Disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon Ball Z or any of its characters.

Title: Gohan

Father-son centric

Summary: Goku reflects on Gohan's birth before he is to face his older brother, Raditz. Will Piccolo's absence in Goku's greatest crisis lead Earth's Greatest Hero to the dark side? One-Shot


The day he was born I knew all had changed. There were no longer any suspicions just pure facts. My son is everything and everyone else was nothing.

I can remember the clear shock along with denial written on Krillin's face as I made my decision.

"He said a hundred right?" I questioned. There was no way I was going to get this wrong when my son's life was at risk.

Krillin's eyes stared into mine's in horror. The disbelief reflected off his eyes as he nodded robotically. "Why are you asking, Goku? You aren't really considering his offer."

I didn't say anything. My mind was trying to figure out where the nearest city was located.

Krillin's angry voice broke apart my thoughts, "You've fought bigger and won! What makes this situation so different?"

It happened by instinct. The hand that closed around Krillin's throat holding him off the ground unconsciously tightened while his words echoed in my head.

"The difference is that now I have a son. One that may die at any second because of the brother I just found out about. Can you tell what's different now, Krillin?" I explained.

Bulma's shocked gasp didn't escape my ears.

"I meant that you shouldn't rush into anything, Goku." Krillin wheezed out, "Think about it for a second. There is always another way."

Master Roshi was quick to agree. His old form slowly easing beside me placing a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Krillin's right, Goku. Give us a second to think and we can find a way to save Gohan."

I took time to think it over. 'Gohan was in danger. My brother was far stronger than me; he was ruthless both with his power and bargaining. Honestly, there was no promise that he wouldn't kill Gohan before tomorrow. He would probably just kill him when he got annoyed.'

Gohan's smiling face flashed through my mind. All the memories of my son crying surfaced. I loved Gohan's gentle nature, but I wasn't so naïve to think that Raditz would love it if Gohan could work even his mother's nerves. There was no other way. It had to be fast. I had to bring it to Raditz, before Raditz brought me a dead body.

I looked into my long time best friend's eyes. He knew what was coming. Krillin's quiet voice played against the hand still holding him, "Goku, you can't? I won't let you."

Tears glossed over Bulma's eye. Her grief filled words rung in my head like a wind chime, "Goku, please. Don't do this. You're Earth's Hero."

They were words that sealed away all doubt. I was Earth's Hero, but now I am father.

Roshi tightened his grip on my shoulder.

"Good bye, my friends." I muttered. The quick action of my arm easily broke his neck. It was an instant death; yet, the alarm of it all paralyzed Roshi and Bulma long after it. Each one went down with the flick of my wrist or thrust of my arm. I had never noticed how easy it was to kill a human.

Three down. Only ninety-seven to go.

I think I'll have my son back by dinner.


AN: My first DBZ fan fiction! Please forgive or just point out any spelling or grammar issues in a review. I just finished watching DBZ Kai and this undeniable urge to write about Goku's other option hit me. Gohan's small cry for his dad set the whole thing into action. I wanted a darker Goku that actually put family before Earthly Crisis.

I'm thinking of keeping this as a One-Shot, however that may change. Please R&R