lead into anything good. I guess asking to have a fun night was too much to ask for.

"I love you Yamato." I whispered then got out of the car and walked in the same direction he had walked in.

At times like this, I really need a fast forward/rewind button in my life. But even that is too much to ask for.

Kill me now..


I stared at Sora. Was she serious? Did she really want to miss her prom night? I know she wasn't big on these kind of things but.. Oh well, This was her choice, Not mine. Not mine at all. Right now we were headed to what looked like the middle of nowhere. Oh yay, Where I always wanted to go. It was silent in the car.

Wait a minute..

..Was she planning on taking me somewhere then killing me and leaving my remains to decay in a open feild where no one will find them but if someone does all you will see is a skeleton and insects crawling out of the eye, mouth and nose openings.

Ahh, My poor face. My poor beautiful face.

Well, I know I don't have to worry about that ever happening ( Hopefully ) thank goodness. I know Sora loves me so she won't do that to me. ( Hopefully ) I don't think she's a murderess.. Atleast, I hope not. I'd hate her piss her off then. It's like if you make one mistake your head gets chopped off.

I really need to stop watching all those horror films.

"Hey, You okay?" She suddenly asked me. It took me a minute to realize I turned pale, and was breathing really hard.

"Yeah, Just thinking." I said forcing a smile but then suddenly grinned at her. "So where are we going?"

"You'll see." She said then winked at me.

Damn, I hope I survive tonight.


I cuddled next to Taichi as he drove. I couldn't tell him this now. He seemed so happy now and I don't want to be the blame for when he has a heart attack then dies. I wouldn't mind collecting in insurance though.. Hey, I am kidding, Lighten up!

He seemed tensed up since I had said "Oh" but he looked like he didn't remember but I could tell it was hanging in his mind. I really need a few lessons in life, Just to learn some of its secrets, You know what I'm saying? I want to know all of life's secrets. It would be hilarious. The secrets of life. Heh, If only it were possible.

"Taichi.. I didn't mean it." I finally found the words to say. "It came out wrong. I'm glad you love me because I love you so much."

He smiled and hugged me close to him. "You're a doll Meems. I love you."

I smiled. If he was happy, I was happy. If he was sad, I was sad. If he was angry, I was angry. See, Us close relationship'ers have what we call a same emotion relationship. We feel for eachother.

What on earth am I talking about..

Ever think you were dropped on the head a lot as a baby? Well, I think I was. My mom does have a habit of dropping things..

"You OK?" Taichi suddenly asked me. "You look panic-struck."

What was that supposed to mean? With Taichi.. you never know. He was just concerned.. That's all.. I hope.

"I'm just peachy." I said kissing him then looked out the window as rain slowly started to fall.

Hmm.. The secrets of life..


I can't believe.. I don't understand.. I am lost. I am a stupid idiot who probably just lost the one person he loves. I really need a rewind button but I'm just so confused right now. As far as I can tell Hikari doesn't love me. Does that mean she doesn't like me? Does that mean she wants to break up with me? Damn. I need a cigarette.

"Hey Yamato." A girl in my History class said coming up to me smiling. "Come alone?"

"No." I muttered crossing my arms. Actually, I didn't know. For all I know Hikari is done with me.

"Then where is your date?" She paused. "Oh yeah, You're going out with some young girl aren't you?"

I could feel my blood boil. "She's not a young girl."

"What is she in, Diapers?" The girl laughed. I felt like smacking her right then and now.

"No." I snapped. "She already grew out of them, Unlike you."

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away. I sighed.

Today was going to be an interesting and long night.

"Yamato?" A voice called weakly. I turned around quickly to see Hikari standing there.

I took a step forward. "Yes?"

"I think - you and I - should break up." I stood there dumbfounded as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She turned on her heel and ran out leaving me there.

"HIKARI!" I shouted after her but it was too late. She was gone. I couldn't let this happen. So I ran after her.

For once I think I made a right decision.


Takeru and I were having a blast. We talked, joked and were having more then we would probably have at the prom.

"We're here." I said stopping the car. He got out and looked around then looked at me strangely.

"All I see are trees and hills." I nodded smiling at him and he shrugged then looked around.

"Follow me." I said grabbing his hand and walked into the forest. I couldn't tell him where I was taking him but I think he had an idea.


Trees and hills.

What was she up to? I have no idea.

Are my fears coming true? Is she going to scalp me or something then leave me for dead? Ah, Hell nah but it would be hilarious to see, seeing how she hates doing any manual work.

We walked along a path then suddenly it started to rain. I sighed and cursed mentally to myself.

"Don't worry." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "Not even the rain can ruin this surprise 'Keru."

Uh oh.


We finally arrived at the prom after slowly taking our time. I didn't see Yamato or Hikari so I was a bit worried but I know I could trust Yamato.. Atleast I hope I could.

"Wow, It's beautiful." Mimi sighed. "They made an old, smelly gym a nice one. Wow."

"It's not as beautiful as you." As corny as that sounded.. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Let's dance."

She nodded smiling and just like it was on cue a slow dance song came up. As we slowly started dancing it quickly turned into a fast one. Suddenly I felt a jerk in my calf. Like a dog was biting a mail man. I cried out in pain and fell to the floor.

"Taichi!" I heard Mimi cry out. Ah, There's nothing better then pulling a muscle at your prom as you dance infront of everyone. "Are you ok? Do you need medical help?"

