3rd try
Seto lunged himself off his bed, thudding into the carpeted ground. He groaned slightly, rubbing his head to ease the pain. He instantly became distracted when he listened to dancing raindrops beating against his window. He inhaled, and glimpsed at his clock which read 7:40. Lazily, he propped himself up and began changing into his uniform.
After a few minutes of getting ready, he leisurely stepped downstairs. As he reached the bottom of the staircase, he called jokingly,
"Mokuba! Hurry up or I'm leaving without you!" With that, a young kid scampered from upstairs, almost running out of breath. Both grabbed their bags and headed out the door.
The Audi droned quietly as Seto pulled out of the driveway. Mokuba kept fidgeting in his seat. He always contained so much energy and could hardly sit still, mainly because he hated riding with the driver and much rather have Seto drive.
"Seto?" Mokuba squeaked, gazing outside at the rhythmic rain.
"I know you're probably busy, but…I was wondering. Could we see a movie tonight?"
Seto contemplated on the thought. Yes, he did have a meeting today but the weather was ideal and he really didn't feel like dealing with corporate big wigs. The meeting could wait.
"Does Iron Man 2 sound good?" Seto questioned. Mokuba's eyes lit, filled with glee, and he enthusiastically nodded his head.
As Seto arrived at school, everyone scurried inside to avoid sheets of rain. Seto journeyed through the rain, inhaling as much of the smell as he could. When he entered the student-filled hallway, his eyes became entangled with another's: Joey. Cobalt and crimson clashed, and Seto darted to his first class. It increasingly became impossible for him not to think of Joey. His hair, his attitude. They often quarreled, but it was mostly on Seto's part. He couldn't bring himself to randomly go up to the guy he's crazy about and blurt out, "Hey, I know we hate each other but I'm in love with you."
No. The idea was stupid, and impossible. He just had to face facts and move on, if that were possible.
By the end of the day, the humble rain transformed into a full-fledged storm, complete with howling winds. He raced to his car and sped off, hoping desperately not to reach traffic.
While sluggishly driving downtown, he eyes caught glimpse of a peculiar apartment: battered and bruised. Outside, he spotted Joey: bent over on the ground and soaked to the bone. He discerned his face, which was tinted with blood. Seto slammed on the brakes as a man, with broad shoulders and thinning hair, came from inside the apartment, gaining in on Joey. He read the anger on the man's lips,
"Fag! Run out on me one more time, I swear!" With that, Seto rushed out of his car and approached the man.
"Back away from him. Now." He spat, rage filling throughout his body. His clenched his fights until his knuckles were pure white. The man bellowed,
"Or what, queer? Do I need to kill you, too?" Seto instantly knew that this man was Joey's father. They shared the same shade of blond and same eyes. The anger in the man's voice was just enough to inform Seto that he was serious, and he needed to do something, now.
Without thought, Seto's fist collided with the man's face, causing him to gripe in pain. Before the man could react, Seto plunged the edge of his hand into the man's throat. The man crashed into the ground, and Seto dashed towards Joey. He could tell that there was no painless way for him to get up. So, he crouched to the ground and lifted up Joey. His hoarse voice tried to speak,
"Shh." Seto hushed. He hastily opened the back door and carefully placed Joey in the back seat. As they sped off, Seto dialed his phone.
"Dr. Carlise? It's me, Seto Kaiba. Could you perhaps make a house visit? It's rather urgent." With that, the phone clicked, and Seto raced to get the puppy home.
Pacing for a good hour, Seto stopped immediately as Dr. Carlise exited the guest room.
He rushed towards her, "How is he? He's going to be okay, right?"
The doctor sighed, "His wrist is sprained and there's a broken rib, so I wrapped him with a rib belt. I advise that you keep a watchful eye on him."
"Of course." Seto urged.
The doctor nodded, and made her way out of the mansion. Mokuba jogged towards Seto, questioning,
"Is Joey gonna be okay?"
"He will be; he just needs some rest." Mokuba let out an, "Okay," and headed the opposite direction. Seto eyed the door, desiring to just go in there and at least be in the same room as him. Cautiously, he turned the door knob and stepped quietly into the room. Joey was sleeping peacefully, without a sign of worrying on his face. Seto sat on a nearby chair, just making sure that Joey would be okay.
Seto shifted in his seat as he felt slight tapping and shaking against his shoulder,
"Kaiba? Come on, wake up," Joey whispered. Seto blinked his eyes open to see Joey, out of bed.
"You need to go back to bed. I'll be fine."
"Nope, I insist. You should sleep in a real bed." Joey argued.
"Not before you do." Seto retaliated. Joey sighed, and sat at the edge of the bed. Seto got to his feet and sat next to Joey, asking,
"So, how are you feeling?"
"Could be better, but I can't complain." Joey shrugged, causing him to slightly grimace in pain.
"Kaiba…" he trailed, "Why, why did you do what you did?"
"You were hurt. Yeah, we may not like each other, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless and I'm going to let someone continually beat you to death. I'm not that much of an ass." Seto bit back his tongue. You do like him! Hell, I think you love him!
Joey wrapped his arms around Seto, whispering to him, "Thank you." Seto returned the hug, both enveloped in warmth. As the broke the bond, iciness coated them once more.
Joey questioned, "So, does this mean you don't hate me? Even if I am a 'mutt'?"
"I don't." Seto blurted. Joey whipped his head towards him, eyes sparked with interest.
Seto sighed, "I don't hate you Joey. I never had."
Confusion overwhelmed Joey, "Then, what was with the fights and the constant dog-calling?"
Both shared a moment of silence. The air in the room became thicker as Seto gazed at his fingers, his body trembling as it became harder to breathe. This was crazy, but he was actually going to go through with it. He was finally going to tell him, if he didn't die of nervousness first.
So sweet I can hardly speak
Due to such trauma in my teeth
"Just a cover up." He muttered.
"What were you covering up, then?" Joey asked, honestly concerned.
Seto delicately placed his hand over Joey's wounded one. He gazed into those crimson eyes, gulping. No turning back now. Just do it.
"The fact that…" his words hung unmoving, as he gripped Joey's hand just a bit tighter.
Practice makes perfect
Practice makes perfect sense
"… I love you, Joey."
Seto's chest became heavy, his heart beating faster and faster. Why isn't he saying anything? The silence almost drove Seto to the point of insanity. Without warning, Joey titled his head, and shut his eyes. Seto sealed his, and a chaste pair of lips melted with his. They both inhaled sharply and Seto's heart began to swell enormously. Their kiss was broken by Joey's words gasping words,
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for that."
Practice makes perfect sense to me