"I'm fine." I said trying to stand up but ending up wincing in pain. Mimi bit her lower lip then helped me get up without me having to put pressure on my leg.

Tonight wasn't going well at all.


He didn't understand. How could I be so stupid?! I should've sticked to guy around my own age that can't tell a screw from a nail.

"Hikari!" He called as I ran into the pouring rain. I couldn't believe him, I couldn't believe this. Within a minute I was soaking wet, inside and out.

"Dammit Hikari!" I heard him shout then he grabbed my arm and jerked me back. "Don't pretend like you didn't hear me calling you."

"Let me go!" I snapped kicking him in the shin. He let out a soft groan but did not lose his grip, Instead it tightened. "I will scream."

"Anything but that." He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "Talk to me Hikari, Tell me what is wrong. Now, Come on."

"I love you Yamato." I broke out in sobs. "I can't express the ways you mean to me. I'm sorry Yamato but I love you more then anything. More then I have ever felt for anyone."

I fell forward into his arms and he held me close to him.


"Yes?" I sniffled.

"Will you marry me?"



"Sora, Where are we going?.. Wait, Do you even know where we are going?" Takeru asked wrapping one arm around my face then looked around and coughed. Sheesh, I hope I am not getting him sick. That would be just awful.

"Yes, I know where we are going and it is a surprise." I stated to him and smiled. This was going to be good.. Well, I hope it is going to be.

"Meh." He said sighing and I chuckled.

Suddenly I realized something. "'Keru, We're not on the pathway anymore."

"Huh?" He asked looking around. "Oh shit, This isn't good. Not at all."

I held him close to me then closed my eyes tightly trying to remember. Going with a feeling I pointed to the east and looked at him. "Let's go that way."

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright.."

We walked in that direction into we came to a clearing. A cliff with a look out view so you can see into a closed off lake. The sun reflected off it and it looked beautiful.

"We're here." I stated and walked quickly forward.

"Sora- wait!" He said but I didn't listen and walked to the edge of the cliff. Suddenly it crumbled and I fell forward into the lake.


"Sora!" I shouted running forward and lucky grabbed her arm. I gasped as she dangled beneath me. This wasn't good at all.

"Takeru!" She cried out looking up at me with fear in her eyes. "Help me, Please!"

I nodded and slowly started to rise her up but my grip was too slipperly. "No!"

"TAKERU!" Her voice screamed with fear as I watched her fall into the rocky, dirty lake. I stared helplessly. What could I do?






I fell back in shock. No, She was alive, She didn't fall. That didn't just happen. It didn't. Someone please tell me it didn't. I laid there cowered up. I was lost and alone. Why Sora? Why me? No. No. No.

My mind is swirling.


My love.

"Help!" I heard a faint yell for help. I quickly stood up and appeared over the cliff to see Sora holding on to the edge of a cliff with her dear life.

She's alive.

I had to think and I had to think fast. Then I remember my cell phone in my pocket. I take it out and call for help.

Within thirty minutes help came, resucing my Sora.

"Takeru!" She cried out happily after she was pulled to safety. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I was so scared."

"So was I." I said holding her as close as possible. "So was I.

"I'm sorry 'Keru." She whispered and I shook my head.

"No, I'm sorry." I said breaking the hug then looked at her. "I love you."

I pulled her into another tight hug.

"And I love you."


Hikari stared at me with her eyes opened wide. "A-are you serious?"

"Serious as I'll ever be." I said slowly. I did mean it. Right now my only fear was rejection. "So.. Will you?"

"Yes." She broke out in a new set of tears - happy tears. - and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly.

"I'm afraid of what your brother is going to say. He might kill me."

She chuckled and smile. "He won't kill you, Just strangle."

Oh yeah, That's much better.


I sat with Taichi in the nurses off. He's in a sour mood because he pulled a muscle and has to sit down. I guess now is the best time to talk to him.. I mean, He can't even run after me. Heh, That's a plus.


He looked at me. "Hmm?"

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked crossing his arms. "Now that you mention it, I have to talk to you too."

I got up and sat down closer to him which might've been a mistake, I don't know but I did anyway.

"Me first." I smiled gently and he nodded smiling. "Listen Taichi, I know we promised to go to college together.. but, You see I've had a change of plans."

His smile faded.

"I don't want to go to college, Not now atleast. I'm sorry."

He took a deep breath. "Then what do you plan on doing?"

"I want to travel around for a bit. Just a year or two." I looked down at my hands. "And I was wondering if you would like to go with."

He stared at me.

"I know it is a lot to ask but-"

He took out a small black case from his pocket and opened it. A beautiful diamond ring laid inside.

"Marry me?" He asked and I felt my eyes watering up. I stood up and shook my head.

"I- I can't. I'm sorry." I said and he dropped the case.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I'm sorry Taichi." I whispered. "I just can't."

He turned away from me and looked out the window.

"Later." I said walking out of the room and ran down the hallway and into the girls bathroom.

Then on top of my lungs I screamed "I DO!"

I guess this is what they mean by when they say life is full of surprises. And now life has its secrets.


A/N: There will be a sequel so please don't ask for one.

I had to hurry this up because I'm leaving early tomorrow so I won't be home tomorrow or the day after.

I hope you enjoyed it so tell me by reviewing! Flames and all.

And sadly this was supposed to be longer so I'm sorry. *sniff*


- Authoress